The small ball of flesh and blood that Watson abandoned, the broken pink blind tube worm, fell to the ground and was still squirming.

Even if it gets a touch of ancient and wild vitality in the process of abandonment, it is still just a incomplete individual separated from the whole. It cannot build a healthy, reasonable, and friendly life cycle system by itself alone... It survives in the world. Its lifespan is as weak as a flickering candle. A strong cold wind may end its short life.

The blind tubeworm struggled and squirmed on the ground, and the well was overflowing with spring water that temporarily nourished its body.

Although the accompanying coldness made it difficult for the slender body to move forward, due to the failure of the ritual just now, the well water was inexplicably contaminated with a trace of the power of the heart, like a vitality potion diluted hundreds of times. Although the life force in it was weak, it was also It's enough to keep this new worm alive for the time being.

However, this is not enough!

I want more! I need more! I want to survive forever!

I finally broke free and escaped from the body of that hateful old host. I haven't had time to experience my own life, and I haven't had time to feel the beauty of the world! ! !

The blind-tube worm roared loudly in its heart, and its wrinkled body squirmed desperately, trying to find the breath of other lives.

Although the slender and wrinkled body does not have any visual and auditory organs, it was born due to abandonment and naturally possesses magical sensory abilities. Information from the waking world flows into the curled and wriggling body in another way.

It could see about eighty self-length units in front of it, lying seven dying giant upright apes. These creatures were just similar in appearance to slave owners. The light of reason at this moment had been dimmed to the point of almost extinguishing, but that The huge physical body is still full of activity... It is simply the most ideal parasitic body!

I only need to drill into their auditory organs, move forward along the narrow and fetid passage, until I penetrate deep into their skulls, pierce their brains, and occupy that fat white mass of lipids into a transformed cocoon. Control their nerves, drive their bodies, and freely absorb their knowledge and power... until the moment comes when they transform into mottled butterflies!

Hehe, compared to that indecisive old host, I must have completely transformed into a butterfly earlier than him!

At that time, I will definitely come back, devour the consciousness of the old host, and seize his body... That body contains the vital ancient bloodline, and the most delicious secret of our race! ! !

The blind-tube worm thought this way, and wriggled hard toward the unconscious body that was suitable for lodging. It could already sense the rich delicacy of the heart and the sweetness of the cup, and it would definitely devour any one of them by itself. The power can usher in two transformations... but the most important thing is to quickly occupy a suitable body before the old host wakes up, and then escape.

The current self is far from being able to fight against the despicable old host. I must temporarily suppress the desire to resist, restrain the hunger and thirst for devouring, and lurk in the human body to absorb enough knowledge and power... The power of life is not only It can be swallowed by eating, and the original seed slurry also contains corresponding knowledge.

In this case, let's occupy the body of the female upright ape first, even if the intermittent lunar tides will cause the power in the body to be temporarily lost.

In this case, let's occupy the body of the female upright ape first, even if the intermittent lunar tides will cause the power in the body to be temporarily lost.

But at times other than the moon tide, you can use the name of a cup to swallow the life fluid excreted by the male erectus ape.

Although that kind of viscous life liquid only contains a meager amount of life force, it contains a glimmer of information about ancient monsters deep in the bloodlines of other upright ape individuals... and I may be able to use this to complete the direction of transformation!

The blind tubeworm excitedly thought about his bright future, bent his waist and straightened his body with all his strength, and slowly crawled towards the body of the female upright ape with a face covered with dirt.

He must lurk into the body of the new host before the old host breaks free from the severe pain, then control its nervous system as quickly as possible, and control his naked body to escape... As long as he can avoid the pursuit of the old host, he vows to be able to do so. Embrace a new life of freedom and freedom!

This piece of flesh and blood escaped from Watson's body, although it was less than a minute after the birth of true consciousness.

But because it is a strange life that nature can never breed and is born according to the principle of abandonment, the body that is slender than a mortal finger actually contains the wisdom and knowledge given by the principle of abandonment.

