"Of course, the most important thing is to see how you carry out the preparations for the plan."

Ye Heng said, looking at the nervous Lei Dianying.

After all, he is now the big boss of Teyvat, and of course his subordinates will be very nervous when they see the big boss coming to their house.

In addition, this housewife is not very smart. If you ask her to charge into battle, she will kill people indiscriminately. If you ask her to govern the country, I'm sorry, she will be a bastard.

He was afraid that Lei Dianying would call the three magistrates and throw the task to them as soon as he came back.

This won't do. Lingren's brother-in-law's community magistrate can still be used, but the group of powerful people who control the Kanjo magistrate and the Tenryo magistrate who have exploited the people of Inazuma have long been rotten to the bone.

If this group of people are allowed to participate, needless to say, Demon Slayer will be wiped out by them.

For the sake of power, they don't even treat Inazuma's own people as human beings, let alone the people of Demon Slayer.

"Are you ready to execute the plan? I am going to summon all the three magistrates, the Okujishu, and all the people in power at Narugami Taisha to the castle tower to discuss the execution of the plan."Lei Yingying said without hesitation.

"It is indeed like this…" Ye Heng sighed:"Fortunately I came with you, otherwise, you would have messed up my first attempt to annex the world."

"Why do you say that?" Lei Dianying was stunned and looked at Ye Heng blankly with a disappointed face.

"Do you think that after you close your heart and hand over everything to General Lei Dian, Inazuma will continue to enjoy peace and prosperity as always?" The 'Original Law Ring' appeared behind Ye Heng.

"You don't understand human greed."

"Gods can live forever, but five hundred years is just a blink of an eye."

"But humans only live for a few decades. Perhaps the powerful people who originally controlled Inazuma will follow the example of General Raiden."

"However, those who have held power for generations have long been corrupted after tasting the power. They have learned to deceive their superiors and subordinates, bewitched the Thunder General, and even used the Inazuma God as a tool to consolidate their own status and power."

"If they are allowed to participate in the plan, it will fail 100%, and Teyvat will lose its only chance to turn the tide."

Under the power of the Primordial Ring, Ye Heng's eyes gradually turned into a golden color full of pressure.

"How is this possible? The Three Magistrates have always enforced the law impartially, and I have also protected the"eternity" of Inazuma according to my inner will. I have personally reviewed all the reports submitted on the case, and now the people of Inazuma live and work in peace and contentment."

General Raiden's consciousness took over his body and said solemnly

"Live and work in peace and contentment? Then you should take a good look at what happened to Inazuma in these years and see if it is the same as the peace and prosperity presented to you by those dignitaries."When

Ye Heng saw the sudden change in Lei Dianzi's demeanor, he knew that this was General Lei Dian.

Seeing her say such naive words with such a serious expression, he was amused.

‘The original ring of law emitted colorful light, and the power of time was activated, and began to capture the time scenes of various places in Inazuma over the past five hundred years, which were presented in front of Lei Yingying like a movie. Although the time ruler Istaru has not died yet, even he, the justice of heaven, does not know which time fragment she is sleeping in, but most of the power of time has been taken back by Phanes.

It is estimated that Istaru is now a flying elf like Paimon.

The power of time is not so exaggerated in the world of Teyvat.

It can not completely change history, nor can it go back in time and go to the future.

It can only change the direction of history to a small extent.

Just like Istaru gave the seeds of the sacred cherry tree to Raiden Zhen, and then the remaining consciousness of Raiden Zhen gave the seeds to Lei Yingying five hundred years later.

Lei Yingying planted the seeds containing a trace of time power five hundred years ago through the time intersection where wishes converged.

The so-called small things can be changed, but big things cannot be changed, otherwise the continent of Teyvat will accelerate death due to the historical conflict between the past and the future.

Lei Yingying and General Raiden looked at the pictures of what happened in Inazuma in the past five hundred years.

In the first hundred years when General Raiden took over Inazuma for Raiden, the Three Magistrates and the powerful worked diligently, but in the last four hundred years, they gradually began to plunder wealth from the common people.

In the last hundred years, they began to wantonly annex the remaining land of the common people and manipulated the price of food, causing the people of Inazuma to starve to death.

In the last fifty years, they actually colluded with the Faint of Winter to bully the common people, and even neglected their duties to maintain the earth veins and suppress the remnants of the demon god, causing evil spirits to rise everywhere.

Not only that, in order to consolidate their power, they dared to collude with the Faint of Winter to resell the materials for purifying the heart of the evil god, causing the heart of the evil god to be damaged, causing most of the land in Tadashi Sand to be polluted and no longer suitable for human habitation.

Raiden and General Raiden did not believe it when they saw this, but now they are furious.

The anger of the demon god caused a huge change in the sky, and a layer of dark clouds suddenly covered the sky above Ming Shen Island, with thunder and lightning rolling in it.

The people of Inazuma Castle looked up at the sky and continued to do their own things after a brief shock.

It is normal for Inazuma to have such weather. This is common sense for the people of Inazuma.

The scene continues.

The powerful and wealthy who have been completely corrupted by the power they have held for generations have not yet completely mastered the power. People from other countries and the holders of the powerful Eye of God make them feel that their status will be threatened.

So the powerful and wealthy united to falsify the report submitted to the case of General Raiden, and deceived General Raiden to issue the"Locked Country Order" and the"Eye Hunting Order".

When seeing this, Lei Yingying was so angry that he wanted to rush out and kill all the powerful and wealthy who deceived the general.

But it's not over yet.

Under the instigation of the Fatui, Inazuma went to war with Umijima and Tenryo Bugyo, resulting in war everywhere.

Under the instigation of the Fatui, the powerful and wealthy of Umijima destroyed the stone that suppressed the evil gods on Yayun Island, causing the evil thoughts of the demon gods to rise everywhere, and the people of Inazuma on Yayun Island were infected, crazy, and died.

Lei Yingying thought that if such a disaster happened, at least the generals and soldiers of Tianling Fengxing should transfer the people of Yayun Island in time no matter how corrupt they were.

But she never expected that they were afraid that the town stone would be destroyed and their dereliction of duty would be exposed, so they stopped the people who escaped and slaughtered them all, and pushed all the blame on the rebels of Haiji Island.

The last scene was frozen a few days ago when the person in power of Tianling Fengxing, Jiujo Takayuki, respectfully submitted the report written on Inazuma's current people living and working in peace and prosperity to General Lei Dian's case.

It seemed very ironic.

Lei Yingying's fingers were trembling with anger after reading it.

The will of the demon god emanated and enveloped the entire Inazuma.

The pictures of Inazuma at this time all appeared in her mind.

Inazuma is not a paradise where people live and work in peace and prosperity!

Except for Inazuma City, there are starving people everywhere, piles of corpses, disordered ground veins, resentment of the demon god, and monsters wandering in every corner of Inazuma.

Inazuma's people are full of resentment towards themselves.

On the contrary, those powerful people exploited the people to feed themselves in luxury.

"Do you know why I only called four gods to the Sky Island Council? Because their country is worse than yours. Even the nobles of Xumi have imprisoned their gods, and the power of the Ice God of Winter has been taken away by the fools."

Ye Heng looked at the shadow who was shaking with anger and couldn't even control the momentum of the demon god and continued

"If it was Phanes, the Frost Nail would have been sent down by now. If there was a problem with the ley lines, even Inazuma wouldn't be able to escape."

"Fortunately, Inazuma only needs to deal with all those powerful people to get back on track, which is much easier than the three countries in Xumi to Winter."

"That's why I asked you to come to Skye Island Council as well."

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