I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 373 Lord of the Tomb Guards


Heber Butler seemed to hear such a crisp cracking sound in his head.

The shadow dome on the edge of the distant horizon finally shattered completely, and the fragmented shadows disappeared under the pale moonlight.

However, even so, Heber Butler, who had poor eyesight, could hardly see the edge of the horizon three and a half miles away.

Even if he had tried his best to look far away, he could only see that the ten pale figures had fallen off the warhorses and were moving back and forth between the tall pale horse shadows. The human and horse shadows were intertwined and overlapped, making it impossible for him to see the details of Mr. Cavell fighting ten people alone.

He could only barely see that the eleven pale figures seemed to be waving their arms and shuttling back and forth, as if they were fighting fiercely, or as if they were dancing enthusiastically - Heber Butler seemed to be able to sense that the earth was trembling slightly, as if it was trembling for the dispute and fighting in the distance.

But it is certain that Mr. Cavell was definitely not talking quietly with the tomb keeper team.

Mr. Cavill's dispute with the tomb keeper team did not last long.

In less than three minutes, the eleven pale white figures had stopped shuttling back and forth, and ten figures representing the tomb keepers began to surround Mr. Cavill, as if they were forming a certain array to launch a thunderbolt attack!

"It seems that Mr. Cavill still failed." Heber Butler thought in his heart: "Alas... It is indeed impossible to defeat the elite tomb keeper cavalry with one's own strength."

"Now I will add another bad record of failing to protect guests in my career."

"But this is not a bad thing..." Heber Butler quietly looked at Ms. Sholto, who was still calm. Under the dim light in the carriage, her face seemed to be flawless like jade, and her beautiful eyes were as clear as the golden ocean under the sunset, which made people intoxicated.

"If Mr. Cavill has been killed by the tomb keeper cavalry, then Miss Sholto will be left alone... Hehehe, without that annoying guy, my chances of winning Miss Sholto's heart will surely be greatly improved!" Heber Butler pretended to be calm on his face, but he was actually ecstatic in his heart. His attention was completely attracted by Miss Sholto, who seemed to be glowing, so he didn't notice that the dispute on the edge of the distant horizon had completely ended. Ten extremely tall war horses were carrying triumphant warriors, rushing towards the carriage that was motionless in the pale desert! The coachman in the driver's seat looked at the cavalry rushing towards him, listened to the sound of the horses' hooves hitting the ground, swallowed his saliva deeply, turned around and shouted in fear to the inside of the carriage: "Boss, boss! The tomb keepers are coming!!!"

Heber Butler was intoxicated in his own intertwined dreams of the future, imagining his grand wedding with Miss Sholto, and fantasizing about Miss Sholto's blushing face in a snow-white wedding dress after the wedding... In his fantasy world, he was just about to enter the most critical moment that would make every man excited.

But before he stepped on the fragrant fields he had longed for, the hoarse and harsh voice of the coachman sounded in his ears, and he immediately lost interest.

He turned his head impatiently, and was about to scold the servant who disturbed his dream, but when he came to his senses, he heard the dense sound of horses' hooves hitting the ground, and turned his head to see that the tomb keepers' cavalry were actually charging towards them!

"Oops! Mr. Cavill's reckless behavior has implicated us!!!" Heber Butler slapped the inside of the carriage with all his strength and roared, "Quick! Run faster!!!"

The driver in the driving seat immediately waved the whip, but no matter how hard he whipped the buttocks of the horses in front of the carriage until they were whipped to pieces, the two strong horses were unwilling to move at all - the two beasts were already trembling with fear, and the eight strong and sturdy horse legs trembled violently like thin trees swaying in the wind, and two streams of fishy and hot streams had already sprayed out.

"Fuck! Run faster! Move! You two damn beasts!!!"

The driver waved the whip in anger and tears. As a local aboriginal, he knew the horror of the tomb keeper cavalry near Persepolis.

When he was still a child, the tomb keeper was already the best medicine to cure children's night crying, and even now he was threatening his naughty little son in this way.

