I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 300 Give your heart

These nineteen deformed monsters were born from ordinary Crossroads believers.

At this moment, all the skin on the body has been peeled away, and the exposed texture is bloody. Only the black beetle head is slightly intact, as if a strange-shaped helmet has been inserted into the broken neck of the unrecognizable corpse.

What's more, all the ferocious fangs in its mouth have been lost, the mandible has also been abandoned, and a large piece of the lower part of the horrible insect's head is missing. The deformed and ugly mutilation will only make the viewer sick.

The flesh and blood of some of the monster's arms, legs and feet had also faded away, exposing the horrifying blood-stained bones, but they still persisted in staggering around.

The deformed mouthparts of this group of alien monsters that came and went without a trace moved slightly, emitting a strange clicking sound that directly resounded in the mind.

Click, click, click - like scissors opening and closing inside the skull.

This vibration is enough to tear open the gap between the skin and the soul, and pour into the new half-flesh, half-plant life consciousness without reservation.

It seemed to glimpse the thing that frightened it most in an instant. It felt like catching a glimpse of an incomprehensible huge machine that was running quietly but might explode at any time. It was also like walking on a quiet street in the dead of night. Suddenly, when he looked back, he saw the darkness as thick as blood spreading towards him.

The glow in the newly born Morgan's skull has been updated in the process of reshaping. Its knowledge reserve is chaotic and complicated, and it is completely unable to explain the situation in front of it.

It couldn't help but scream in terror in the diluted light yellow nectar inside the tree. However, the scream turned into full bubbles, which rose up and exploded in the tree. The hoarse scream was in the emerald nectar. Medium tremors echoed.

But the newborn Morgan couldn't even hear his own screams - at this moment, there were a lot of evil whispers vibrating inside his skull, and it seemed as if the world in front of him began to spin rapidly when he saw it, but that moment The hideous and terrifying pitch-black insect surface always revolves around it, bursting out with indescribable sneers, sneers, wild laughter, and hilarious laughter! ! !

Hee hee, look at it, it seems to be scared to tears! ! !

Haha, what a disgusting and ugly figure...

Haha, your boy finally fell into our hands! ! !

A powerful force that may have come from behind, or from within the body, or from the old emerald tree that turned into a pupa egg, directly threw the frightened Morgan out of the amniotic fluid that was regenerating him!

Its gestation process was brutally interrupted, and the old strength and knowledge had not yet had time to be fully instilled into this weak body - now it was weak and stupid, and only had a rudimentary perfect body.

The remaining consciousness in the tree quickly extended its struggling tentacles, trying to snatch back its immature self.

However, the huge power given by the dark green thunder has been consumed too much in the process of reshaping the body - they originally wanted to consume the old power and transform it into the infinite potential of the new body.

Now there are only a few withered dark green electric snakes left in the emerald tree. They are struggling to attach themselves to the newly born tentacles, like desperate arms grasping for their hope for the future.

However, these haggard and shriveled tentacles were unable to break through the defense line built by the nineteen monsters. They were bitten, torn, torn, and split into pieces of wood the size of fingernails, but they still squirmed unremittingly... until the burning lamp oil spilled down. , the blazing flames burned them until they were charred black, and the rancid smoke was mixed with the desperate cries of the tentacles.

The newborn Morgan lay on the ground, curled up in a ball and shivering.

At this moment, in the cognitive world composed of its six perceptual systems - the dim cave is filled with mottled moths, the ears and brain are filled with the endless sound of wings, and countless moth legs crawl across the skin like brushes. With flesh and blood, its sharp needle-like mouthparts pierce into the bone marrow, injecting digestive juices that corrode reason and brilliance - it seems to have fallen into a spider's web of prey, and its mind and spirit seem to be melting!


The new student Morgan couldn't help but hold his head in his hands and bang on the ground, trying to use pain and drowsiness to numb the hallucinations in his mind and anesthetize the fear and uneasiness in his heart.

Its behavior seemed to indeed work. The echoing clicks in the skull stopped abruptly. The tide of fear that melted the five senses also receded. Even the world perceived by Jade gradually became clearer, as if the darkness before dawn had finally left. , the dawn of hope broke through the night and fell in front of it.

