I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 384: Above, Not Below

The British soldiers who had just dealt with the invading infidels were slumped among the ruins, breathing heavily, waiting for their colleagues stationed in other cities to arrive for support.

"Why are these damn Kaijars so crazy today?! They actually launched a self-destructive charge without fear of death! It's like they were fucking brainwashed!!!"

"Fake, I just saw the Kajia man who usually delivers food to us strapped explosives and charged... I watched with my own fucking eyes as his body exploded with a bang, and the sticky flesh and blood splashed all over me. It’s all over my face! Ugh—”

"It's really fucking weird, who on earth provided them with such excellent weapons and equipment... I just slashed the infidel's firearm with a bayonet, and there wasn't even a single crack... If it wasn't theirs... The weapons are still backwards from decades ago, and I’m afraid we will all be buried in this distant land tonight.”

"Um... not even a single crack was cut out. Is it possible that Wilson, you used all your strength on that Kajia woman's belly last night, so today she is so weak that you don't even have the strength to swing the bayonet?"

"Fake! Go to hell!!!" the taunted soldier immediately yelled back.

For a moment, cheerful laughter echoed among the ruins. This group of veteran soldiers who have experienced many battles are very good at how to eliminate the atmosphere of sadness and anger on the battlefield. They can always spit out one or two dirty jokes at the right time to enliven the atmosphere of the army, which made the soldiers who just stood in front of the Lady of Death Colleagues who are reluctant to enter can quickly forget the tragic fact that other companions successfully entered the portal of Lady Death.

"Hey, do you have any more cigarettes? Give me a sip." The soldier, who had forgotten the fear of death in the laughter, asked his nearby companions.

However, the companion who was about to burn out the cigarette in his mouth remained silent and did not respond. He just stared dreamily at the wasteland outside the broken wall, his expression dull and did not react even when the cigarette was burning to his lips.

"Hey, why are you in a daze?!"

The British soldier seeking cigarettes followed his companion's gaze with some confusion, but the scene he witnessed next was enough to make him unforgettable forever...if he could survive the subsequent attack.

On the dark and lonely wasteland outside the camp, a ball of blazing flames suddenly lit up. The strange firework with a blood-red color seemed to condense into a lion-like face, and it was like an unstoppable ball. It rushed towards the camp like a flaming cannon!

The cigarette in the smoking soldier's mouth had been completely burned out. The cigarette butt fell from his horrified mouth and fell straight into his crotch, burning up wisps of smelly smoke. However, he remained indifferent and just muttered incoherently:

"Oh my God, what kind of fucking monster is he..."


An unprecedented loud noise sounded in the night sky of Shiraz, and a terrible flame shot into the sky!

This pillar of flames, which shot straight into the sky like a sword, could be seen within a radius of dozens of miles. The scarlet-bloody flame was deeply engraved in the hearts of those who witnessed it, and would be unforgettable until death.

Anyone who witnesses such a vision will involuntarily bow before this terrifying power, like kneeling before a god of blazing fire and killing.

The military camp arranged by the Kingdom of Great Britain in Shiraz has completely disappeared.


The fiery flames ejected from Watson's pores exploded like extremely tiny stars.

The miniature star is as scarlet as blood, shining with the light of destruction and creation.

The light and heat that burst out in an instant were like countless blazing red sword blades, shooting out in all directions with Watson as the center!

The soft broken bones and corpses were charred and charred in an instant.

The head and limbs were shattered and fell off, leaving only half of the torso with lingering flames, and all the organs in the exposed abdominal cavity had been charred.

Another wave of scorching heat roared past, and the pile of coke was completely turned into powder.

The slaves of Heber Manor were extremely unfortunate to witness this moment of horrific explosion at an extremely close range.

But the fragile visual organs of mortals simply cannot bear to look directly at this dangerous flame!

In the memories of this group of mortals, they only remember that they saw a sudden burst of dazzling blood in front of the manor door that could not be seen directly, and then they felt an extremely strong burning pain in their eyes, as if a red-hot sword blade stabbed them directly. Enter the eyeball.