In the moment when the three people in the carriage of Heber Company hesitated, ten extremely tall war horses had already rushed to the carriage in a mighty manner and surrounded it.

The trembling Heber Butler tried to remain calm and thought about his words in his heart. As Heber's local agent, he maintained good relations with many big figures in Shiraz... He didn't know if saying those names would beg for forgiveness from the tomb keepers and forgive their companions for their rude and reckless actions.

But he didn't have any self-confidence in his heart - the tomb keepers have always been ruthless and never consider anyone's feelings, especially for the pagans who now occupy this ancient land.

But even so, Heber Butler also showed his professional housekeeper qualities, and squeezed out a smile that could barely be called calm on his pale face.

He first comforted Miss Sholto, who had no idea how terrible the tomb keepers were and was still calm, "Miss Sholto, please rest assured, I will go out and communicate with these tomb keepers now."

"I believe they should be able to understand that it was just Mr. Cavill's personal behavior, and they won't embarrass us because of it."

Heber Butler's smile was uglier than crying, and it made Miss Sholto laugh again and again, but he no longer had the leisure to appreciate that beautiful smile, but tremblingly reached out to push the small door of the carriage.

"Ah! Actually...Mr. Cavill, are you okay?!!"

However, Mr. Cavill just glanced at him indifferently, without considering answering his question at all, but just calmly sat back on his still warm cushion, then leaned out of the window and waved to the surrounding tomb keeper cavalry, shouting some meaningless syllables.

The tomb keeper cavalry group that slowly walked around the carriage suddenly burst into a series of heroic laughter, and also responded with some obscure syllables, and then left happily in the laughter.

This time, Heber Butler, who had calmed down a little, focused on listening to the syllables uttered by the tomb keeper. As a business person of the company in the Qajar Dynasty, he naturally studied various local languages.

But the language used by Mr. Cavill to talk to this group of tomb keeper cavalry was definitely not the local Parsian or Pashto, but some obscure and unpopular language, but it should be a branch language of the Semitic language family of the Afro-Asiatic language family, and some syllables and words are quite similar to Arabic.

Heber Butler carefully analyzed word by word, but there was no way to interpret the content of Mr. Cavill's conversation with the tomb keeper cavalry. He just barely extracted two possible words - "goodbye" and "friend".

"Friends? Mr. Cavill actually knows this group of tomb keeper cavalry?!!!" Heber Butler, who thought he had deciphered the crucial content, thought in his heart: "Could it be that the purpose of Mr. Cavill and Miss Sholto's trip is not to find the lost tomb of the Shadowless Kings, but to cooperate with the tomb keepers on behalf of a certain force in Great Britain???"

"But what is the content of the cooperation???"

"Could it be... that they want to help the tomb keepers overthrow the current Qajar dynasty and help this group of ancient Persian survivors to restore their country?!!!"

Mr. Cavill, who had already returned to his seat, closed his eyes and rested, as if the act of running towards the edge of the horizon in the moonlight just now had also caused him some damage, and now he urgently needed to rest and recharge his spirit.

But Heber Butler did not notice that Miss Sholto's toes were tapping the floor of the carriage very lightly and slowly, and the encrypted words had been transmitted in a way that he could not understand at all.

"I didn't expect Mr. Watson to know the secret Aramaic language."

"But I'm still confused. How did you gain the trust of these tomb keepers?"

"Could it be that your mutated moth in the skull is so powerful that it can deceive this group of strong-minded tomb keepers?"

Faced with Mary Morstan's question, Watson, who was pretending to be asleep, slightly opened his eyelids. His dark right eye strangely swirled around in his eye socket, and then he stared at the charming female dancer.

He didn't even need to tap his toes to convey the words of his steps. He just used his eyes to penetrate Mary Morstan's skull with buzzing words, but the syllables of the words were some kind of ancient and strange sounds.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack (Of course not, how could I easily erase the memory of the tomb keeper cavalry in just a few seconds and bury the memory of my acquaintance and friendship?)"