What fell in front of it at the same time as the rising sun was a thick hand. This hand seemed to have experienced countless fierce battles. The surface was covered with knife wounds and gunshot marks, and the bones and joints were obviously bulging. At first glance, it seemed a bit scary and at the same time, it also gave people a feeling of fear. With a full sense of security... If you have such a gentleman standing by your side, you will be able to overcome any kind of suffering.

Freshman Morgan thought so and raised his head hopefully.

Sure enough, all those ferocious insect-headed monsters had disappeared. In the empty underground cave, there was only a thin and calm man squatting in front of it, extending a helping hand to it that was softly choking with fear. .

"Mr. Morgan, are you okay?"

The new student Morgan recognized at a glance that the reliable man in front of him was John Watson, whom his old self had recruited into the Order some time ago... In his incomplete impression, this was a retired officer with a glorious record, who had once been very proud of himself. Little Anna also showed great sympathy and love, and even escaped from prison and cured the stubborn leg disease with her own help.

Even if I ignore the seeds of loyalty planted by my old self, the John in front of me is definitely someone who is loyal to me!

Freshman Morgan confirmed so confidently.

But at this moment, it was panicked and had no idea that the believers in the underground headquarters should have been drained by the old self.

How could John, who was only at the second level of mind, appear here? He should have died in the backlash of the promotion ceremony.

But now the new Morgan only thought that John appeared in front of him at a very timely time, and he was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

Although his incubation process was interrupted for no reason, there were only incomplete knowledge and power left in his new body... But the damn anti-suppression bureau would definitely find out that there was something wrong with the body of the old self soon, and quickly rushed to the underground headquarters. I no longer have time to continue the end of the incubation of the new life. Now I must leave this place as soon as possible!

The new Morgan moved his new heterogeneous vocal cords, barely showing a calm and steady appearance, but his words had already exposed his inner tension.

"John? It's you! That's great!!!"

"Hurry, help me get to the ritual room! With the help of the secret passage in the ritual room, I can take you and me to escape from the encirclement of the Anti-Suppression Bureau!"

"Let's escape overseas together, to a country without an Anti-Suppression Bureau... In that chaotic and disordered land, we can spread the desire for principles without scruples!"

"John, I promise you that when I ascend, you will be my apostle walking on earth!"

The bold words of the new Morgan were subtly mixed with the power of the mind that he had not yet mastered, making the passionate blood seem to turn into a touchable wave, penetrating into the heart of the believer in front of him.

But it was thinking in its heart: "As long as I can trick John into sinking into the well with me, I can use the complex environment of the dark river at the bottom of the well to extend the roots in my body and pierce his heart to absorb the sweet life... Be thankful, John, your life will become the food for my escape, and I will never forget your contribution!" Watson smiled faintly after hearing this, and his eyes seemed to be shining with longing. He grasped the palm of Mr. Morgan, who looked much younger, and helped him up from the wet and sticky ground. Then he clenched his fist and hammered his chest, making a strong banging sound, and said unwaveringly: "Mr. Morgan, please rest assured that I will never let you down, let you down, let you down, let you down, let you down...heart!" The new Morgan was still full of satisfaction when he heard the first half of the sentence, but when he heard the last word at the end of John's words, a hint of doubt appeared in his unusually green eyes. It frowned slightly as if it didn't hear clearly, and said suspiciously: "Heart?! John, what are you talking about?"

"Let's go to the ritual room first. The church members who held the ascension ceremony tonight have unfortunately suffered backlash. We may be able to use their corpses to wipe out the traces of their departure--"

The new Morgan suddenly recalled a fact. In its turbid memory, it clearly remembered that when its old self controlled the emerald roots to go to the ritual room, it saw eight dark and dim shadows. They were the corpses that suffered the backlash of the ritual... and one of the corpses was John Watson standing in front of it at this moment! ! !

Fear and astonishment climbed onto its cheeks again, and the piercing and sharp strange crackling sound resounded through its skull again. Mottled and chaotic shadows swept in from all directions, drowning it like a cold and piercing dark tide!

It heard those nineteen, no, twenty-one crazy and chaotic hideous laughs again!

The nineteen deformed insect heads covered with black shells appeared in front of me again, and the sound of flapping wings directly poured into my brain. The gap between flesh and soul gave rise to a strange itch, as if thousands of ants crawled over my nerves, but where are the nerves between the spirit and the body? !

"Hahaha, this tree-headed man actually thought we were just a momentary illusion!!!"

