Chapter 1233 Angel’s Mind

The owner here? What’s so tentative about this?

Pu Yunchuan was stunned for a moment, and it took several seconds for him to react. What did Isabel mean…

Yes, unlike their veteran lord player, the city lord who took office can also represent other things behind them, and they always have some inexplicable coveting for this alien lord…

“But why is it testing now?” Pu Yunchuan asked curiously.

After all, it has been almost half a year since the election to settle down. The pace of the past half year is still relatively calm. When I first came, I didn’t test it. What is the test now? Feeling too comfortable?

Isabel: “It’s time to test now.”

Pu Yunchuan: “How to say?”

Isabel: “First of all, a large number of lord players were forced to evacuate a month ago, giving them a signal that something happened inside the alien forces, and these lord Xi Ye hasn’t shown up for a long time since the accident, including Guo Xiaoyun. The disappearance of the key person has never given a response, which indicates that the above may have lost control. Of course they want to test…”

Pu Yunchuan frowned when he heard this. From a emotional point of view, he was actually on the side of the lord. He gave D Ball such a big platform. Not to mention various technologies and resources, the gene body alone solved many D Ball people. Illness and longevity have always been well-intentioned by the other party, at least for the time being, they have not shown maliciousness. As a result, when someone happens to think about something, he feels a little bit responsive…..

Seeing Pu Yunchuan’s thoughts, Isabel curled her lips secretly. In fact, if she didn’t know the character of this guy, she might have been tempted.

She understands Pu Yunchuan’s thoughts, but as a former superior, she understands a truth, that is, never put your fate in the hands of others. When you have the opportunity to take the initiative, you must master it. Is this the same? Being ungrateful is irrelevant. Once you have the initiative, you can choose whether or not to be ungrateful, right?

Of course she didn’t say this. The most afraid of getting along between the two is the discrepancy of the three views. She didn’t want to affect the increasingly heated relationship between the two.

Pu Yunchuan: “Then Angel is also a big heart, so I’m not afraid of trying to make a fire if I try it?”

Isabel pretended not to hear Pu Yunchuan’s dissatisfaction with Angel in his tone, and responded with a chuckle: “This is a good method called Angel, and he chose a very clever way of probing.”

“Cut…” Pu Yunchuan curled his lips indifferently.

Isabel smiled and said, “Look, this time the lord player returned, and a large number of people were idle. Due to the civilization of his own city, Anger applied to open new mines several times without receiving a response. It is normal to have this trial. … and it happens to pick out a contradiction point in the future directly, isn’t it?”

“The contradiction?” Pu Yunchuan frowned: “What is the contradiction?”

“Territorial dispute!” Isabel smiled: “The location of the five major cities was divided in advance. Regardless of the size and distribution of resources, the major city owners were not selected at the beginning. There is no way. It’s a blessing to grab a city. Of course, I don’t care about the difference between each other. But now that the city is different, Mars will definitely be a temporary federal center in the future. It is obvious that it will occupy more resources in this place. There will also be more advantages in the future, but starting from the planning of cities, Lord Lord has never said the specific division of the five major cities on Mars!”

He paused for a while and said: “And with the upgrading of civilization, the major city owners also know the role of energy mines. I dare say that they must have contacted the forces on the D ball to investigate whether there are the same energy mines on the surface of the D ball. Yes, most of the results are the same as we did before. Most of them don’t have this kind of energy mine. As a result, this planet full of energy mines will be more precious in terms of location. Now this kind of city does not have a detailed division of the regions of major cities. Under the circumstances, being able to fight for more of your city will naturally make more money, right?”

“That’s the truth…” Pu Yunchuan pursed his lips, and then asked again: “But why is Angel alone the temptation?”

“Because only one person is needed…” Isabel said with a smile: “The Lord of the City has the right to develop the city. This right is given above, so theoretically there is no problem in contacting others to open up a new city. If there is The question is that it should be stopped. Since Angel has taken this head, other people naturally have to wait and see the changes. If the behavior is not prevented from above, there will definitely be a large-scale territorial scramble. It’s also Angel who left a bad impression on it, isn’t it?”

“So these city owners also care about the above thoughts?” Pu Yunchuan said with a curled mouth.

“This is natural…” Isabelle gave the other side a glance and said, “After all, the city lord campaign, the top half of the votes…”

Pu Yunchuan: “That person named Angel shouldn’t be stupid, right? Since you know that it might offend the people above, why do you want to take it?”

“The reason for the characteristics of civilization…” Isabel sighed: “Pure mechanical civilization naturally has a greater demand for energy, and storing more high-quality energy can quickly allow its own people to occupy a greater advantage… ..”

“Clan people?”

“Have you forgotten? Under her policy, the West Germans to whom Angel belongs are all the Mayin clan. In the future, most of them will be the spiritual masters and mechanics. The energy requirements are very high in the early stage, and the government reserves more. With high-quality energy, she can also better support the power of the lord headed by the Mayin clan, which is very helpful to the future social status of the Mayin clan. For the own people, she can also be considered as a harder… ..”

As soon as these words came out, Pu Yunchuan was silent for a moment…

The slightest dissatisfaction with Angel just now disappeared. After all, a person who can risk his political future to fight for the benefits of his own people really makes people unable to feel bad…..

Seeing Pu Yunchuan no longer frowning, Isabel sighed secretly. In the future, the power spreads and the role of the city lord will become more and more important. There are many benefits for the lord player to cooperate with them, and among the major city lord, Isabel is the most optimistic about being rich. The vigorous and pioneering Angel and the third city lord Song cares!

The styles of these two people are actually very similar, but there are some differences. Song Zhiyi doesn’t have much nationalist ideology. On the contrary, he will get tired of the clansmen with ignorant thinking. This is completely different from Angell.

Relatively speaking, Angel’s weakness is even greater, but she can use her to carry out some cooperation…

Suddenly Pu Yunchuan stopped her with a huge hand and made a defensive gesture…

“What’s the matter?” Isabel was taken aback, looked at Pu Yunchuan who had suddenly become dignified, and then looked around vigilantly.

At this time, the two of them were walking on the grass field outside of China City. The night black star was high, and there were only a few elves grazing around. It seemed that there was nothing.

“Something came from there…” Pu Yunchuan pointed to the endless darkness in front of him.

Isabel’s expression tightened when she heard the words, Pu Yunchuan pointed to the link between Mars and the New Territories space!

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