The moth inside the skull absorbed an excessive amount of juice from the cup, and suddenly burst its belly, sputtering out a bright color like blood amidst a dull explosion.

The broken body mixed with the viscous liquid splashed on the inner wall of the skull and slid deep into the body.

With only half of its body left, the moth inside the skull not only did not languish, but its dark moth pupils burst out with an extraordinarily shining light.


In a trance, he seemed to be immersed in the depths of consciousness, and could see the hole of his sleeping soul.

It's just that this time the entrance to Mansu is very narrow, like the cracks in the rock pile after the collapse of the pit, and the faint light like the flickering of a candle leaks through the cracks.

He struggled to pull the broken stones and walked along the narrow stone hole path to the dark forest.

The breeze shuttled between the branches, and the sound of the wind was shrill and shrill, like howling or wailing.

The ancient branches dare not move, the velvet moss fades away and disappears, and the strange mole hides in the hole of the tree and shivers.

Only the sound of the flapping wings of moths echoed through the sky, the bright arc moon was obscured by the overwhelming shadow of moths, and the forest land was captured by absolute pure darkness.

But he felt like a fish in water. He ran wantonly, feeling that his field of vision had never been wider, his speed was unprecedentedly fast, and the scenery on both sides seemed to be retreating rapidly.

There is no more wet and slippery moss underfoot, and the ancient roots are also giving way. However, it does not seem to be a polite retreat in the past, but more like hiding out of fear.

Although he could no longer feel the guidance of the moth in his skull, a strange impulse surged instinctively in his heart. There seemed to be something extremely important waiting for him in the unknown front.

He could not resist the attraction of this thing to him, and his three eyes were full of joy due to hunger. He kept looking for it in the forest... just like his ancestors could not resist the desire for the light and plunged into it.

I don’t know how long I have been running. Maybe it was just a slight rotation of the sundial, maybe it was just a pour of Dettol, or maybe seven days and seven nights had passed when I woke up.

He finally saw that figure in the distance in the deserted forest.

It's just that the figure looks deformed and thin, like an inferior male species living in the darkness.

But his wings were vibrating, his flesh was vibrating, and his skull echoed with a clicking sound like scissors... He knew he had found the right person.

Click, click, click, click - he responded with a cordial greeting, but the other person seemed to have decayed to the point of petrification. His call was like throwing a stone into a muddy swamp, without receiving any response.

He approached suspiciously, but the figure that looked like a lower creature still stood motionless.

But only after he got closer did he realize that this figure was covered in pitch-black spider webs and seemed to have been waiting in the forest for a long time.

When he took a closer look, he saw a deep gash in the back of the opponent's head all the way to the waist. It was clearly visible that the twisted flesh and blood that still remained active was still squirming. The bones in the gap were also fresh and gray, and the internal life tissues were still beating tenaciously. , but there is nothing inside the skull...

It turned out to be just an old shed skin.

He thought so, his ninety-nine faceted emerald eyes shining with the brilliance of wild whimsy. He suddenly leaned towards the molting crack behind the opponent and took a deep breath. The antennae at the end of his nose could not help but dance wildly when he felt the fresh fragrance... Good A pure fresh smell!

He turned around and came to the front of the petrified body that looked like shedding its shell. He saw a typical face of a male lower creature... fragile skin, superfluous and unnecessary hair, visual organs as ugly as stone blades, and weird as a bulge on a hillside. Smell organs, inefficient feeding mouthparts and rudimentary hearing organs like fan blades.

Humph, a weak and inferior creature.

He said sarcastically, but a strange feeling emerged in his heart... Why did he feel that this appearance looked so familiar?

Is it one of my captive slaves? Or is it the meat that I once swallowed?

The more carefully he observed it, the more he felt that this stone-like face was extremely familiar, as if he had met him countless times in his dreams... But he had been able to accurately identify it a long time ago. Control the secretion of intracranial hormones and achieve an almost dreamless state.

When I was doubtful, a mottled fat moth suddenly flew down from the endless stream of moth shadows in the sky.

The fat moth landed on top of his head, its scales vibrating and fluttering as if whispering.

He just felt that the message conveyed by the fat moth was too slow, and with a look of impatience on his face, he reached out to grab the fluttering moth, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed the scales and the memories contained in them.

Um! He tasted the memory of the fat moth and then he suddenly woke up. The dead memory that should have been buried deep in the roots of the forest began to revive. The rotten and withered bone claws poked out from the rotten soil and tightly grasped the second toe on the heel of his foot. .

He raised his head and stared into those dark eyes. The mirror-like transparent lenses reflected back the shimmering light, reflecting his current appearance - skin covered with fine hardened scales, pupils as green as emeralds, twisted like the rays of stars. The tentacles on the nose, the sharp and pointed mouthparts, and the exaggerated smile.

