Chapter 1742 Who is this?

“Captain…we…what do we do now?”

After Mu Yunji and her gang left, the whole team stood there for a long time, only then someone cautiously approached Bals and asked.

boom! !

As soon as the voice fell, the newcomer was slapped into flight by Bals, and the tremendous force caused the newcomer to slam into a huge metal pillar next to him, making a roar!

The entire team suddenly looked at Bals nervously…

Balls closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It took a few seconds before he opened his eyes and looked at the newcomer who had been beaten up: “Xuenuo, quickly inject him with healing potions…”

The person called Xue Nuo was stunned for several seconds before suddenly waking up from the sluggishness and hurriedly ran to the newcomer.

Bars looked at the team and smiled apologetically: “I’m sorry, I’m too nervous, but in this situation, everyone shouldn’t suddenly get too close to me. It’s easy to cause accidents. If there is something to say far away or use a channel connected by heart Said it is the same…”

Everyone was silent, and the captain could hardly see this excuse. With his skill, how could he be frightened by the newcomer’s sudden approach?

Pharmacist Xue Nuo approached the newcomer and adjusted the potion. He silently glanced at the newcomer who was convulsing. At this time, the newcomer’s face was directly sunken in by gravity. Tragic…..

This made him suddenly a little envious of the teammates who were called away. With such a perilous situation today, it is really not a reassuring thing to be next to such a moody captain…..

“I thought about it…” Bals adjusted his emotions, and his voice softened: “We still can’t sit still and go to the city center. After that, it must be a large team, and the only way to leave is One, not necessarily going back to the West Gate, we can’t take this risk…”

This immediately made everyone nodded. Indeed, the deputy captain said that he would come back before he left. All the clever know that it is unreliable. If it is to return to the West City Gate, it is believed that they will take their own group away. If you decide to go to another city gate, there is a high probability that you will not spend too much time waiting for them to meet and rush to the city center first. No matter which gate the large team leaves to, they will have a better chance of catching up….

And just when everyone reluctantly gathered under the command of Bals to prepare to leave, in the secret corner of the team, the two voices passed on to each other…

“It’s a straw bag leader, Big sis…”

“Yes, I didn’t expect that the trump card of a prestigious school is this kind of stuff? What a waste of time Little Brother…”

“But that woman was very powerful just now. Big sis…”

“It’s very powerful. I am afraid that only Captain Foyego can have that skill just to talk about the speed of the sword…”

“They have to be notified…”

“Then what about these people?”

“Kill it? It’s useless anyway…”

“Then kill it…”

————————————————– –

“Captain Matt…”

About half a star time after the Mu Yunji team left, Arcanist Mia suddenly changed his face and cautiously said: “The link to the mind seems to be broken…”

“Hmm…” Matt nodded slightly, but didn’t say anything. Even the equipment hand Ghosn just buried his head in silence and didn’t want to take up this topic.

Matt said before that after finding enough arcanists, he contacted the people in the team to gather and go out together.

And for such a big dungeon, if you want to contact for the first time, you naturally have to rely on spiritual connection. People in the team, including the captain, must know this. No matter you are angry at yourself and a group of people ran away with others, you will probably not be angry. And break the link.

In my impression, the captain is definitely not a person with such a backbone.

Then there is only one possibility…

The team….. There was an accident!

What accident can cause the mind link to be broken?

Either…the psychic master responsible for the psychic link has an accident, or the whole team has an accident, and the psychic in the team broke the link for their own safety to avoid being tracked…..

But no matter what the situation is, Matt and the others do not mean to look back…

On the other hand, Wang Chengbo and Mu Yunji naturally didn’t know that Matt and the others had broken the connection to their minds, but even if they knew they would not care too much. Naturally, they would not take the risk to save people if they knew it. That could change. The weird things in memory, I don’t want to touch them if I can’t touch them.

“Cheng Bo, where did you say Feng Doudou would go?” Mu Yunji cared a little about her teammates.

Wang Chengbo heard this and shook his head: “I don’t know…Theoretically speaking, they should meet the home team before us. After all, they didn’t stay and wait for us at the time. There is a high probability that they have received the team’s call for help… ”

Mu Yunji turned her head to look at Matt and the others after hearing this, “Can you still get in touch with that… Lena?”

Matt and others froze for a moment, and then shook their heads: “We can’t connect. The spiritual link we used before was the spiritual channel of the team’s first support hand, Paris. After her accident, the spiritual link was broken and the new link channel was reactivated. Shi Lena is not there and can’t be contacted now…”

In fact, it is not completely impossible to contact, at least it is certain that Rena is mostly heading towards the place where Paris died, but he does not want to say at all, that weird baby monster, he doesn’t want to face it a second time…

“Well…” Mu Yunji stopped talking when she heard the words, and Wang Chengbo quickly comforted when she saw this: “Don’t worry, she shouldn’t have an accident…”

“I think it should be…” Mu Yunji smiled: “After all… is our top ranking…”

————————————————– ——

“Senior…Can the teleportation array be used?”

Feng Doudou and Lena arrived at the Xicheng Gate after Mu Yunji and the others left about two stars. Looking at Lei Na who has been playing around in the teleportation formation for a long time, Feng Doudou felt something was wrong…

“It should be usable…” Lena nodded: “Although I am not very good at spatial rune, but the basic principles are somewhat better. The Spatial Teleportation array is active and can be activated at any time, but no one outside responds. , The activation requires a professional arcanist…”

“Professional Arcanist?” Feng Doudou suddenly felt bad: “That means you can go out if you have a professional Arcanist?”

“It should be…” Lena nodded.

“Then senior, do you think…will the captain lead the team and run straight away?”

Rena was silent for a moment. It’s not that Bals can’t do this kind of thing…

“Someone…” Just as Lena was depressed, Feng Doudou suddenly looked at a place far away…

Lena was taken aback for a moment, and quickly looked over. With excellent eyesight, she could see the person who came in an instant, and her face was overjoyed: “Yumo?”

“Lena senior!!” On the other side, Yu Mo, who was in charge of the second heart link, suddenly showed ecstasy and walked over quickly.

Lena also hurriedly wanted to meet her, but Feng Doudou stopped him as soon as she walked forward…

“Doudou?” Lena looked at Feng Doudou suspiciously.

Feng Doudou looked at her even more puzzled: “Senior, this person…who?”

Lena was taken aback for a moment and looked at Feng Doudou amusedly: “The backup psychics in our team have been in contact for several days, can you still not remember? I think you remember the robots who sent you money so clearly. …..”

Feng Doudou’s face became even more weird when he heard the words, and he looked straight at Lena: “Senior, are you sure you remembered correctly? In our team, the soul master is not only Paris senior? Where is the substitute?”

Lena: “……..”

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