Inside the house, Noah was quietly lying on the sand bed, and there was still a drip hanging beside the bed to maintain the activity of Noah's body. He hadn't eaten for a long time.

Lying on the side of the bed, the sand caressed Noah's face. Noah's body was abnormally healthy, but he just couldn't wake up.

Shasha was very afraid, afraid that Noah would just fall asleep like this.

Shasha leaned in front of Noah and lowered her head involuntarily. She likes this daily project and the skin-to-skin contact in this peaceful environment.

She has seen the future of her group, which is full of hope and no longer dark.

But a future without Noah is not the future Shasha wants.

"Maybe, we can find a lot of doctors to investigate Noah's condition?"

After Shazi thought of this, he immediately conveyed the order to his subordinates.

Today's Shazi has been able to completely control her own group, her orders are the supreme will, and every ghoul passed down from her must obey her orders.

This is also the most important reason why Xiaohui didn't dare to break the jar.

However, even though Noah wanted many doctors to heal her, the time was not yet ripe, and their companions were still very few.

So Shazi's order to his subordinates is to create companions as soon as possible.

A few days later, Yuki Natsuno held his kidney weakly and asked for leave from school.

Yuki Natsuno felt something was wrong.

He has been having nightmares (spring dreams) in recent days.

Well, if the woman in the dream is more beautiful, he can still explain that this is adolescent restlessness, but it is either a heavy tank or a ferocious ghost, this is still a ghost's adolescent restlessness!

Was my adolescence such a beast! ?

Especially Xiao Che! I don't know why, every time I have a nightmare, there will be a dead Xiao Che watching the live broadcast.

Yuki Natsuno felt that it would not do to go on like this, and he had already begun to have doubts about the situation of this kind of ghost.

Xiao Che, is he really dead?

And Yuuki Natsuno would involuntarily close the windows every time he was in his house, because he somehow felt that someone would climb in through the window.

And he also began to show symptoms similar to the infectious disease spreading in the village.

Anemia, weakness, sleepiness.

He didn't want to die so worthless, he wanted to save himself!

So he went to dig the grave of his only friend Che Muto.

Fake corpse, this is the information he collected.

And like him, a certain two little guys also started to dig graves, Tanaka sister and brother, they made an appointment with Yuki Natsuno to be tomb robbers happily.

But Kaoru Tanaka has no eyes? Yi!, ;'Qi? Ba?' ;' : Ba. Lin;;Qi: '? Flow "Yi!. "


, the impurity.


She just wanted to find clues about Noah's disappearance. Regarding her younger brother and Yuki Natsuno's sworn claim that there was a fraudulent corpse, Xiao Kaoru also decided to try her luck dubiously.

Xiao Xun held the cross on her chest, her eyes were unusually firm, she wanted to find that dreamy boy back.

Chapter 192 Not yet time


Yuuki Natsuno and Xiaoxun's siblings finally confirmed the fact that the fraudulent corpse really existed, because there was no corpse in Muto Che's tomb at all.

When she got home, Xiao Xun felt hairy all over her heart, but she couldn't help holding the cross.

She still wanted to continue looking for clues.

However, what Xiaoxun didn't know was that her father had started to feel weak since when, and he usually came home very late, holding a business card from the hospital from time to time.

At the village's house, Masao was looking at the direction of the car with a dark face. His sister-in-law's son, Hiromi, was dying, and seemed to be suffering from a strange disease that spread in the village.

However, the family's concern and care for Hiromi, and their neglect and "indifference" to him all made Masao, a narrow-minded person, start to resent him.

Hiromi, it would be nice if he died.

Murura Masao thought so.

Recently, the Maeda family, the Okawa family, the Ansen family, the Kato family, etc., have died one after another.

A deep gloom slowly encroached upon the village.

Dr. Minfu has not given up, he is still looking for the source of this unexpected plague, until his wife also has the same symptoms.

The overwhelmed doctor even had a quarrel with his good friend, the host Shao.

It was such a situation that Yuuki Natsuno approached him.

"Doctor, can a person be resurrected after death?"

Yuki Natsuno was a little weak, but he was much better than those who were completely anemic, so the doctor also thought that Natsuno was simply worried and scared.

"How is it possible." Dr. Minfu still smiled and comforted the boy, not wanting to create panic, "It's not a zombie or a vampire, how could it be..."

Um! ! ? ?

Dr. Minfu reacted instantly, he directly thought of some kind of absurd conclusion.

The cause of this sudden plague is unknown, the route of transmission is unknown, and there is no effective mitigation method.

As long as there are symptoms of exhausted anemia, without exception, that person will die within a few days.

But what if it's not a disease?

Anemia, blood holes, and...

【Direct blood transfusion】

Dr. Minfu clenched his fist violently.

It is my fault!

