The sky in front of him was blood red, without any floating clouds, only as bright and scarlet as blood boiling, as if the sky was just the burning corpse of some god.

The gravel beneath him was moist, and even though it was just a simple skin contact, he seemed to be able to smell the greasy taste of blood buried deep in the gravel.

Vaguely, one can hear the extremely fierce fighting roars, clanging swords, and cracking of bones and flesh reverberating under the gravel. It seems that an extremely terrible war has broken out here in the past years, and both sides are fighting. The remaining fighting spirit has deeply infiltrated this land.

It was on this land that Mary Morstan opened her eyes.




Click, click, click——

There seemed to be a weird noise left in her head, like a giant deformed snake roaring up to the sky unwillingly, but it still couldn't delay the end of destruction.

That touch of anger, panic, fear, despair, and even the sudden realization of the moment before destruction.

It still remains in Mary Morstan's head, clear and fuzzy, as if someone used the influence of the heart to instill these emotions into the female dancer's consciousness, trying to make her remember and resonate with them.

But how can an event that has never been experienced personally arouse emotional resonance?

Within a few breaths of the female dancer waking up, the unwilling obsession left behind by the exploding giant snake in the gradually healing darkness had completely dissipated.

After Mary Morstan woke up, she first felt abnormally weak. This weakness penetrated both body and spirit, making her feel exhausted.

Immediately afterwards, strong pain and itching rushed towards her!

The pain came from his two arms, and was accompanied by a numbing sensation of broken bones. It seemed that his arms had suffered a terrible blow while he was unconscious.

And the looming itching feeling spread all over every inch of skin on the body.

Mary clearly remembered that such an itch that made people want to reach out and scratch it mostly only appeared when the injury was almost completely healed - so not only the bones in both my arms were broken, but every inch of my skin was also broken. Have you ever had a minor cut injury?

She struggled to get up from the gravel.

With the flexibility gained from practicing dance for many years, her seemingly slender waist has enough explosive power to sit up even without using her arms to support the ground.

A piece of shriveled skin like a torn sack slipped from Mary's body, and only then could she clearly observe her current physical condition.

Bai Ruo Ningzhi's skin was covered with fine scabs. Although each scab did not look serious on its own, at most it could only be regarded as a minor flesh wound pierced by a small dagger.

But when these fine scars cover every inch of the skin, the dense scars look particularly horrifying, as if one has experienced the appalling torture of the ancient East.

It is a woman's nature to love beauty, and even female dancers who study invisible arts are not immune to it.

Mary lowered her head and stared at her shocking skin, with a trace of sadness on her brows.

She unconsciously wanted to activate the mind in her soul body, radiate vitality into this scarred body, and speed up the healing of those ugly scars.

Fortunately, although the pain in her arms was unbearable, she had not completely lost consciousness. The female dancer was still able to endure the pain and control her hands.

She immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and transformed into the lotus position of Badma Asana, with her palms and feet facing the blood-stained sky, and her slightly twitching fingers condensed into the seal of wisdom.

In a breathing rhythm that coincided with the rhythm of heaven and earth, Mary's mind quickly calmed down.

Her thoughts seemed to gradually rise and become disconnected from her body, and the pain of broken bones and the itching of scabs gradually left her.

Mary was able to clearly see her soul body and the dark and boundless spiritual world.

But then the darkness, which symbolized Mary's spiritual world, began to shake violently in the next moment.

A shrill scream resounded in the chaotic void.

"Where's my moth phase?!"

"Where is the moth phase that I worked so hard to nurture to the fifth level?!!!"

Inside the soul of the female dancer, shockingly, only the shattered appearance and the haggard and depressed state of mind remained!

This sudden bad news directly interrupted Mary's meditation process. Her spirit was filled with distracting thoughts and returned to her scarred body again.

She spat out a mouthful of her heart's blood, which splashed onto the gravel in front of her.

The fresh and hot blood fell on the gravel and penetrated into the sand in an instant, as if it was greedily drank up by the sand.

The originally sober mind became drowsy after hearing this shocking news, and the female dancer's head seemed to be filled with a strange clicking and hissing sound influenced by a moth.

"But obviously the moths in the skull have disappeared, so where does the clicking sound that is shaking and echoing in the skull come from???"

Mary tried her best to search the memory in her mind, trying to recall any secrets related to the Secret Technique of the Moth, but no matter how hard she racked her brain to recall, the contents of the Secret Technique of the Moth in her head were blank... It was as if her memory had been completely erased by some dark eraser!

"I actually lost my memory about the Secret of the Moth?!"

"What happened while I was in a coma?!!"

After the shock and consternation, Mary's turbulent heart immediately calmed down. She began to browse her memories carefully, trying to find out the truth behind her disappearance.

"I vaguely remember that before I fell into coma, I was standing at the top of Shanxin Mountain, reciting the ritual incantation from Mr. Watson to open the tombs of the shadowless kings..."

"But then I completely lost my self-awareness because of the loss of control..."

"At that time, the angry ancient lion was rushing back. According to the opponent's traveling speed and the time I expected to fully open before I fell into coma... we probably collided head-on with that lion."

"So the injuries on my body were caused by that ancient lion?"

Mary looked at her two arms in confusion. The forearms of both arms were wrapped with old bandages and crude fixators. The gray-white fixators on both sides looked like the bones of some kind of creature.

But even with the use of such crude materials, this broken bone fixation and restraint surgery was performed extremely well, allowing the possibly torn radius and ulna to be merged together seamlessly. The performer of the surgery was even extremely skilled. In a playful way, a girlish bow was tied at the end of the bandage.

The Chen cloth bow stained with black blood is trembling slightly with the movements of the female dancer's hands, as if she is dancing.

Mary looked at the dancing bows at the elbows of her arms, and a long-lost warmth suddenly emerged in her heart... It seemed that she had not experienced such a feeling for a long time since her mother left.

Even the cold heart seems to melt for this pair of fluttering butterflies.

But it just seemed that the female dancer's heart returned to coldness and ruthlessness in an instant.

"Now is not the time to be weak, hurry up and remember what happened!"

"What happened after I started the entrance ceremony to the royal tomb?"

The female dancer's eyebrows were deeply furrowed.

"After I opened the entrance to the royal tomb, inside the whirlpool that could swallow even the rising sun... it seemed that a lady wrapped in snakes slowly walked out?"

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