He slapped the back of his head so hard that the third eye on his forehead almost fell out again.

"Hey, I remembered!"

"Isn't this my old body that was abandoned between the future and the past?"

He looked around at this body whose appearance he had long forgotten, and rarely recalled his immature actions back then. He vaguely still remembered those interesting little games of fighting wits and courage with mortals... Hehe, it was so fun.

But the memories that emerged in the next moment were mixed with other weird and irrelevant information, such as noisy voices chattering in the head.

"What London has fallen, what Sunless Sea... what are these things?!"

He unhappily took out the sharp blade in his sixth finger, dug out his ear, dug out a mass of gray-white squirming tissue, flicked it to the ground, and then trampled him to pieces!

Phew—the whole world finally quieted down.

He looked at the debris of thoughts on the ground and suddenly recalled the fat moth just now.

Oops, why did you accidentally swallow the boss's messenger? !

He apologetically opened the zipper of the scar lock, took out the moth residue that had not been burned by the corrosive furnace, put his palms together and rubbed them hard back and forth.

When he opened his palm again, there was already an unconscious fat moth lying in the palm... It seemed that he had rubbed it too hard, and the mottled color on the other person's body had been rubbed away.

"But it doesn't matter. One white color can cover up all ugliness. Your unique color makes you so handsome among the gray moths, okay?"

The fat white moth glanced at him resentfully, then slowly flapped its wings and flew into the sky. The bit of pure white stood out among the black crowd of moths.

He touched his dry belly and smiled unconsciously.


He retracted his sharp claws and carefully picked two skinless lychees with white flesh and black core from the branches of the stone tree in front of him. He put them into his mouth and chewed them heartily. The flesh of the skinless lychees was firm and full of juice. He took one bite. The turbid juice exploded between the sharp teeth as sharp as daggers, and everything in the past was vividly visible.

Then he raised his right arm and popped out his fingertips. The blade claws with evil brilliance like obsidian slashed through the fragile grass leaves, peeled off the tough and thick bark, cut off the thick fibers, and exposed the pulsating tree inside. The heart fruit looks like a large red-skinned coconut.

He cut off the connection between the core fruit and the main trunk, and sweet coconut juice flowed from the top of the coconut. He tilted his neck back and took a big sip. His mouth expanded more than ninety degrees and swallowed the huge coconut fruit in one gulp. Chewing the crisp and tough pulp together and swallowing... he felt the colorful emotions of mortal thoughts pouring into his gray skull again, and he once again tasted the passion that he had given up in the past.

The sharp and forked tongue picked out the coconut shreds remaining between the teeth, and the broad, leaf-like fat tongue licked the aftertaste from the lips.

It's really good, it turns out that the previous thoughts were so delicious... He was thinking about some kind of reminiscence, and felt that it was a bit unethical for him to take things for himself without asking. According to the highest true meaning of civilization, harmony, equality and friendliness, he should return some gifts.

He took off his tattered clothes with fine scales and put them on his body.

He picked off the ninety-nine sided emerald-colored gemstone and hung it back on the branch.

He took out a red and white coconut he had hidden deep inside and filled the hole.

"'s just the last step."

He held the four horns with a grin, used his arms to tear open the container that restricted his thoughts, and crushed the belly of the moth inside before it fled in panic.

"Hahaha, be good and don't run around."

He laughed heartily, stuffed the broken intracranial moth into the head of the tree crown, pulled out the protruding slender bone spur on his forehead and used it as a pin to mend the deep crack behind it.

He took a few steps back to admire his masterpiece, "Not bad, not bad, really good... Hehe, as expected of me... Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing!"

He leaned close to his old self's ear and whispered softly:

"John H. Watson...the moth boss ordered me to tell you."

"What is destroyed is never destroyed, what is dead is never dead, everything is hidden within. These are what He has to say."

When Watson heard this sentence, his lowered eyelids trembled, his heart beat rapidly, and the moth inside his broken skull broke out of the cocoon!

He opened his eyes, and there was only a messy dining table in front of him, but he couldn't remember the taste of the food at all, and the memory of the past taste also disappeared with the complete withering of the cup.

Watson only remembered that he had just fallen into the illusion of secret promotion. In the illusion, he seemed to be transformed into some ancient monster beyond imagination, some monster that existed long before the birth of human civilization!

The details of the illusion are no longer clear, but Watson still retains a general impression - he seemed to be running in the woods, and then met 'himself' again? And had a heart-to-heart communication with ‘self’? !

Watson touched the back of his head and seemed to still be able to feel the scar from the craniotomy.

He looked inward at the moth in his skull that had become restrained after giving up his belly, and he had deep doubts in his heart.