Dr. Minfu regretted that he could not listen to Noah's advice.

"Yuki-san, please tell me all the information you know, please!"

Dr. Minfu's eyes are bloodshot, he needs to confirm as soon as possible.

In Kansei Mansion, Noah woke up briefly again, which is some kind of protection mechanism of his own.

He can't turn into a ghoul or a werewolf, so he can only sleep to relieve some kind of unstoppable death.

Since Noah arrived at the mansion, Qianhe, Shazi, and Guizhi have sucked blood and squeezed out the Bible one after another, so now the weak Noah can only sleep.

"You're awake, Noah."

Shasha, who had been guarding Noah's bed all the time, hugged Noah in surprise, and couldn't help sending a sweet kiss.

She wanted to talk about the pain of waiting for lovesickness.

However, Noah didn't know what this rogue Lolita was thinking, so he hurriedly let Lolita stop in moderation.

"What stage has it developed, Sand."

Noah stroked the loli dog's head, secretly counting the time.

"It's not enough, Noah, we still have very few companions, not enough to confront those villagers head-on."

Sha Sha held Noah's hand and said vaguely with his fingers in his mouth.

Feeling the soft lips of the sand, Noah was about to pull back when Miss Sha grabbed her.

The werewolf's Miss Sand is much stronger than Noah's thin arms and legs, so Noah can only watch Miss Sha get worse.

Well, it's very awkward.


It's not the time yet...

Outside the door, Qianhe and Guizhi swallowed when they heard the movement, looked at each other, and found the fire in each other's eyes.

When the sand is gone, we can have some soup too, right?

And Qingshuihui also needs to think about it. Recently, Qingshuihui's performance is enough to make people look at it differently. Obviously, as a werewolf, she doesn't have to work so hard, so the reason for Qingshuihui's hard work, they are more or less I also know.

Moreover, the number of werewolves also needs to continue to increase, which is a key part of the plan.

Yuki's family, Yuki Natsuno's nightmare is still going on, but now it's no longer a trivial matter, this time it's a real action.

It's really not good to stay still, Tatsumi is already impatient with their endless humiliation of Xia Ye, and even Xiao Che, who is watching the battle, can't help but speak out for his former friend.

There is no way, a few "dinosaurs" can only suck blood after a pity.

The next day, when Xia Ye's mother saw the infected Xia Ye, she couldn't help it on the spot and almost collapsed.

However, Yuki's father felt that his wife was making a fuss, wasn't she just tired? Isn't it okay that Xia Ye was so weak a few days ago?

Then the man divorced his wife and children.

The wife fled the village leaving only a note, and the son died on the third morning.

This sudden blow directly shattered the man's beautiful family.

Death is still spreading.

However, the doctor is no longer so overwhelmed. Even though many medical staff have started to resign, and even his most powerful assistant, Ritsuko, has passed away, he already has a clue.

"This is the case, Jingxin, I will act in the future with the existence of fraudulent corpses."

However, Shizunobu Muroi couldn't accept these remarks made by Faxiao. He suddenly thought of that little "fan", who could only travel at night and could not go out during the day.

If it is true...

"Don't believe me, you are also the master of the temple."

Dr. Minfu smiled wryly and shook his head. Zi Jiafa was the most likely to believe this ridiculous conclusion, but he still couldn't believe it after hearing his own inference, let alone others.

If Dr. Minfu had nowhere to go, he would not have believed such absurd things.

"It just so happens that Mrs. Nao's mother, Mrs. Setsuko, is also hospitalized. I specially ordered that I will find out tonight whether it is a fake corpse or not."

Dr. Minfu was still very cautious, and specially sent Mrs. Setsuko to the hospital. According to his deduction, once symptoms appeared, it would take a few days before she died completely.

Therefore, if it is really a fraudulent corpse, then the person who fraudulently cheated the corpse tonight will definitely come to the hospital to find Mrs. Setsuko.

Jing Xin looked at Fa Xiao with firm eyes, and suddenly became a little scared.

He is afraid that Fa Xiao's conclusion is true, and he is also afraid that the "fans" he regards as his confidant will be fraudulent corpses, and he is even more afraid that his only confidant will be in danger.

He hated the village.

As night fell, almost everyone in the hospital had left, only Dr. Minfu and the young host remained in the hospital.

Looking at the old man on the hospital bed, Dr. Minfu was waiting nervously.

Chapter 193 The current advantage of ghouls


Distant, resentful.

The sound is unique and eerie.

"Buck button!"

There was a knocking sound from the window of the ward, and Mrs. Setsuko woke up suddenly, but she was yelling loudly when she woke up.

"Nao! Nao is back looking for me! I'm going! I'm going!"


Dr. Minfu's nervous heart almost jumped out, and he hurried into the ward to stop Mrs. Setsuko.

"Quiet letter!"

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