When he saw these people rushing over, Vegeta was ready to kill the monsters as well as those who diverted the trouble directly, but when he thought of something, Vegeta stopped his action.

Instead, an energy bomb was gathered in his hand. In the next second, the energy bomb was directly divided into more than sixty tiny energy bombs.

""Diffusion energy bombs"!

As Vegeta's words fell, these energy bombs flew forward quickly.

And these energy bombs seemed to have eyes, bypassing the students who were running away like crazy, and then went straight Falling on many zombies

"Boom boom"……

As the energy collided with the zombies, there was a violent explosion.

Amidst the continuous explosions, billowing smoke and air waves continued to appear, and soon the front seemed to have experienced a lot of gunfire and turned into a disaster area.

Many students and teachers who were escaping were thrown away by the air wave, and then fell to the ground and looked at the surrounding scene that had experienced horrific gunfire.

Some of them saw that it was Vegeta's so-called students, and after being distracted, they quickly ran to Vegeta.

"Thank you God for your salvation"

"Thank you, sir!"

Although many students are curious about Vegeta's costume and power, at this moment they are full of surprises brought about by the disaster.

"God, no, I am a devil!"

Looking at the many students who worshiped him as a god, Vegeta smiled evilly and said


Hearing Vegeta's words, many students who were rescued by Vegeta showed a look of astonishment for a moment, mainly because they didn't understand why Vegeta said that.

"Hum, I don’t care who you are, my father is a congressman, I order you to protect me personally from now on, and absolutely protect my safety!"

At this time, after a boy recovered from the fright, he also said: He ordered Vegeta arrogantly.

"Oh, order me!"

Vegeta couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the man behaving like this.

Vegeta was really surprised by the man's lack of brains.

"That's right, I now order you to protect my safety, otherwise..."!

He didn't notice Vegeta's astonished expression at all. The boy was also immersed in his own world at the moment.

Because his father was a congressman, he had always been in school. He maintains a superior attitude and uses this to bully men and women. However, because of his father's reasons and the fact that he still has a bottom line, the school turns a blind eye.

Now, he is also preparing to move out of his father again and wants to gain privileges..

But this time it was obvious that he had offended the wrong person. Vegeta didn't even bother to listen to his words, and directly swung the air with a huge force, causing him to rush towards the boy in an instant. Before he could finish his words, he was hit by a terrifying impact. Blood spurted out instantly, and he flew backwards for dozens of meters. His body was shattered into pieces.

Seeing Vegeta's attack without any warning, even the boy was shocked. It was completely unclear what kind of attack was carried out, which made everyone kneel down with horror on their faces.

At this moment, everyone seemed to understand why Vegeta called himself a devil, but Vegeta had no idea about this. I didn't care, but I slowly flew high into the sky under the gaze of everyone.

"He...he can fly"!

"Is he really the god who came to save us?"!

"No, the adults said he is a devil"!

"I don’t care about this, as long as you can protect me, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a god or a demon!"

As Vegeta rose to the sky, many people were surprised at first, and then started a heated discussion.

Some of the more extreme students even I instantly became a fan of Vegeta.

Human nature is often like this. If you are strong and kind, you may be recognized by some people, but some people will take it for granted.

They think that with greater ability comes greater responsibility. Big!

At the same time, it takes a huge price to gain unconditional support and trust from others.

But as long as you are strong enough and vicious enough, you can gain some die-hard fans without even having to do anything for them. Whatever, the other party will obey you unconditionally.

This is also human nature - Mu Qiang.

Of course, kindness also has the advantage of being able to gain support from more people, while evil is prone to backlash, etc. Naturally, there is no need to worry about these. As long as you are absolutely strong, you will be afraid of the backlash , just like Frieza, who has dominated the Northern Galaxy for who knows how many years and is still the overlord of the universe. , back to the present!

After seeing Vegeta flying, not to mention many students were shocked, even the"informed" Qiu Shanyong who was a reincarnation was also frightened. Qiu Shanyong never thought that humans could fly, or that even some top reincarnations could not master the skill of flying, but Vegeta flew so naturally.

The most important thing is, if Vegeta can fly. If he didn't deceive himself about being a novice reincarnation, it meant that Vegeta had great strength and mastered the ability to fly in the original world...

Thinking of this, Qiu Shanyu couldn't help but feel numb, and then became fanatical..

After all, Vegeta is now Qiu Shanyong's master. The stronger Vegeta is, the greater the benefit will be to Qiu Shanyong.

As Vegeta rises to the sky, he discovers that although the plot has just started, the zombies are expanding. The speed is much faster than in Vegeta's memory.

Don't think too much, this should be the butterfly effect caused by Qiu Shanyong.

After all, the strength of the zombies has increased by 30%, but the strength of ordinary people has not. Increase, this will directly lead to the expansion of zombies at a geometric rate.

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