Chapter 860: Success…

To be honest, it is uncertain whether the words of the instructor in the base are useful for the rain girl, because judging from the structure of the refining array, the own thing taught by the instructor is simply the difference between the multiplication formula and the quantum mechanics…

I’m afraid those instructors in the base are not like others!

But at this time, the words of the alchemist in the base became her only life-saving weight, and her only chance now…

Yu Nu Wu Gu closed her eyes and recalled what the alchemist teacher said to her…

She remembered that she was becoming interested in the change of energy substances in alchemy potions. In Alchemy Realm, potions seemed to be able to change the direction easier than other substances, because the structure of the organism itself was active and relatively unstable, which was also biological alchemy. Teachers often use training arrays to change an object to a very exaggerated degree.

But this kind of thing is not irreversible, because regardless of whether living beings or other substances, there is a fixed structural memory. If you forcibly change its structure through alchemy, once something goes wrong, it is easy to structurally collapse.

When the alchemy collapses, the attached object has only two options. The first is to collapse along with the alchemy. The energy contained in the object is instantly destroyed and dissipated, so as to volatilize to the natural world. The other is to look back, according to the object itself. For the memory of the previous structure, there is a certain chance that the object will return to its original state after the operation that controls it collapses!

To achieve this effect requires some guidance.

In the alchemy world, the easiest way to guide back to the nature of objects is to return the variables to normal and return to their original values!

Thinking of this, the rain girl gathered up Mental Energy, and as the light in her eyes lit up, an almost transparent figure slowly floated out of her body, and then plunged into the main fort!

The few elves who saw this scene were stunned, and secretly said: What is that? Is the soul out of the body? Damn, the developers still have this skill?

In the distance, Henry’s pupils shrank. This is one of the basic skills of alchemists: psychics are generally not recommended for novices. Because of the huge risks, Henry can’t help but secretly say: This little developer really dares to fight, so fragile His mental body, who had just taken shape, dared to plunge into such a complex energy Realm!

At this time, everyone outside could not see the risk that Yu Nv Wu Gu was facing at this time, only Henry knew that Yu Nv Wu Gu was like a butterfly that plunged into the storm, and would be torn to pieces at any time.

The rain girl’s psychic enters the energy Realm and quickly drifts towards the destination. At this time, because the object’s technical structure has been changed, although it looks stable, there is a faint energy blowout surging at this time. Her psychic always feels frightened!

Suppressing the panic in her heart, Yu Nv Wugua quickly approached those nodes in her memory. After arriving at one of the nodes, Yu Nv Wugua’s hands exuded dim light, and she quickly wrote a complicated formula.

As the formula was embedded, the energy of that node was changing visible to the naked eye, but although it was changing, there was no riot as a whole, which made Henry’s eyes, who could see everything from a distance, almost stared out.

He could see clearly what Yunv Wugua did, but because he could see clearly and understand, he found it extremely incredible!

The opponent used the own technique!

No… it can’t be said completely, it should be said that the other party has deduced his own formula for calculating the variables!

The overall formula structure of the activation technique is extremely complicated and true, but when using this overall formula to change a substance, the first technique is handwritten temporarily by myself, which is the technique for calculating the variables. Although it is not complicated, how does the other party do? Coming from the show?

Just because I watched the process of changing the structure of the Green Titan weapon twice?

Isn’t it?

Henry’s eyelids jumped. This computing power is a bit exaggerated. It is rumored that the computing power of developers is ten times that of Mental Energy professionals of the same level, and some are even dozens of times. This led to the development of the original developer civilization almost in technology. To an extreme, the multi-layer plane overlap of the Universe is now the handwriting of this clan.

But it’s not as well-known as meeting. Forty percent of the guys on the market that can activate the developer’s genes are popular students. Many colleges and universities are rushing, but even those who are proud of heaven should not be at fifth-level. Do you have this kind of computing power?

Is it possible that this force can even have the quality of a developer…

When he thought of this, Henry’s heart was hot, and he looked straight at Yu Nv Wu Gu, his face full of expectation!

Naturally, Yu Nu Wugua didn’t know that she was being stared enthusiastically by a dangerous existence. At this time, according to the situation in her memory, she quickly leaped to different nodes and used the formulas in her hands to change the variables, and as the variables changed , The original structure of the spiritual realm began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

And this change made Henry even more excited!

The change of this main gun is going back to the original unactivated structure!

What does this mean? This means that the little girl not only deduced her own variable formula, but also remembered the variable value of each node of the main gun!

When he thought of this, he was excited and at the same time felt incredible. Although this main gun is the primary arcane structure of the third-level civilization, the energy nodes it constitutes are also in units of billions. The opponent actually remembers all this posture!

Every variable value is remembered. This exaggerated memory and memory extraction is undoubtedly a pure developer! !

At this time, the rain girl moved faster and faster. In the state of the psychic, she was fast shuttled through Realm at the speed of light, changing the variables in each node. There was no mistake, and no one had a slight error in the value of the variable!

This also led to the beginning of the whole structure very smoothly backtracking, this scene made Henry stand up with excitement!

I made a decision in my mind: this developer is definitely going to grab it!

On the other hand, the dogs and the others in the real material interface, seeing the huge fortress slowly returning to its original shape with the naked eye, they became excited one by one.

Although I don’t know what happened, but at first glance, the operation of the rain girl played an important role!

After a few seconds, the entire main turret was completely restored to its original shape, and the huge gun barrel was pointed straight at the backward steam engine ship in the distance!

Among the crowd, Alice’s eyes flashed after seeing all of this, and she took a step towards retreated slightly, not knowing what to think about.

In the next second, Yu Nv Wugua, who was in a state of loss of her soul, recovered her expression, but at this time she seemed to be very depressed.

“Ice crown, fire!” Yu Nu Wugua shouted as soon as she recovered.

The jelly beans over there did not wait for the ice cap to order, and directly activated the main gun program!

In the distance, seeing the arcane energy gathered by the huge barrel, the excited Henry’s face stiffened, and he suddenly smiled bitterly: “Damn, look at that girl too fascinated…”


Following the command to unlock the jelly beans, a huge arcane beam lased out, and the instant light shrouded the entire sea area, and the next second, the far flying ship followed the inexplicable expressions of many crew members. The waters of hundreds of nautical miles disappeared into the heaven and the earth together!

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