I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 179: bid farewell

Zhang Heng finished packing and took the little slave to Varrow's residence.

In his negotiating deal with Marcruz, in addition to one-fifth of the profit of each performance, by the way, the freedom of the little slave and Vallo was added. .

However, Varo was not in the place where he lived. Zhang Heng heard that Varo's roommate said that Varo should be in the training ground, so he grabbed the little female slave who probed in the back and said to her, "I and Varo have something to do. To talk, you go out and wait for us outside the door. "

"Oh." The little female slave agreed obediently. She knew that Zhang Heng said that she didn't want her to listen, but now she wouldn't blame herself, but remembered what someone had said to him before, and something didn't let her listen. It was for the sake of her safety that she walked away.

Zhang Heng came to the training ground alone.

Unlike the pleasure when promised to give the little female slave freedom, Marcruz seemed a little hesitant to let go of Vallo, but considering Zhang Heng's huge performance every month, he finally agreed.

And this is not a surprise for Zhang Heng.

The behind-the-scenes Zhang Heng, who turned Valo from an antique dealer to a slave, has already passed through the previous small investigations. The other party estimated that Valo could no longer live from the gladiator school, so he did not take this matter. How perfect and rigorous it is, as long as it is checked by interested people, it can basically understand the context.

However, after learning the truth, Zhang Heng was somewhat surprised.

Varo was sweating sweat on the training ground. He didn't even know that Zhang Heng had won the championship. Now there is only one thing in his eyes, that is training, training, and continuous training.

Varo knew that his talent strength was in the middle and lower reaches among the gladiators, and it was not outstanding. Before that, he had to rely on Zhang Heng's secret help to repeatedly pass the risk, but he could not rely on Zhang Heng's life, more Besides, the two are now separated. He wants to leave here, and it takes more sweat and effort to complete revenge than others.

Zhang Heng didn't bother Varo when he saw this, so he stood quietly watching Varo training.

Only a quarter of an hour later, Varo's practice came to an end and he found Zhang Heng on the other side. He put away his wooden sword and walked over to this side, "The end of the gladiator show?"

"Huh." Zhang Heng nodded.

"Who won the final championship?"

"The one who is standing in front of you now."

"I know," Varo was happy for Zhang Heng sincerely. "No one can beat you, my friend in the East. Now Marcruz is worried about what kind of reward you should give you. You are Victor. The arena brings glory and fame. "

"Actually ... Marcus and I are no longer a master-slave relationship."

"What do you mean?" Varo said a moment after he said, "Did he sell you? Shouldn't he? He didn't keep thinking of looking for Siesnatus' successor."

"No, I'm free now. After the show, Her Majesty gave me a training sword."

"Is this true?" Varo's face was full of surprise. "But you only played a few games. Are there any newcomers who have been free so fast before?"

"Who knows, but I guess there will be a first for everything." Of course, Zhang Heng would not tell Valo his previous conjecture. He just said to the former antique merchant. "After the freedom, Marcus and I also reached it. A new agreement, I will come back every month to help him play a game, in addition to the reward, he also agreed to give you freedom. "

"Have you brought me?" Varo blushed when he heard that. When he remembered that the two had just met, he also told Zhang Heng that he couldn't take him to do business together.

However, Zhang Heng looks indifferent. "You don't have to think about it, we were not familiar with it at the time, and your response was normal. I want to remind you that your opponent may not be only your wife and the most Good friend, do you know Peregrino? "

Varo frowned, "This name sounds familiar, oh, I remember, he is a veteran of the Senate, and his servant once came to me with two antique vases and said Pellegri Nuo is going to sell these two precious gadgets for money. "

"and then?"

"Then I went through a detailed inspection and told him that his master and he might have been deceived because the two vases were not antiques at all, but his servant said that I was deceiving him and he framed me and said that I was identifying I wrapped the vase when I was there, but he was by my side when I was appraised at the time. "Varo said," Later, a few patrons came forward to prove my credibility. This matter was left to rest, and I did not. Take this too much to heart, why do you mention Peregrino, wait, do you mean that he has something to do with me being framed? "

"Actually, to be more precise, he is the one who dominates all of this. As for your best friend and your wife, the relationship between them is indeed ... for a while, they are afraid to be you It was discovered, but with their ability, they couldn't make such a plan. "

"This is also where I have been weird," Varo smiled bitterly. "I said before that I never thought that my best friend would lie to me. In addition to the friendship between us, and because I know his ability, so yours. Means that Peregrino wanted to deal with me, and then bought my best friend and wife, but why? Why did Peregrino target me so, I am just a small antique dealer, just because I am Did n’t you accept his two fake vases? "

"The bigger reason is probably because your family's accumulated assets made him jealous."


"I asked people to help investigate Peregrino. This is not the first time this old guy has done this kind of thing. Many people have been stared at him, or they have accepted his extortion honestly, and many disobedient people and Your end is the same. "Zhang Hengdao.

"So am I stared at by a veteran?" After Varo's eyes flashed a look of fear, after all, the full name of the Roman Empire was the Senate and the Roman people. For ordinary people, it is a behemoth. Varo thought that his enemies were only his friends and wives, but he was a high-ranking veteran. However, after experiencing this change, Varo's heart has indeed become much stronger. His look soon returned to normal, and to Zhang Hengdao, "I have a request."


"I don't want to restore freedom ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Oh, why don't you always work for freedom?"

Varo clenched his fists. "That was when I didn't know who my opponent was. Since the black hand behind the scenes was Peregrino, then he must have said hello to Marcruz. This was also the time I had recommended myself before. The reason why Marcruz would ignore it, if I leave the Gladiator School, maybe it wo n’t be long before this thing goes to Peregrino, no, it ’s likely that Marcruz will tell Peregrino directly , He would not want to offend Peregrino, yes, I want freedom, I want to breathe in the air outside, but now is not the time, before I become stronger, find a solution Before Peregrino's solution, I would not leave here. "

Zhang Hengwen raised her eyebrows in surprise, "It looks like you have grown a lot during this time, yes, this is indeed your best choice now."

"Since we met, you have helped me a lot," Varo said earnestly to Zhang Heng's eyes, "I don't know how to repay your kindness, but in the final analysis, this is my business. So next, I hope I can solve it myself, and I will find a way. "

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