Chapter 1928 The words of the enchanter…There is only one!

“grown ups……”

In Jade City, the other two priests rushed over from the other two military points after receiving the news, but they were still late. When they learned that the direct troops were sent to Stormwind for rescue, they were all panicked and hurry up. Come to see Luke…

“I also heard about it…” One of the assistant priests frowned and looked at Luke: “The Fallen Angel Legion does have an alliance with us, but can’t we also get sick because of the stupidity of the opposing commander? ”

This is very rude, I just didn’t say directly: Do you have a bag in your mind?

However, Luke didn’t show much anger. Although he is now the main administrator of Cuicheng, he is not as good as the other two auxiliary priests.

Saab’s original configuration was a top-level dragon-level powerhouse, Bozi, who is a half-star powerhouse. It is almost the limit that this plane can reach. After entering, it consumes a lot of money, and needs a deep sleep to reduce consumption. .

Therefore, in addition to the main combat power, Saab also sent three priests to assist in political affairs. Of the three priests, Luke himself is the blood priest, who is responsible for the religious sect and advent ceremony of the Blood Demon Army. It belongs to the chief logistics officer, and the other two One is the actual combat power, the tenth-level peak, the half-step dragon-level war priest, all for the purpose of enhancing the overall combat power of the Blood Demon army.

In terms of status, Luke is not even comparable to the other two in the Blood Demon legion. Although the status of the war priest is slightly inferior to the blood priest, but the rank is different. The two war priests are half-step dragons, and they can almost do it. To become a real high priest, you must know that the entire Bolton force has only five high priests.

Two people will be the key targets of Saab’s training in the future, and their status is not lower than their own.

The reason why I am now the chief executive officer of Cuicheng is because he originally controlled the logistics and was more suitable for political officials, while the other two were more suitable for the front line. This kind of occupational distribution did not mean that Luke’s status could surpass. other side.

So the other party is so unkind, Luke is also used to it…

“I don’t want to…” He shrugged and sighed, “You can’t just let it go? What the idiot in Helsinki did has resulted in consequences. He deserved it when he died, but Stormwind lost it, Fallen Angel. I am afraid that the whole line is shameless to fight for this place again. Without the support of the fallen angels, it will be very difficult for us to completely win the rule of this place!”

“I have always felt that it is not reliable to form an alliance with the group of blackbirds!” Another war priest muttered: “The group of guys do nothing, they occupy such a big piece of fat, you think they will be honest Do we occupy this place? Whenever we get the chance, those guys must want to occupy it by themselves, third-level stars, who doesn’t want it?”

Luke was silent when he heard this. This is a fact. The third-level star is almost comparable to the main star of the Bolton forces. In such a good place, any legion may want to occupy this place. Once occupied, there will be sufficient resources in the future to train. An excellent junior of his own clan.

You know, most senior families in the Universe do not have a third-level planet as their backing. Many colleges and universities have a third-level star as their base. Politician?

“No matter what…” Luke took a deep breath and said: “Stormwind City can’t be lost, at least it can’t be thrown to other legions. If you want to take over, our Blood Demon legion must take over!”

“Rely on what? Relying on the thousand lineages you sent?” The two war priests laughed angrily: “The fish skins next door are obviously premeditated. They are definitely a regular and large-scale military offensive. The Special Forces wanted to reverse the situation in the past? Have you been infected by Helsinki?”

“I can’t help it…” Luke sighed: “Can’t you send the main force here, right?”

“Do you still know that you can’t send the main force?”

Luke glanced at each other, knowing that he would not give an explanation, maybe the two of them would forcefully bring the man back, so he drew out the own priest wind sword.

As soon as the wind sword was pulled out, the pure elemental energy and the beautiful blade immediately made the two priests’ eyelids jump!

As priests, they are very sensitive to energy reactions, and they can almost see at a glance what kind of material can maintain the element’s activity to such a level.

“Lei Jing?” One of the priests inhaled, “It’s made by pure Lei Jing? Where did you come from?”

“Very rich…” Another priest laughed angrily: “Why are you taking this thing out? Show off your wealth?”

“Why am I so boring?” Luke rolled his eyes: “This is the support from Lord Villafa, all top Thunder crystals!”

“Oh?” The two priests’ eyes lit up suddenly: “How many are there?”

“Ten tons!” Luke said honestly.

“I’m going!!” The two were shocked instantly. This resource can’t be taken out even if Bolton’s forces are hollowed out. Where did Verafa get it?

Luke didn’t want to sell it, and carefully talked about the situation on Villafa’s side.

“So…” The two silently glanced at each other and sighed: “It is a blessing for us to be able to follow Lord Sabo!”

Obviously, both of them attribute the credit to Saab, and Saab has laid a foundation to have such generous resources as Villafa.

“Not only the materials, Lord Sabo has also subdued some foreign nationals. These foreign nationals are of extremely high quality. Several people sent by Villafa have a great effect. For example, the kid named Bo has a forging ability that is definitely not better than those of the Federation. The craftsman is poor, and within a few days, I have built a full set of Thunder Crystal equipment for my direct line of troops!”

“No wonder…” The two of them were suddenly stunned, and one of them said: “It turns out that I have such confidence…”

Pure Thunder Crystal equipment can greatly activate energy and elements. A soldier’s combat power is at least twice Ascension, and even more on this low magic plane. Counting the amount of suppressed magic power, Ascension is probably three times higher. , In this case, it is not easy to be consumed by human tactics.

“But even so, it’s still too risky, right?” Another priest frowned: “The other party has been planning for a long time. It can’t be just equipped with some biochemical soldiers. There must be a general. You should wait for us to come back and let us lead the past. .”

“It’s too late…” Luke shook his head: “It’s possible that Stormwind City will be broken later, and you have to gather there before the city breaks down before you can drag the reinforcements.”

“Are you kidding me?” The two said in unison: “Is there a big difference between the barrier-breaking in Stormwind City?”

“This is about the people from Outland I just mentioned…” Luke lowered his voice: “Master Verafa this time supports not only materials and blacksmiths, but also very considerable combat power. , Have you noticed the barrier outside?”

The two of them were taken aback and reacted immediately. They wanted to ask just now. Cuicheng’s enchantment seems to be very different from before. It has shrunk a lot, but the quality is higher than before. They are about to ask the other party if it’s again. Embezzled military spending to reinforce the barrier.

“The military expenses I’m bringing now?” Luke smiled bitterly. “Master Sabo had an accident and there was a mess on it. It’s not appropriate to apply for military expenses at this time…”

“Then this is…” The two also know about Cuicheng’s current financial situation, shouldn’t they be able to invite the enchantment master to come over and change the enchantment?

“Not invited, but sent directly by Lord Villafa…”

“Sent an enchantment division? How many people?” The eyes of the two people suddenly lit up. This is a good thing. The Blood Demon legion has never had an enchantment division, but the Blood Demon clan has never let go of support, and it is also distressed.

“How many people?” Luke said with a weird face: “If it is an enchanter… there is only one…”


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