Chapter 1694 Li Goudan VS Demon Star (Part 2)!

There are hundreds of magnetic devices in Simon’s space bag. The most used devices for this time are naturally the black blood device and the activation device, but both of these devices need to be preheated. Among the devices that can be used now, the gravity device The priority is relatively high. After all, the agile Wandering Xia is more difficult to shuttle in this high-energy environment. The gravity device can disrupt the trajectory of surrounding elements, making it more difficult for the opponent to work in the originally complicated environment!

Dueling between masters, this momentary increase in difficulty is necessary!

The demon star took a breath and waited calmly. Although his vision could barely capture the opponent’s figure, he could still see a rough idea. In the data sent by Luluo, the effective range of the gravity device in this space is 1,000 square meters!

It must be activated before the opponent enters this range to achieve unexpected results.

This distance comes very fast!

Under concentrated observation, Yao Xing widened his eyes, and finally managed to catch that the opponent entered the red line within a kilometer range. Without hesitation, Yao Xing activated the gravity device.

In fact, it is best not to start the magnetic device at the extreme distance, because the other party can withdraw at any time. The theoretical practical time is more than half the distance, and it is best to use it when the other party is close behind.

But the demon star didn’t dare, the opponent’s speed and distance of kilometers, I am afraid that he would be gone with a blink of an eye!

The magnetic field opened in an instant, and a hundredfold gravitational force instantly squeezed the surrounding elemental energy into confusion, and even caused a lot of energy wind, and there was an energy burst!

On the monster star, there is no effect under the energy film supplied by the gravity device!

The effect of the installation was better than expected, but Yao Xing’s expression did not relax at all, on the contrary, he became more solemn.

The ability to cause such a large-scale energy burst proves that the energy stability here is poor, and the chaotic effect caused by the gravity device is extremely obvious, but even so, he still can’t see it!

Yes, under such circumstances, he still can’t clearly see the opponent’s Movement Technique!

A drop of cold sweat slowly passed by. At this moment, Yao Xing suddenly felt that the newcomer from Fengxing Academy might have completely exceeded his and Yao Feng’s calculations!

I’m afraid it’s not on the same level as Wang Xiaojia!


Soon, it was almost too late to think about how to deal with it, and the chill came out again!

Once again, without consciousness, the other party got close to himself!

This guy, can you maintain this kind of speed in this environment? Aren’t you afraid of being involved in the burst of energy?

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Yao Xing’s eyes, and his body’s psychic energy exploded instantly, and thousands of hairs on his body blasted away with the psychic energy burst, covering almost all the space around him like a torrential rain!

And under the blessing of psychic energy, the hair becomes extremely hard, and instantly penetrates the surrounding gravitational energy a hundred times!

Such a violent shave caused the blood in the pores of the demon star to burst out, instantly turning himself into a blood man, but he did not frown, but focused on Mental Energy to sense the surroundings and capture the opponent’s position!

At this speed of the other party, I only have one chance!

Unexpectedly, one day I will use the same method that soldiers deal with Gao Min’s life. Usually others use this method to deal with own! !

Twenty-one degrees southeast corner!

Yao Xing’s eyes lit up, and his whole body trembled with excitement. After being so embarrassed, she finally made her see the opponent’s position clearly!

At this moment, the wind demon was only three meters away from him, his hands spread out, agitated the surrounding energy with an extremely gentle technique to draw away the hairs that he was flying!

It’s now!

Without the slightest hesitation, Yao Xing’s leg muscles suddenly swelled, and his whole body was violent, and he rushed towards the opponent with a bang, and the iron ground under his feet was forcibly stepped out of a huge pit!

Secret Technique: Demon Star!

I saw him make a seemingly reckless impact after the energy was fully activated, but a weird effect occurred. Under this energy environment, a direct burst like a demon star would generate great friction with the surrounding energy, and the body was not very strong. Under strong conditions, even the flesh and bones can be worn through!

But what’s strange is that Yao Xing disappeared in place with a rubbing flame, making the dog eggs not far away suddenly stunned!

The opponent exploded very quickly in an instant, but he didn’t reach the point where he couldn’t see clearly, but the opponent disappeared so strangely, as if completely disappeared in the space!

“What about people?” Gou Dan glanced around for a while, even if the opponent exploded, he shouldn’t disappear instantly, right? With a good view, she found that there were no people in a radius of tens of kilometers!

Could it be the secret technique of teleporting just now?

But that’s not right, if you can teleport so far, you don’t need to fight at all!

She has also learned this teleportation secret technique. There are many such secret techniques in the Mingzhou faction, but they are all very physically demanding. Especially in this high-energy environment, it can teleport dozens of kilometers away. It is at least a dragon. Level powerhouse, the opponent must have this kind of strength, and he would have a fart…..

Suddenly in doubt, an inexplicable chill came, and the dog’s body was jerked, and the Movement Technique instantly disappeared in the same place. In the same place, countless black shadows turned into spikes and pierced the place where she was just now. Transparent!

“I’m going, what the hell?” Gougan kept dodge the shadow thorns that suddenly appeared, astonished in his heart.

What kind of magic is it?

The shadows of all the surrounding things seem to come to life. Not only can they break through the dimension and attack themselves like a sharp blade, they can also be deformed. Various shapes attack themselves, which is extremely weird!

What is this?

The bewildered dog egg raised his hand and shot out two cold glows. It was the Flying Daggers technique that Wind Demon was good at.

Goudan got professional guidance after arriving at the School of Popularity, and Flying Daggers technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. Two Flying Daggers have turned into a streamer, and the speed is not at all slower than a high-alloy bullet!

The demon star who was observing secretly was stunned. This Flying Daggers technique is really sharp. The speed of the light wheel may be comparable to the ten first-level strength alloy slug. If the opponent uses himself for the first time, I am afraid that there will be no chance at all.

It’s a pity… the little guy is still big, a Wandering Xia, such a sharp Flying Daggers skills are not needed, the first time I want to fight melee close to myself, give up his own advantages to play like an assassin!

With such a big operation, I have the opportunity to use secret skills that I have never shown in front of outsiders!

At this moment, although he was very surprised, he no longer felt a little flustered. The demon star’s secret skill is the owner of the master: the secret skill tailored by the lich lord is a skill that can almost completely reproduce the secret skill of the ancient ghost. Although it is expensive, But once you use it, unless it is crushed by the energy of a character a few levels higher than yourself, it is impossible to lose at all! !

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