Thick and hot tears flowed down from the gaps in the closed eyes, but this group of mortals who were unfortunate enough to witness the scorching true appearance of Xianzhu no longer cared about whether the tears flowing in their eyes were blood or tears.

The burning pain is like hot lava, rushing straight towards the brain along the optic nerve. Even if you only witness the scarlet flames for a moment, the heat beyond imagination has been deeply engraved in the hearts of mortals.

They suddenly felt an unusual sense of heat rising in their bodies, as if they were lying naked in the middle of a hot summer desert. The venomous sunlight was baking their bodies, and the hot iron-like sand beneath them was hot enough to roast raw meat. Every bite Breathing in is like swallowing the flames of a blazing furnace... We seem to be in the furnace, and the heat and high temperature are the hammers wielded by God.

We are about to melt in this heat and turn into the dregs of Allah's forged weapons.

Just by witnessing the scales and claws of the Golden General's fiery power, this group of lucky and unfortunate mortals have completely surrendered to this terrifying extreme heat that transcends nature.

Their bodies sensed that their spirits were boiling, and they couldn't help but mistakenly thought that their bodies had also sunk into the blazing furnace.

The decaying heart beats desperately, and the blood vessels under the skin actively expand to allow the blood to flow rapidly, and the sweat is as dense as a downpour.

In just a few seconds, the mortals in the Heber Manor who were lucky enough to witness the power of Forging Heat had already fainted from shock due to severe dehydration. However, even though their consciousness had fallen into coma, their bodies were still suffering from the impact of the disappeared scarlet radiance.

The sweat soaked his clothes and formed a pool of water underneath him. His severely dehydrated skin had lost its luster and became as withered as firewood.

The moment Herb Butler saw the scarlet blood erupting from Mr. Cavell's body, he closed his eyes in alarm and hid behind the wall, but even so, he could feel the burning heat gradually spreading in his heart. He immediately jumped into the ornamental pool in the manor and sank into the cold spring. Only then did the strange feeling of heat disappear.

And all of this was reflected in the eyes of Mary Morstan, who was still leaning on the railing and motionless.

But after facing the violent and boiling scarlet sun, even her mental tenacity and high resistance to the influence of secret transmission couldn't help but feel hot all over her body. Dots of sweat slowly flowed down from her forehead, sliding down the faintly charming face. clavicle.

Mary frowned slightly and murmured:

"Such a terrifying casting heat is definitely not a secret influence that humans can create."

"Moreover, Mr. Watson has already mastered the three aspects of Moth Blade Heart. His soul body has reached the limit of capacity. It is impossible to learn another secret of casting... Is it the power of Si Chen stolen from Mansu?"

"But why is such precious Si Chen's power wasted in this place?"

"Or is it that Mr. Watson cannot fully control the heat of casting?"

Mary Morstan always felt that Mr. Watson seemed to be hiding something, but she couldn't think of a specific answer for a while.

After all, Mr. Watson has been under her surveillance during this period, and there is no time and space to complete other things.

Mr. Watson, who has already transformed into a young boy, can't possibly create a third incarnation, right?

The total amount of human energy is limited, and it is extremely rare to be able to focus on two things. How can it be possible to separate a third mind again?

If there really is a secret messenger who can split into three minds... then this person must be a schizophrenic lunatic.

Watson jumped out from the center of the burning pit where there were lingering scarlet flames. After several leaps back and forth, he arrived in front of the confused Mary Morstan.

The blazing flames not only burned away the soil and corpses, but also burned away the clothes and stains. He was now as naked as a newborn baby.

Watson first took a look at the shocked mortal in the manor, then turned back to face the female dancer and said calmly:

"If I remember correctly, Miss Mary should also practice the enlightenment of dismantling holes, right?"

Mary Morstan nodded slightly.

"Very good! It's time to complete the contract between you and me." Watson smiled happily: "I have found clues to the entrance to the Tomb of the Shadowless Kings."

"The tombs of the Shadowless Kings are not under Shanxin Mountain, but on top of Shanxin Mountain."

"At dawn, it is the best time for us to enter the tomb of the Shadowless Kings!"

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