I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 275 The art of strange power and confusion of gods

Even if placed in the bizarre hidden world, Winfrey Morgan's secret path can definitely be called colorful.

He was once just an ignorant and happy ordinary mortal. He was born into a small family in Yorkshire. His grandfather was a local squire and his status was only lower than that of the noble lords. Therefore, he lived a wealthy and happy childhood.

Until he was eight years old, Uncle Walker, who had been away from home for a long time, came back to his old home for a rare vacation. At the same time, he also provided enlightenment education for his little nephew Winfrey. At that time, little Winfrey saw the modern world for the first time. The majesty of science makes me realize that such a precise and rigorous discipline still exists in the world.

Uncle Walker, who knew all kinds of interesting chemical experiments, undoubtedly replaced his most admired grandfather and occupied the most respected position in the heart of little Winfrey, far surpassing his father who only drank and gambled.

Little Winfrey even secretly made up his mind that when he grows up, he will become a smart man like Uncle Walker and a famous doctor with superb medical skills!

Such a firm belief supported him to successfully enter the medical school of Oxford University, and study the future development path of modern medicine with a group of the smartest people in the world... Until now, Winfreth occasionally thinks back to those green years, Just because it was during that time in the ivory tower that he met the wise and beautiful lady, the love of his life, Anna's mother.

The wheel of time turned quickly, and Winfres graduated successfully and entered the Institute of Medicine under the recommendation of his mentor.

Every day, he works with the top talents in today's medical field and studies the most cutting-edge medical knowledge. This experience makes him particularly cherish it. At the same time, he can also be exposed to the most cutting-edge experimental medical technology... However, Even such advanced medical knowledge could not help him regain the life of his beloved from the hands of death, nor could it help him cure Anna's illness.

Anna showed symptoms of muscle weakness and fatigue easily when she was seven years old. However, at that time, Winfrey did not discover the abnormality in time after conducting various examinations on her and her beloved child, but thought it was Simple congenital frailty... Anyway, his job income is considered generous in the city, enough to allow Anna to have enough food and clothing for the rest of her life. Besides, he is reluctant to let his daughter work as hard as himself.

The hardships I have experienced do not need to be recalled by my descendants again.

"It's okay, Anna. Dad will raise you from now on. You just need to play freely. If you like reading, dad will buy you all kinds of books. If you like toys, dad will buy you interesting toys from all over the world. You just need to grow up happily."

On Anna's eighth birthday, Winfrey promised with a smile while stroking the flaxen hair that her daughter inherited from her mother.

However, bad luck only picks the moments when mortals think they are happy. Anna's symptoms worsened again that night. When she woke up early in the morning, she was unable to get out of bed by herself. She was completely unconscious from the waist down. She tried her best to get out of bed but could only fall to the ground. Rolled around.

The sound of knocking to the ground failed to wake up Winfres, who had stayed up late and worked overtime. It was not until his daughter cried until her throat was hoarse that she woke him up. He followed the sound and came to see Anna lying on the cold floor crying - this It was only then that he realized that his daughter had suffered from a terrible hypochondriasis.

But even the famous doctors at the Institute of Medicine were unable to do anything about this disease. After Winfres visited around, he found out that Martin Charcot, a neurologist in France on the other side of the ocean, had discovered a similar case six years ago. However, even if this disease It has been six years since the world was born, and the current medical community is still helpless - this is a terminal disease with no solution!

Winfrey was almost desperate, but he was determined not to let death take away his beloved's life again. He studied neurology assiduously, collected various case data, and actively treated other patients... However, there was still no solution, Xia The fate of patients with medical diseases seems to have been destined by God and cannot be saved by mere mortals.

He was so anxious that his hair turned gray in just a few months, and his face looked as if he had aged more than ten years. But if he could really exchange ten, twenty, or thirty years of life for Anna's health, he would He was absolutely willing to sign a contract with the devil Mephistopheles immediately, just like Faust three hundred years ago... But the devil did not come to the door, only despair and persistent knocking on the door, and Anna cried every night Screaming to sleep with him.

It wasn't until the news of their daughter's condition reached the ears of the wife's family that they sent an old and obese woman for diagnosis. However, after the woman who called herself Anna's grandmother checked Anna's condition, she clapped her hands happily and said: " Yes, this is really a curse inherited from the family. The seventh cursed person finally appears, and the family will finally be free!"

Winfreth's first reaction after hearing this was naturally disbelief. How could such backward and ignorant thoughts still exist in the modern world? He only thought that this was a misunderstanding of genetic diseases by unenlightened ancients.

But in anger, he still suppressed his impatience and asked Anna's grandmother carefully, only to find out that there was a legend that had been circulating in his wife's family that might not be false.

Legend has it that the ancestors of the family participated in an unrecorded war more than two hundred years ago, but after the war ended, they were abandoned and were cursed by an angry messenger from a certain god - Foolish betrayer, your descendants They will atone for the evil deeds you have committed, and they will eventually fall into absolute silence and silence until the miserable and ugly ending comes, until the end of the number of ends.

Therefore, every generation in the wife's family will have a descendant who will suffer from a terminal illness similar to Charcot's disease for no reason. The muscles of the limbs will gradually atrophy, swallowing and speaking will become difficult, and in the end they will just lie on the bed quietly and pass away quietly. Until the moment of death, they cannot move a finger or say a word.

"However, generally the ill-luck children in the family only develop the symptoms of the curse after they reach adulthood. I didn't expect that Anna would already be so severe when she was only eight years old... Is this the fate of the seventh cursed person in the number of the end?"

"Hahaha, but that's fine. The earlier Anna shows symptoms of the curse, it proves that she will leave the world earlier... When Anna fell into absolute silence, the curse that had entangled the family for two hundred years finally disappeared. We will be free again, and the great hidden god will never stop us from learning the art of invisibility!"

"Okay, okay, Anna, you are feeling well!!!"

When Winfres heard this, he could no longer restrain the anger surging in his heart, and drove the crazy old woman out of the door, but the information about the hidden god and the invisible art was deeply engraved in his mind. From the bottom of my heart.

The dusty memories seemed to be awakened by these two terms. He blew away the thick dust on his childhood memories and began to recall that when he made up his mind to follow Uncle Walker and devote himself to exploring the path of modern medicine, his old-fashioned grandfather once At the family dinner, he yelled:

"Get out, you two, get out of here. The Morgan family does not welcome you two unworthy descendants. The family's library will be closed to you forever. You will regret it sooner or later - you have missed the opportunity to know the secrets of the hidden world. , you will never have the opportunity to see the secret of the invisible art!"

"Invisible art..."

At that time, Winfrey murmured, but he had already made up his mind to go back to Yorkshire.

"As long as I can save Anna, I'm willing to try it even if it's a magical power!"

"Even if I will fall into an irreversible situation in the future, even if I have to sacrifice my life for this, I will not hesitate!"

"Even if it means sacrificing other people's lives for this..."

In the bedroom late at night, the stubble-faced Winfreth murmured, and his haggard and cloudy eyes seemed to burst out with dazzling light again.

This light may simply be the reflection of the bedside table lamp, or it may be the strange hunger that suddenly arises in the heart of this desperate middle-aged man.

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