Is the moth inside the skull...a metaphysical spiritual illusion, or is it a real Mansu creature?

If this is a real life, is the original moth still inside my head now? Or another similar moth?

Watson only felt that the thoughts and memories of the ancient monster still remained in his heart. He already knew how to drive the moth in his skull, how to convert the passion, restlessness and fascinated emotions into the elusive and invisible power. Protect your weak self that has not yet completed its transformation.

At the same time, Watson was inevitably affected by the monster's thoughts, and his mind seemed to have undergone some unexplainable changes.

He looked at the female chef's neck, and a certain salty yet sweet taste suddenly surged deep in his memory. He felt that the sharp tiger teeth seemed to be itching, like a weapon that lacked bluestone polishing.

Watson swallowed a sip of saliva, pretended to wipe away the remaining oil stains from the corner of his mouth nonchalantly, and said: "The taste is okay, the chicken tastes like chicken, the fish tastes like's just that the ginger and green onion don't taste right."

When the female chef, probably named Amei, heard this unpretentious comment, her eyes lit up - she didn't expect to meet an expert in this foreign country!

She hurriedly replied: "These are old ginger and green onions grown locally. The taste is indeed quite different from that of our hometown... Sir, you are such an expert. You can taste the difference in taste with just one bite."


Watson nodded slightly in response, but in fact his entire mind was focused on the scene in the sensing soul body.

Due to the hibernation of the moth and the disappearance of the cup, the secret transmission of the blade that has not yet been completely decrypted has occupied the highest position in the soul body, further increasing the violent desire brought back by the illusion, and a certain hunger and thirst for harvesting life is almost over. Capture Watson completely.

Phew—Watson looked away, trying his best to breathe slowly and suppress the restlessness in his heart.

He tried his best to persuade his heart that was ready to move... Did the woman in front of him violate the prohibition?

She neither attempted to take my life nor harmed other lives, and it was not a battlefield at this moment... How could I violate the creed established by my adoptive father?

If so, what's the difference between me and those crazy aberrations and Sichen believers? What's the difference between me and Lance, Harris, and William?

But is there really any practical difference between me and them?

They were captured by Si Chen's secret desire, and in order to adhere to the rules, they indulged their desires unscrupulously, and harmed the creatures in the waking world... And am I not the same? !

What is the difference between me and these guys who have lost themselves in forbidden knowledge? Is it just because I still have a trace of sanity left?

"However, with my current appearance... it is enough to deceive Winfrey."

Watson murmured in his heart and left the street where Amei's Teahouse was located and came to a remote and deserted alley. He pulled off the fake beard stuck to his chin, took off the flat-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and wiped off the makeup on his face. , took off the high hat and the yellowing wig underneath, took off the old luxury coat and shoulder padding found in the grocery store... threw all these disguised things into the empty gasoline cans on the roadside and lit them on fire, restoring the original appearance. face.

Then he called for a taxi to drive around the city. In the end, he got off at a remote corner and returned to the rented apartment on foot.



When Winfres heard the words of his assistant and deputy leader, Nello Bacchus, he couldn't help shouting in surprise.

"Mr. Winfrey?!"

Watson couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard this familiar voice.

Nello Barros, who heard the shouting between the current leader and his old boss, couldn't help but screamed in surprise: "Chief Watson! Mr. Winfrey! You actually know each other?!!!"

Seeing the horrified face of his assistant, Winfrey already knew that Watson was Nello's wise and brave boss who had always admired and respected him. He pretended to be calm and said: "Well, Mr. Watson once had an affair with little Anna. We were in the same hospital and I had some interactions with him.”

Watson just replied indifferently: "Yes, I was in the same hospital as little Anna and had short-term contact with Mr. Winfrey."

When Nello saw the respected Chief Watson, he almost instinctively wanted to put down the notepad in his hand, and wanted to step forward to support the Chief and welcome him to the front of the team.

But under the scorching gaze of the leader next to him, he resisted the urge and retreated... After all, the superior had already shaken his head secretly at him.

Watson just waited silently for the team to advance... He didn't wait too long, and he finally got to meet Winfrey again.

Facing this strange acquaintance who almost took away the trust of his deputy leader, Winfrey Morgan only smiled slightly.

"Long time no see, Mr. John."

"Long time no see, Mr. Winfrey."

"When I went to the Royal Free Hospital last week, I heard little Anna mention that you seem to be very busy with work recently and have no time to meet her-"

When Watson said this, he turned his head and looked at the blue-purple hall around him, scanning the patients on the rows of chairs around the hall who were receiving intravenous drips, and observing the busy crowd of volunteers around him.

"I just didn't expect that, Mr. Winfrey, you could take time out of your busy schedule to provide free clinics. You are so kind and selfless... You are truly a great and noble person!"

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