Watson caught a taxi on the side of the road. As soon as he got on the taxi and told him his address, 221B Baker Street, the taxi driver immediately smiled and asked, "Are you planning to go see Miss Holmes?"

"Oh, how did you know?"

"Hahaha, at least half of the passengers I have taken with me in the past half month have gone to the 221B Baker Street Detective Agency to meet the beautiful and noble female detective mentioned in the newspapers... But this gentleman, I have to I would like to remind you that Miss Holmes does not accept outsiders easily these days. She hired a young and strong man to guard the door. If you are not a customer who sincerely asks for help, but is just an admirer in the guise of a customer, you will all be worried about this. Stop at the door."

"Even if you are really a customer who comes to seek help, if the case you are asking for help is not bizarre enough, it will be difficult to get started. Some simple consultation questions, the young man can give answers on the spot, and he is now known as Miss Holmes’ new assistant is actually the author of the article who is said to be Miss Holmes’ real assistant and has not been seen for a long time..."

The talkative coachman suddenly recalled something, and he asked tentatively: "I suddenly thought of something, but I'm afraid that I might make you angry if I mention it, so I'd better not say it for now."

"It's okay, you can say whatever you want. I have no self-esteem and I'm not afraid of what others say."

"Hahaha, guest, you are really funny, so let me tell you the truth... It's a coincidence that Miss Holmes's former detective assistant also had some inconvenient legs and feet like you. I was really surprised when I heard the news. It’s strange, how can a person with weak legs and feet be able to serve as a detective’s assistant? Can he also track down criminals, or can he also rescue cats with his bare hands?”

"Really, it turns out that Miss Holmes's assistant is also a cripple? I haven't really read that article, but I've heard too many stories about the great detective Sherlock Holmes recently. I just have time today and I want to go and read it. After all.”

"Then your trip may be in vain. I heard from other colleagues that those who went to the Sherlock Holmes Detective Agency recently to join in the fun were turned away. In addition, Miss Holmes is also patient. Except for the ones that open early in the morning and close at night. Outside of the time period, I stayed in the detective station almost all day long, and the curtains were tightly closed... If you go at this time, I'm afraid you won't be able to see Miss Holmes until night."

This taxi driver is also an interesting person. He thought that he had already accepted the taxi fare from this customer, and he was embarrassed to take others on a wasted trip. Moreover, based on the deductive reasoning method he learned from the newspaper, this customer Wearing patched clothes, but holding an obviously expensive cane in his hand... Perhaps a rich man who was once wealthy but is now in decline, even though he knew that this trip would definitely come back with nothing, he was limited by the In the past, I was too embarrassed to change the route or refund money and get off.

He simply tried to ask: "How about I take you to visit other places first, such as the river bank where it is rumored that Miss Holmes fought with the riot arms group?"

"Just drive directly to 221B Baker Street. Maybe I can pass the young man at the door?"

The coachman did not expect that this passenger was still determined to go to the Sherlock Holmes Detective Agency, so he could no longer dissuade him.

When Watson arrived at Baker Street, he immediately saw a large crowd of people waiting in front of the detective agency. They followed the traffic rules and did not obstruct the road. They just squatted on the roadside and chatted. Among them were young men and women. They were discussing happily, and looking at their eager faces, they seemed to be on a pilgrimage.

There were also some elderly uncles and aunts, who pointed at the door of the low-key detective agency, as if they were here for sightseeing.

Watson laughed silently when he saw this. It seemed that his article had already helped 221B Baker Street develop into a tourist destination in advance.

He opened the curtains of the carriage at this moment. The neighbors on the roadside noticed the familiar face in the carriage and applauded: "Woo-Mr. Watson! Our hero is back!!!"

"Oh, Mr. Watson, why are you back just now? A young guy has come here these days and is ready to steal your assistant position."

"Yes, yes, I've long disliked that pretty boy. He's tall and handsome, but he doesn't look like a detective... Watson, as long as you say a word, we'll help you fight that guy away later." Brat."

"Hey, why are you talking like that? I think this new guy is pretty good. He's fair and good-looking. He's much prettier than you fat-headed, big-eared, smelly men!"

The warm welcome from the neighbors once again turned into a quarrel. When the driver in front heard these words, he looked back in shock and said in shock: "Are you Mr. Watson?! Oh, I'm so sorry. I was just talking nonsense. Can you?" Don’t take it seriously.”

Watson waved his hand and said, "It's okay. Didn't I tell you? I have a bad temper and I won't take it seriously. And you're right. I really can't climb up the roof or trees to save the cat."

"Hahaha, Mr. Watson, you are really funny!"

As soon as the lame detective assistant stepped out of the carriage, he saw the crowd waiting in front of the door casting their gazes, but it was just their gazes. They all came for the witty, brave, beautiful and intelligent Miss Charlotte Holmes. To him, In the article, the assistant who is just a spectator and recorder does not pay much attention to it.

Watson was happy not to be disturbed. He said hello to Victor, who was sitting next to him in the driver's seat of the carriage, and walked straight to the entrance of the detective agency.