The prototype of this wisdom is unknown to the pathetic madman who dedicated himself to the Moth Code, but from a certain perspective, the knowledge reserves in it are indeed greater than the knowledge of its original old host.

It seems that it has also learned some deeper secrets of Si Chen, and its potential is immeasurable - as long as its transformation plan can be successfully completed, it will surely grow into a special existence far beyond ordinary esoteric cultists.

The mind of the blind tubeworm is also inherently meticulous. Even after it was abandoned and ushered in a new life, why did it not escape from the body of the original host along the closer and easier valley path, but chose the difficult and tortuous esophagus route? There are also other considerations.

That is to destroy the digestive system of the old host on the way to defection, leaving pitted scars in the intestines, stomach pouch and esophagus, making the other party suffer from internal and external pain and unable to detect its whereabouts in the first place. .

However, this blind tube bug still far underestimated John Watson's mental toughness - when he was still seriously moving towards his dream, the thin shadow had already pressed down from above his head, as huge as a mountain. He picked up the screaming thing with his two fingers, put it between his palms and crushed it completely into a blurry mass of flesh and blood.

The cruel old host swallowed the sharp blade magic in the palm of his hand until it completely crushed the flesh and blood of the traitorous body into a puddle of minced meat.

Then, in order to avoid leaving such obvious and weird moth-like traces at the scene, he put the ball of flesh and blood that yearned for freedom into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and then swallowed it... The departing blind tube would eventually fall back to the cecum, just like that. Even the abnormal vitality will be turned into nutrients for the greedy moth to advance.

After working hard to solve this hidden danger, the buzzing in Watson's head that he had suppressed for the moment started to sound crazily again!

The power of the code is fair to a certain extent - the direct influence exerted by the esoteric cultists actually affects both parties at the same time, but normally it is enough to defeat the offensive influence of enemies of the same level, and its side effects are only to attract the caster. The artist's sexual desires soar and are so uncontrollable that his own body also suffers from self-mutilation due to unbearable hunger and thirst.

But this time, Watson used the moth's blood hidden in the drinker's body to confuse the minds of a total of nineteen second-level esoteric cultists!

The backlash that tilted the balance of principles towards him was naturally nineteen times more powerful!

If the price induced by using moth phase magic in the past was just a buzzing in the head like a soft whisper, then the noise resounding in Watson's head at this moment is simply noisy and noisy like a multi-party debate. Contest!

The contestants range from elderly aunts who are proficient in street swearing to newborn babies who can only cry. All kinds of voices have occupied the capacity of the mind, and there is no room for reason and calmness.

In a trance, Watson seemed to be able to hear his own body joining in this extremely fierce debate competition. The flesh and blood of his chest, which had lost the protection of its skin, was shivering in the cold wind, helplessly wailing the cold and pain, and the scarlet muscle fibers were flowing out of it. The blood seeping out between them seemed to be the tears they cried out of pain.

The fingertips that had just twisted the defecting blind tube also cursed angrily, accusing the treacherous blind tube of flesh and blood for actually wanting to betray the respected host and drain the bodies of other esoteric cultists... What a fucking hopeless person. Idiot!

But the eager hair people have different opinions. Some of them think that the host has never taken their group seriously. Every time they wash their hair, they just use cold water and low-quality soap to wash their hair a few times and then do it hastily, even afterwards. We don’t know how to use fragrant shampoo... Then we might as well moisturize the scalp of the female erectus, maybe the air above her head will be sweet!

The scalps that were originally biting the hair follicles were so angry that they were trembling and numb after hearing these words. They all let go of the hair that they had forgotten their roots in, and allowed these unscrupulous people to leave on their own.

The hair that wanted to defect finally got its wish, and it twisted and danced happily, trying to ride the breeze to the female upright ape not far away!

However, before they can completely break away from the scalp of their old host, other loyal hairs cannot tolerate the traitors in these tribes!

It suddenly grew an inch and wrapped around the defector who had brought shame to the tribe. It strangled and swallowed all the traitorous hairs like a wild anaconda wrapped around a python... As a result, two hairs were extended from part of the hair sac, one of which was Thriving, one root is half dead.

