I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 277 Winfrey’s new life

Winfres frowned slightly and closed the page. The ten or so thin pages of old paper only contained such an extremely absurd and illogical story.

Ignoring the immortality of the manor owner in the story, the kindness and blessings of the other party are so sudden and completely without reason.

In a daze, he forgave the knight who killed him, and in a daze he blessed Gennaro... It seemed like it was just the life of Saint Gennaro that was imagined by some third-rate writer.

He had also heard of St. Gennaro's reputation, although there is little record of his life in contemporary sources.

But it is said that the other party was brutally beheaded during the Christian Reckoning of Roman Emperor Diocletian, and then left a bottle of holy blood in the world.

This holy blood is still sealed in a glass vessel in the Cathedral of Plesiosa. On the first Saturday in May every year, the Holy Day of September 19 and the special day of December 16, It will all liquefy into the living true blood of the saint again.

Although science is still unable to explain this situation, Winfreth definitely does not believe that the reason why the true blood of San Gennaro liquefies regularly is just an unwarranted blessing from an unknown manor owner.

Even though he has determined to study invisible arts in order to cure his daughter Anna's curse, the strong rationality that has been consolidated over the years is still stubbornly resisting any unscientific views.

But when Winfres chewed the words on the paper repeatedly in his heart, he always felt that there seemed to be some kind of unevenness between the lines that was incompatible with the world. He felt from the bottom of his heart that this story should not be like this. The content of the story It's supposed to be darker and scarier...Am I missing something important?

Suddenly, he felt as if a fleeting spark of inspiration burst out from his heart. He always felt that there was a deeper meaning hidden behind this absurd story, which seemed to be hinting at something, as if the author was trying to use these words to express his feelings. To secretly reveal some secret that should not be revealed to the world.

Winfreth began to read carefully again. This time he carefully reviewed every sentence and every word, trying to find something special in this poor story.

Until his eyes fell on the part where the manor's servants played calmly, the author of the article described the lyrics and content of the music in detail, and even composed the music score... He couldn't help but follow the music on the paper. Chanting, his toes could not help but tap the ground in time with the beat.

Grandfather was already ready, with his fingertip lightly on the trigger so that he could pull it at any time.

Winfrey has always lacked artistic talent. Even his wife often said before his death that he was just a blockhead. But at this moment, he was completely immersed in the melody of the music. In a trance, he seemed to be able to see the building. The gorgeous manor that only exists in the author's imagination sat at the same table with San Gennaro, enjoying the performance of the manor's servants, listening to the intensive drumbeats and violent thunder.

He unconsciously raised his head and looked at the ceiling of the secret room. His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate through the soil and bricks and look directly at the blue and clear sky. In the white clouds, he seemed to see the thunder that was still gestating, as if Swaddled baby.

The blazing white fat baby also sensed his gaze, and slowly opened its sleepy eyes. Facing this strange-faced mortal, he seemed a little panicked and a little stunned. In an instant, he burst into tears, and the cry was so loud that it could be heard. Like thunder!

Listening to the baby's thunderous cry, Winfres seemed to be able to connect with the other person in some kind of resonance, and seemed to be able to sense the panic in the other person's heart, so he also followed the resonance link to pass on his goodwill. .

The muffled cries like thunder and lightning stopped, and the elevated consciousness returned to the physical body. The sky was still clear and blue, as if everything he just saw was just Winfrey's illusion, but he knew in his heart... I have already After understanding the secret of thunder, it turns out that every sound of thunder contains resonant emotions... I also know how to resonate with other people's hearts.

The broken page in the palm finally exhausted its last bit of strength. The severely faded text completely dissipated, and even the paper carrying knowledge turned into dust.

Up until this point, Winfreth's experience of esotericism had been quite ordinary - because of the fear of illness, aging and death, he turned his limited time and energy to studying invisible arts, which was the beginning of most esoteric believers.

However, when he returned to London with a complete set of secret documents given by his grandfather, without affecting the normal work of the Medical Research Institute, Winfrey devoted all his time and energy to the study of the invisible art. As his strength grew, so did his thirst.

At first, Winfrey could only follow the path of the Morgan family, worship the Twins of the Sea, and study the secrets of the Heart, the Cup and the Moth, but a chance encounter occurred that even he himself could not replicate.

He unconsciously prompted the moth phase to drink up the cup phase. The power of the cup phase disappeared from the body, and the five senses that were extremely sensitive to satisfy desires began to decline. However, there was still an extremely rare part of the power remaining in the body. Occasionally he would taste it. A pleasant fragrance that occasionally reminds me of my missing colleagues.

However, the moth that drank the liquid in the cup was too powerful, and its ever-present bewitching whispers made it difficult for Winfres to fall asleep.

By this time, he had already learned the location of Oliver Ram Auction House during a nighttime procession. He eagerly sold the useless Moth Secret Documents in exchange for a rare Lamp Secret. An attempt to silence the whispers of moths by the glow of reason.

But this move only aroused fierce resistance from the moth in his skull. The restlessness in his heart became stronger and stronger. The lamp was often attacked by moths, and the glass of the lamp was always covered with faint cracks.

Even if he studied hard every day and night and absorbed knowledge to enhance the brilliance of the lamp phase, it was all to no avail - how could the first-level lamp phase defeat the second-level moth phase.

His desire for knowledge is getting stronger and stronger. He greedily absorbs all the words in sight, like a hungry and skinny jackal. His eyes looking at the fat knowledge seem to be glowing with thirsty green light. .

Then the hungry Winfres discovered a more efficient way to absorb knowledge... Even if I can read ten lines at a glance, a person's energy is always limited, and the knowledge I can absorb every day is also limited, but if I directly absorb other people's brains What about existing knowledge?

Street vendors shouting and bargaining for drinks and sales, this is also knowledge.

The aunt who buys groceries has a keen eye to pick out the fat and the thin. This is also knowledge.

There is no distinction between high and low knowledge, and all the hungry lamps are welcome... When Winfreth devoured the filthy brain of the director of the Medical Research Institute, the lamp in his skull finally reached the limit of accumulation.

He couldn't wait to open the book of teachings that he had prepared for a long time. The lamp inside his head shone brightly, attracting the hungry moth to swoop in again. However, this time, the thin moth could no longer resist the radiance of reason. The temptation of light, plunge into it, die in the candle, the ashes of the moth help the glow of the lamp burst into flames.

Winfreth thus completely reversed his esoteric nature, the wild moth drank the greedy cup, and the determined lamp eliminated the chaotic moth.

As a result, he ushered in a new life on the path of esoteric Buddhism, and was able to meet the great immortal being in the Orchard of Light.

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