"Crack, crack, crack (Ms. Mary, don't you know that I am actually the patron of General Gold?)"

"Crack, crack, crack (The riot in the House of Lords some time ago was the reform and resistance planned by me and another powerful person. During the time we were away, the residual impact of this incident has fermented to the extent that it has alarmed the immortals under General Gold to personally review it.)"

"Crack, crack, crack, crack (General Gold has given me an oracle, ordering the tomb keepers of the Shadowless Kings to contact me and discuss the plan to overthrow the Qajar Dynasty together!)"

The female dancer sensed the information resounding in her head, turned her head slightly, and gave Watson a sullen look. The coquettishness in her eyes was enough to make Heber Butler, who was watching silently, feel moved.

But in fact, as a fellow student of the moth phase, Mary Morstan did not trust Mr. Watson at all!

Fraud and trickery are the innate nature of moths, and also the cocoon of moths' self-protection. Moths are not good at direct combat, so they must hide their true selves to survive the long and difficult transformation period until they completely shed their old selves.

Since the last time she met the other party's bird-shaped incarnation after a long absence, she felt that John Watson's temperament became deeper, darker, and more difficult to figure out... It seemed that during the process of the other party lurking in the Crossroads Hospital, unimaginable changes had taken place, and he was no longer the humble, polite, clear and ignorant apprentice of the invisible art at the beginning.

Moreover, the moth in her skull was also flapping its wings slightly, as if reminding her not to trust the other party's words and fall into the other party's fraud trap.

She continued to tap her toes and replied, "Mr. Watson, you are joking again."

"If the Golden General really gave the oracle and ordered the tomb keepers of the Shadowless Kings to discuss the overthrow plan with you...then why did I clearly sense an extremely gloomy and strange moth force enveloping you and the ten tomb keepers when you collided with the tomb keepers' cavalry just now?"

Mary Morstan showed a sly smile like a fox, "If it is really as you said, Mr. Watson, then why do you need to use the power of moths to arrange a ritual that blocks sound, shadow and breath?"

"But this is also your little secret. Naturally, Mary will not delve into its contents."

"But please don't forget the purpose of our trip, which is to find the lost tombs of the Shadowless Kings... So did you just learn the relevant secrets from the heads of the tombkeepers?"

Watson looked at the female dancer candidly, and even gently held her soft, boneless hand and placed it on his heart, as if to let her listen to her heart.

"I dare to swear on the name of your master, Sulochana Amovasha, that I have never dug up any information about the location of the tombs of the Shadowless Kings from the heads of the tomb-keeper cavalry."

"But even so, I still found a valuable secret in their minds."

"These ten cavalrymen... before they became the guardians of the tomb, they were actually just ordinary mortals, with ordinary families, ordinary lives, as ordinary as dust on the roadside."

"Until a night that they could not recall in detail, a throbbing like the beating of war drums resounded in their chests, awakening the mission and honor hidden deep in their blood."

"They followed the guidance of the throbbing drum in their minds, smelled the hot breath and stepped on the road. Only then were they qualified to push open the metal door made of swords, worship under the secret master of the tomb guard, and devote themselves to blood and blood. The furnace of fire was forged into a brave and capable tomb guard cavalry."

"And the crucial information I dug into their minds is the clue about the secret master of the tomb guard."

Mary Morstan sensed the message resounding in her mind, and her charming face showed a smile of joy - although she learned from her mentor that she had to go to the tomb of the shadowless kings to complete the necessary dance, in order to Able to usher in the fifth transformation.

But in fact, the instructor only told her that the Tomb of the Shadowless Kings was located in ancient Persia. The specific entrance and the situation inside the tomb were not mentioned at all - she had to find the entrance to the Tomb of the Shadowless Kings on her own. , and also needs a protector to protect him in completing the dance of transformation.

"By the way, Mr. Watson, are you really not cheating on me?"

"Of course - no!" Watson smiled.

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