The show is over.

The musicians ended the performance with a wonderful display of skills.

The dancers concluded with a sincere bow.

The audience woke up with thunderous applause.

Some were even so excited that they jumped up from their seats, forced their way through the crowd and stumbled towards the exit, their faces haggard and pale, and their eyes seemed confused and lifeless.

But Watson was okay. Apart from the shock at the beginning of the performance, the subsequent dance seemed ordinary in his eyes. It was not that the dancer's posture was not graceful, nor that the media of later generations had developed a taste, but that he simply lacked art. Cell people.

Dance, music, painting... things that require perceptual thinking and taste are no different from the stones on the ground and the grass on the roadside in his eyes.

At least from whether there were signs of being crushed on the grass, he could also infer the number of soldiers and baggage that had been here before. But these literary and artistic things... Watson really couldn't figure it out.

Perhaps because he has changed his body, the structure of his brain may also be different. Watson found that his imagination has become more abundant, and he often thinks of some inexplicable things... But these meaningless reveries and illusions, It's actually quite interesting.

While the rest of the audience, including Holmes, were focused on the stage, Watson was wandering around with interest.

Only then did he realize that as the performance progressed, the atmosphere in the venue became increasingly fanatical. Everyone seemed to be addicted to the dance that seemed to contain the power of the moth. Even the bartender at the bar and the waiters in the venue were all paying attention. Betting on the table.

Watson didn't even notice when he passed by them, he just stared at the dancer's figure infatuatedly.

Watson went to the toilet first, not because he was in a hurry, but because he was looking for other escape routes and exits in the venue out of some professional habit.

He discovered that the bathroom of the Slaughter Club was very innovative with a series of palm-sized glazed windows, which not only facilitated the circulation of air, but also prevented the entry and exit of ill-intentioned people.

He thought about going to the backstage of the performance to find out what was going on, but was intercepted by the sober staff.

He also found a hidden staircase leading to the upper level. Unfortunately, two thin and capable security guards blocked the way. Judging from the strange bulges on both sides of his waist, he must be equipped with firearms.

The performance had just ended when he returned to his seat. Holmes, who had come back to his senses, looked at Watson who had just sat down and asked quietly:

"Did you notice anything unusual?"

Watson took a sip of his beer, glanced to the side, and said, "There is a staircase leading to the upper floor, but there are two security guards with guns. In my current situation, I cannot pass through quietly."

In fact, it is not impossible, but Watson still has to create a disabled persona, which is not suitable for exposing his true strength in front of everyone, especially in front of Holmes.

While they were talking, Mr. Agdistis, the club manager who had just finished the performance, slowly walked over. He asked with a smile:

"What do you think of the effect of this performance?"

Holmes gave a thumbs up, "It's really wonderful! I didn't expect to find such a beautiful performance here. I will definitely come here often in the future!"

Agdistis bowed slightly and said, "Thank you for your appreciation. Customers' praise is the motivation for us to improve our performance."

He noticed that the disabled man beside him did not reply.

"It seems that this gentleman is not satisfied with the performance. Is there any inappropriate performance?"

Watson smiled awkwardly, "'s probably because I don't have enough appreciation ability to taste the beauty of it."

Agdistis put on a meaningful smile, "Oh...I see."

Holmes went straight to the point, "Mr. Agdistis, now that the performance is over, can you tell us the reason for the reserved seats?"

"That's natural." The club manager said slowly: "The reason is very simple. The Duke of Holmes's family is a famous wealthy family in London. Our club has always hoped to get the attention and care of the upper aristocracy. Earlier, the security guard at the front door saw a sign with your Excellency printed on it. The carriage with the family coat of arms was lingering in front of the door, and he immediately told me about this, and I quickly vacated my seat and went outside to greet you two. "

Holmes felt that there seemed to be a deeper meaning to this matter, but the other party's logic was generally smooth, so she stopped pursuing it and asked the key points instead:

"That aside, do you know a man named Harris Boot, who should be a regular at your club."

"Mr. Harris..." Agdistis nodded, "You are right, he is indeed a regular guest of our store. If I remember correctly, he is also your cousin, Miss Holmes."

"Haha, you guys are pretty well informed." Holmes smiled slightly and then asked, "Have you heard from him recently? When was the last time he came?"

"Sorry, this involves customer privacy. I'm sorry that I can't sue——"

Agdistis's words stopped suddenly, and a look of contemplation appeared on his handsome face, but Watson always felt that the other party seemed to be listening, just like a bartender accepting orders from his ear.

The club manager suddenly changed his tone: "Since Miss Holmes is Mr. Harris's close cousin, it is not a breach of privacy. If you have any information you want to know, it's okay to ask."

"Did he show anything unusual or particularly eye-catching when he came here recently?"

Hmm... Agdistis thought for a moment, but Watson looked more like he was listening.

"The last time Mr. Harris visited our store was on Wednesday night last week. At that time, he came with two gentlemen with strange faces. I am really ashamed to say that I heard about Harris from the sidelines. According to some of Mr. Harris’s conversations, he seemed to be planning to go to dangerous East London to buy property. Although his two friends tried to stop him, Mr. Harris seemed to be determined to do so.”

"East London..."

Holmes frowned slightly, and couldn't help but feel a little worried... The eastern area was a thick black shadow that could not be ignored in the glamorous city of London. It was filled with dense row houses and narrow and deep alleys, and the people who lived there were those who were born due to the prosperity of the industrial power. attracted immigrants.

However, as local industry and manufacturing gradually declined, these passionate immigrants gradually became cheap labor in sweatshops exploited by capitalists.

They are crowded into low-cost housing with dim lighting, dirty air, and extremely poor living conditions, like cattle and horses kept in pens.

Herds of filthy cattle and horses gathered together to form the largest slum in London.

But poverty and suffering do not breed pure goodness. On the contrary, they are an excellent breeding ground for evil.

Scotland Yard's police force is extremely insufficient, and it is really difficult to control East London, which has extremely complex terrain, population and culture. Gradually, it has become a lawless land, and it is also the area with the highest crime rate in London!

All kinds of gang members are entrenched here, fighting for interests all day long, and the streets are red with blood... Harris, a kid from a wealthy family who has been pampered since childhood, steps into East London, which is like a fat sheep walking into hunger on his own. of wolves!

"Thank you. Do you also know where Harris plans to purchase real estate?"

Agdistis shook his head slightly, "I'm very sorry, I don't understand this part very well."

"All right……"

Now that the next clue had been discovered and the performance was over, Holmes stood up straight away.

"Let's go Watson, let's take a trip to East London before it's too late."

Watson silently lifted his cane, nodded slightly to thank the waiting club manager, and followed the anxious female detective away.

Agdistis watched the carriage of Duke Holmes' family gradually go away and disappear into the shadows at the end of the street, and then replied in his heart:

"Boss, I have followed your instructions and revealed Harris's whereabouts to them."

A hoarse, lazy and magnetic female voice sounded inside his head.


Recently, I saw several book friends mentioning Moran Bookstore. In fact, this book originally had this part of the plot, but later I considered that it is too easy for bookstores to obtain secret transmissions. Meager worldly money can be exchanged for dangerous secrets. Knowledge... is really detrimental to the taste.

Moreover, the secret transmission in this book has been given some extravagant information by the author, making it more dangerous and causing distortions. The Anti-Suppression Bureau will inevitably have more stringent control over secret transmission knowledge.

Therefore, the Moran Bookstore will not appear in this game in the short term.

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