I founded Tantric Buddhism in London

Chapter 405 Ninety-four thousand five hundred breaths

Mary Mostan only felt an unbearable pain in her lungs.

The pain in the lungs was not actually strong, but it was very unbearable, just like a toothache that was looming.

Although it was not painful enough to make people faint, the subtle pain was continuous, like thousands of tiny ants digging and building nests in the lungs.

Every time Mary took a breath, she seemed to be able to feel the thousands of ants in her lungs being hit by the strong wind.

In order not to be blown away from their hometown by this strong wind, the ants had to pierce their tentacles deep into the ground to stabilize their bodies. But even so, they couldn't help but sway in the strong wind, and the ground under their feet became looser and looser.

The lung soil became looser and more fragile, so that the hurricane caused by breathing seemed to become sharper.

Every breath Mary Mostan took caused a sharp pain in her lungs.

She coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood, bright red blood splashed out, fell on the sand in front of her and disappeared in an instant, as if it was completely absorbed by the greedy land.

"Such symptoms... It's the Delayed Breath Curse!"

Marimostan became increasingly pale and ugly, and she thought to herself.

"The wind and sand in this world of the Shadowless Kings' Tomb actually contains the Delayed Breath Curse left over from before the Great Blight Period... This is troublesome."

She had seen records about the Delayed Breath Curse in an ancient book.

The Delayed Breath Curse is a vicious invisible technique from ancient times.

As a disciple of Ms. Suluo Chana, she can access hidden secrets far beyond those of ordinary secret believers.

Mary Mostan had heard her mentor talk about the glory of the ancient times - at that time, the power had not yet withered, the various gods gave blessings without hesitation, all kinds of secret techniques emerged one after another, and talented people emerged under the sky. Secret practitioners who devoted themselves to different principles unscrupulously provoked disputes, trying to spread the ideas of their own masters to the whole world.

In such a fiercely competitive environment, many terrible and dangerous forbidden secret techniques were born.

These forbidden secret techniques born in ancient times are far more powerful than the limits of the secret believers of today.

But since the Great Blight, most of these forbidden secret techniques have lost their effectiveness, and the secret believers now have no chance to exert such terrible power.

However, the secret techniques/rituals performed before the Great Blight period have been lucky enough to survive in the world.

Although most of them have lost their power over time, a small part of the power of the secret techniques still remains.

The power that has remained since before the Great Blight is a secret technique that has disappeared and will never reappear.

Even though the power of sexual phase contained in it has weakened, its essential power is still profound, and it is definitely not something that the secret believers born after the Great Withering can match!

The Curse of Slow Breath is a secret technique left over from before the Great Withering.

This curse is different from the curse of taking life in the conventional cognition. It does not have the danger of taking a person's life in an instant, but it is extremely difficult to deal with. The horror lies in its long-lasting pain.

People who are entangled by the Curse of Slow Breath will first feel a pain in the throat and start to cough uncontrollably - coughing is the clock hand towards death. Every cough, life takes a big step towards the end of death.

The next stage is a stinging pain in the lungs, as if countless spores have taken root in them, swaying and dancing with the hurricane in the lungs caused by breathing. Every dance will pull the lungs and cause unbearable pain.

The most direct way for the cursed person to relieve his own pain is to stop breathing. As long as he does not breathe, he will not trigger the cursed spores in the lungs, and he will not need to endure the pain of the spores swaying.

Even if the cursed person stops breathing, the cursed spores will stop growing, and the clock of death will stop.

But how can a mortal stop breathing? How can a person who stops breathing continue to exist in the world?

People who are entangled by the slow breath curse can only count their every breath and count the countdown to their death with resentment and resentment in their last life.

They tried every means to slow down their breathing and try to prolong their lifespan, but it was useless in the end.

The slow breath curse will treat everyone fairly - every cursed person will usher in his own end after 94,500 breaths.

Even if they slow down the rhythm of each breath to ten seconds or fifteen seconds... it can only delay the arrival of the end, not escape.

But even so, the cursed person will do his best to breathe slowly to reduce pain and delay death - this is the origin of the name of the slow breath curse.

Mary Morstan recalled the records in the ancient book, and immediately slowed down her breathing rhythm to a long and melodious rhythm, and the pain in her lungs was indeed reduced a little.

But it was only a little bit, the uncontrollable coughing feeling still lingered in the throat, and the pain of millions of spores taking root in the lungs was still clear.