The girl with twin faces laughed so hard that she fell backwards, "Hahaha, Winfreys, you stupid idiot, have you forgotten the taste of Dick?!"

Even the usually calm deputy leader couldn't help laughing wildly, "Hahaha, sorry Mr. Winfreys, please die generously!"

Only John, who stood at the front of the group of crazy laughers, smiled lightly, but under this gentle mask was an indescribable monster.

The standard smile that was good enough to be included in textbooks looked particularly creepy, and the only remaining right eye seemed to be flashing a black and white bloodthirsty evil light!

Even the gentle and friendly voice was cold and ruthless enough to make half-human, half-plant life feel chilling.

"Dear Mr. Morgan, please donate your heart!"

"If you do it yourself, at least you can retain a bit of dignity... You definitely don't want to see my guys doing it, I'm afraid your new young body will be eaten to pieces."

"Such a bloody and cruel scene would be bad if the cute little Anna saw it, it would inevitably leave an indelible shadow in her young heart."

"So, for the sake of the cute little Anna, please do it yourself, Mr. Morgan!"

Although this sentence sounds like a polite request for consent at first, John's words are actually unquestionable coldness, and the group of hungry and thirsty deformed monsters behind him burst into a roar, as if as long as the new Morgan dared to say no, they would immediately rush over and eat him into a pool of blood without even a bone residue left!

Little Anna... When the new student Morgan heard this name, the memories of abandoning and suppressing all kinds of uneasy whims came to his heart, and the broken light in his skull struggled to shine for a moment.

All the unusual things about this night all came to mind, and all the incomprehensible clues stretched out thin lines at this time, intertwining with each other to form a big web of conspiracy.

"It turns out that John, who pretended to hold an impromptu drinking party, wanted to corrupt the hearts of believers and plant the seeds of incomprehensible distortion."

"It turns out that the sudden appearance of Anna's heartbeat was to distract her old self so that John could have a secret meeting with Nello."

"So Sinead's words must be just part of John's plan? All the information seems to be false."

"Anna, who floated up and exploded for no reason, actually wanted to destroy my sanity, right?"

The new student Morgan muttered with dull eyes. He thought he had sorted out the messy clues and sorted out everything about this night.

When it came to the most unreasonable but most likely answer, its energy and spirit suddenly dropped, as if it had aged many years in an instant.

"So... John, are you the mastermind behind the Moth Celestial Cult?"

"So all the misfortunes and disasters tonight...were you planning it?"

"Could it be that our meeting at the Royal Free Hospital, your decision with Holmes, the meeting again at St. Achonius' Hospital... and everything that followed, were all part of your plan?"

The new student Morgan looked at the man with a gentle smile in front of him in disbelief, and roared at the top of his lungs: "You have actually been determined to seize my order and steal everything from me from the beginning... John Watson , what the hell kind of monster are you?”

However, in the face of its questioning, John still smiled lightly, and that hypocritical smile seemed to be welded to this man's face like an iron mask.

Watson just tilted his head and asked again as if he didn't hear clearly:

"Hey...it seems that Mr. Morgan is unwilling to do it himself."

"In that case, let us do it for you... I just hope that little Anna will not be so frightened that she faints on the spot when she sees the horrific remains of Mr. Morgan."

"Wait a minute -" When the new student Morgan heard his daughter's name again, his heart was filled with childish and innocent fantasies for a long time, and painful tears flowed in his strangely green eyes.

It knew very well that if Anna was really dead, then John in front of him would definitely not be able to repeatedly mention Anna's name to stimulate himself to commit suicide.

It asked tremblingly: "So, Anna is still alive?"

John's eternally fixed smile finally loosened and turned to an expression of surprise, "Of course!"

"Mr. Morgan, who do you think we are? Although we cheat, kidnap, murder and set fires, and do all kinds of evil, but - we also have a bottom line!"

"How could we possibly kill such a cute and pitiful little Anna?!"

John seemed to shake his head in disappointment, and even beat his chest with his fist in an extremely grandiose manner.

"Oh~ It's so heartbreaking! I didn't expect that we would be such despicable villains in Mr. Morgan's eyes, but if you think so -"

He joked jokingly: "Then we have to do this for real~"

After finishing speaking, John's dark right eye flashed with a violent cold light, and a strand of pale hair suddenly rose from behind the black group of deformed monsters!

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