The backlash of excessive use of the moth phase secret technique filled Watson's mind. Disturbing screams and curses echoed, and his facial muscles began to spasm strangely, undulating like unpredictable tides. , the remaining right eyeball sometimes bulged and sometimes shrank due to the strange twitching of facial muscles.

An indescribable strange hunger surged into his heart, and the noisy voices in his head seemed to be uniformly converted into violent and bloodthirsty remarks, shouting in unison to release the abnormal killing desire in his heart, driving Watson to turn his head and look at the seven or... The esoteric cultist is suffocated and fainted, or the ritual backfires on him.

They looked like pieces of red meat neatly arranged on the chopping board. Their necks had been cleaned and they were waiting for the butcher's knife to come.

Watson's bulging right eye was stained with a strange and ferocious blood color. He couldn't help but walk towards the group of secret cultists who were waiting to be killed. The sharp blade mana spurted out from his fingertips, seemingly condensed into sharp blades. , the wild and chaotic moth phase was also blessed with sharpness. The invisible blade vibrated at a high frequency, and the air seemed to be filled with blurred shadows.

Even the skinny and dark intracranial moth seemed to materialize from the illusory soul body, whirling in the silent ceremony room, the sound of flapping wings echoed endlessly, and the weird and harsh sharp clicking sound began to shout crazily:

"Hahaha, that's right, that's great! That's how it should be!"

“This is what we really look like, this is what we should—”

However, before the happily dancing moth in the skull had time to utter crazy words, its partner who was supposed to be as wild and dangerous as it, pursuing chaos and desire, suddenly reached out and grabbed it.

The powerful hands tightly grasped its throat, the force was so deep that the obsidian-like multi-faceted pupils bulged almost to the point of exploding!

Watson grabbed the laughing moth, which might have been an illusion, and said nothing. He just put the struggling moth into his mouth and chewed it.

The creepy chewing sound seemed to echo in the quiet ritual room, and the juice, limbs and wings that did not exist in the waking world seemed to splash out of his mouth.

The abnormally twitching facial muscles finally calmed down, the bulging right eye returned to normal, and the increasingly dark pupil seemed to burst out with a cold and cold light that was both crazy and indifferent.

Watson just said coldly:

"Shut up, do you need to say this?"

"I can't help wanting to kill people!"


"Alarm! There is an invasion by foreign enemies, please come immediately--"

At this time, a Crossroads cultist who was about to come to inform the cult of the invasion by foreign enemies rushed in. As soon as he came in, he stood there woodenly, because only cultist John was still standing in the newly built ritual room, and his torso skin seemed to have been affected by the moth phase and peeled off, and the muscle fibers of his chest and abdomen were completely exposed to the air, as if he was wearing a sleeveless vest woven with bright red flesh silk.

Then he heard the horrifying words that remained in the air, and his panic expression immediately turned into a stunned look, and his panicked eyes unconsciously went back and forth between the seven unconscious cultists and the terrifying cultist John.

In the end, the Crossroads cultist who had the misfortune to enter the ritual room swallowed hard, turned around and ran away. The moment he stepped on the ground, he wanted to pass on the situation just now, so that the fellow believers would know the evil true face of John Watson!

"The ritual room is——"


But unfortunately, his steps and words could not be smoothly and completely transmitted, because the active beating heart only had time to beat once, and it had completely lost its breath of life.

A sharp nail flew from behind, like a short flying knife piercing into the spine, easily breaking through the muscle defense line and directly piercing into his heart.

The wild and chaotic power even drove the gray and white nails to roll and fly like fluttering wings in the ventricle, directly crushing this struggling and beating heart into pieces!

The fleeing cultist twitched and fell down, his face still with fear and horror, and his gradually dead and dim eyes looked at the thin shadow that was approaching step by step and completely enveloped him.

The secret believer, who was only breathing his last breath, seemed to see in a trance that the terrible John Watson still had some kind of black tentacles between his pale teeth.

Is that an insect's limb...

There is overlap, optimization in progress

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