She even had to use all her strength to suppress the urge to cough, and once she was distracted by other things, even if it was just a small thing like moving, she would cough uncontrollably.

Once she coughed, Mary Mostan's breathing rhythm was disrupted, the cursed spores in her lungs continued to sway and dance, and the clock hand of death began to accelerate!

She couldn't help but say in her heart:

"The Delayed Breath Curse is a forbidden secret technique before the Great Blight. Its essence is the power of a higher dimension, which cannot be dispelled or cured by the secret transmitters after the Great Blight."

"If you want to completely dispel this curse, you must go to Mansu to steal a trace of the residual power of the fifth-level Sichen or above, and use this as the core to hold a dispelling ceremony, so that it is possible to completely dispel the Delayed Breath Curse."

"And the Delayed Breath Curse in the Tomb of the Shadowless Kings is obviously more powerful than the Delayed Breath Curse I learned from ancient books... Maybe even the residual power of the fifth-level Sichen can't completely dispel this curse... It is even very likely that I have used up 94,500 breathing opportunities before returning to London!"

"We must find a way to suppress the power of the Delayed Breath Curse!"

"Otherwise, I can't even move normally, and every movement will cause a series of violent coughing."

Mary slowly swallowed the remaining blood in her mouth, raised her head slightly and looked at the setting sun in the distance.

The huge and round sunset, like a furnace, is now resting on a slightly higher and slightly steep sand dune.

From a distance, the peak of the sand dune protruding like a blunt triangle is like the front edge of a sword piercing the sky from the earth, deeply piercing the center of the round furnace!

The strange blood-red sunset splashed down from the wound of the sword blade, and the sand dune, which was originally only slightly red, seemed to be full of blood, and looked red and swollen.

The sand on the hilltop fell without wind, and in the eyes of Mary Mostan, who had lost the moth phase of the five senses, it was as if the sand dune that had drunk the blood of the sunset was trembling slightly, as if something buried deep under the sand dune was about to wake up.

But Mary was not moved at all, she just stared at the sunset and the sand dune.

At least ten minutes had passed, and although the blood-red sunset in the distance seemed to be slowly sinking, it was actually motionless.

It should be noted that the time of twilight before and after sunrise and sunset is only about 24 minutes, but the sunset here has not moved for at least ten minutes!

It seems that in this ancient battlefield, even the endless time has ended the passage, and the natural law of the sun and the stars has lost its effect!

Facing this scene that subverts common sense, Mary Mostan's face reveals a faint ecstatic smile.

The frozen sunset, the towering and independent sand dunes... This is simply the most perfect and most suitable solo dance stage!

Although Mary does not understand why the tomb of the Shadowless Kings is this desert that obviously does not exist in the waking world, and she does not know where the bones of the Shadowless Kings are hidden here.

But these flaws do not affect the real purpose of her trip-to complete the dance of destiny.

She murmured in her heart: "As long as I can complete this destined dance, I will also usher in the fifth transformation... The threat of the slow breath curse will be greatly weakened, and it is very likely to dissipate directly!"

"Even if the moth in the skull has disappeared, it will not affect my continuation of the fifth destined dance."

"The destined dance is the real key to transformation, and the moth and the heart are just twisting the direction of the key."

"Whether you twist the key to the left or the right, you can open the door of transformation... I will devote myself to the dance that originated under the dry mountain pine."

"I will turn to pursue the transformation of a new body!"

"However, the most urgent task is to temporarily suppress the slow breath curse in my body... I am covered with wounds and my physical strength is not good. If I have to endure the torture of the slow breath curse, I will not have enough physical strength to dance the destined dance."

Marimostan immediately slid down the sand slope, continued to calm her mind in the lotus posture of Badma Asana, and soon immersed herself in a state of meditation.

The mind was relaxed and focused, the perception of the body was gradually blurred, and the pain in the throat and lungs seemed to have quietly left.

However, the weak heart beat with all its strength, and it was difficult to squeeze out a trace of vitality.

Without enough heart power, Mary naturally had no way to suppress the slow breath curse.

"No way... I can only use the limited vitality to concentrate on suppressing the curse spores in the lungs."

"As long as I can complete the dance of destiny and usher in the fifth transformation, this small sacrifice will not be worth anything!" Mary Morstan thought so, and resolutely extracted the vitality of other uses in her body and put it into her lungs.

If the human body is likened to the universe, then at this moment, the star light in the female dancer's body, which symbolizes the left kidney, liver and gallbladder, pancreas and mother's womb, has completely extinguished.

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