The doorman X211 from the Anti-Suppression Bureau looked at the unattractive man in front of him. Of course he heard the discussions among the neighbors and knew that this was Miss Holmes' real assistant John H. Watson, but he couldn't help but be a little suspicious. Why did a man with handicapped legs and feet get involved in the destruction of the Flash Blade Order?

Watson looked at the young and strong man blocking the door. His moth vision had been secretly activated... This was just an ordinary mortal, a muscular mortal with a short gun hidden under his ribs.

He smiled and said: "Hello, please give me permission."

The doorman got out of the way in silence - Miss Holmes had already given instructions not to stop old employees like Victor and Watson.

Watson pushed the door open and saw Charlotte Holmes standing with her hands behind her back in front of a newly erected blackboard in the living room. There were several sketches and some text on the blackboard, connected by lines. ——Typical mosaic survey wall.

Charlotte turned around when she heard the sound and saw her assistant whom she had not seen for a long time. She happily rushed forward and gave him a big hug.

She looked at Watson, who was no longer using a plaster to fix his left arm and shoulder, "Why were you discharged from the hospital so quickly? Has the injury fully recovered?"

Watson showed a forced smile, which seemed to be caused by the female detective's hug that affected the incompletely healed injury on his shoulder, "It's still a little bit close, but it was too boring to stay in the hospital all day, so I couldn't bear it and was discharged early. ”

"That's just right. I'm currently investigating a gang that is suspected of being an evil esoteric sect. Come over and help me look into the details. Can you spot any clues I've missed?"

Charlotte held her assistant's right arm and led him to the investigation wall, but Watson had actually swept away all the content on the wall as early as the moment he entered. He saw the one at the top. A sketch of a familiar middle-aged male face, from which he had just parted shortly... Holmes had actually investigated Winfrey Morgan! Where did she get the clue?

He also saw the portrait of his former subordinate Nello, and saw the words St. Arthenius Hospital - he instantly understood that this was the case!

Nero was cured of his disability because he joined the order of Winfres. At that time, he also invited himself to go to St. Artionus Hospital to find a mysterious doctor who might be able to cure his lameness... It turned out that all of this had happened a long time ago. sign.

Charlotte has already begun to explain: "Watson, do you remember St. Arthenius Hospital? That abandoned hospital that I once listed as suspected of having mysterious events."

Watson nodded slightly.

"Recently, when I was looking through the confidential files of the Anti-Suppression Bureau, I discovered that an incident involving Si Chen did occur in this hospital. Some mysterious power spread, causing the patients who were hospitalized at that time to lose control and self-harm."

Watson still nodded slightly, thinking: I understand the influence of high-level Qi Zhi. I have already seen and controlled that power.

Charlotte pointed to the portrait of Winfrey at the top and knocked hard.

"And this abandoned hospital has recently been occupied by a so-called free clinic doctor - Winfrey Morgan, a doctor from the Institute of Medicine."

The female detective traced her fingers across the other portraits next to her, "Every Saturday night, he would lead this group of helpers to hold free clinics in the abandoned hospital and administer medicine for free. Many people at the bottom queued up all night for this. It seemed that It’s really just an ordinary free clinic team… but they choose to use St. Arthenius Hospital as a free clinic base, which is already the biggest suspicion!”

"I once worked with X211...the young man outside the door, disguised as a patient and sneaked in, and found that the treatment methods used by Dr. Winfrey were in line with modern medicine."

"But after I sneaked into the hospital quietly, I was shocked to find that there were some fresh human bone fragments scattered around the hospital! This so-called free clinic gang is entrenched in St. Arthenius Hospital, and it definitely has another purpose!"

"Then when I went to check again the next morning, I found that the interior of the hospital had been cleaned and the suspicious bone powder had disappeared. I searched St. Artionius Hospital inside and out, but I did not find any suspicious traces. I know they They must have discovered that I was investigating and wiped out all suspicious places, just like the original Flash Blade Order."

"I originally thought they would abscond, just like the Flash Blade Order evacuated the site of Kate and Holo Co., Ltd., but I didn't expect that they would still dare to continue to show up for free clinics on the following Saturday!"

"Even if I specially invite professionals from the Anti-Suppression Bureau to pretend to be patients and line up, I can't get any results. I just say that this person does not use invisible secret techniques when practicing medicine."

Watson almost wanted to laugh when he heard this. Why does this anti-suppression bureau sound so... weak? William couldn't see through it at the beginning, and Winfres can't see it through now, but his moth vision works every time.

"I have been trying to investigate their traces for the next two weeks, but this secret sect headed by Winfreth is very careful and cautious. Except for Saturdays when they gather at St. Artionus Hospital, they spend most of their daily life There was no intersection at all. Even if the free clinic ended that night, they would leave separately after cleaning the garbage in the clinic hall... Since there are too many inquirers coming in and out of each free clinic, I entered the investigation immediately after they left. The search turned up no sign.”

"The progress of my investigation has been stalled for a long time because of this...Watson, from your perspective, can you find any other useful clues?"

Watson asked, "Miss Charlotte, have you ever heard of the Trojan Horse?"

There is a problem with this chapter. I will correct it again. Please read it again tomorrow.

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