Chapter 913 Propaganda (Part 2)

“First, explain the nature of our school. Our first college is a high-level academy that focuses on practical engineering and arcane studies, and supplemented by science. Of course, it also opens sacrificial branches, but it does not involve martial arts. There are arrangements, but our college enrolls only students from the spiritual department and elves from the sacrificial category.”

The principal’s introduction refreshed the spirits of the Germans. The policy of separating civil and military forces by Ingres caused a lot of trouble in the local area. Reasonable people believed that Ingres was preserving the competitiveness of the Germans and lowering the race. Race contradictions caused by competition, but some people think that Angel’s policy has strangled the Germanic’s future in another direction.

There are praises and criticisms, but for Germans who have settled in the city, they are most concerned about the status and treatment of scientific and technological personnel.

Warrior citizens have a very enviable upper limit. It is the romance in every man’s heart to venture out, explore new worlds, and conquer the unknown. Such a loss does make many Germans regretful, so on the premise of abandoning such romance, They certainly hope to have better resource preference and social status.

However, Angel never promised this. Although she has always emphasized that the Mayin route has a bright future, the slogan of light has left many people in the dark.

But now this new news has inspired them a lot. The establishment of Xinghai’s first higher college is really for science and technology. This obviously represents the importance of the people of the science and technology department by the people of Xinghai. At least the priority seems to be more biased. Their.

Seeing these people listening to Own’s speech very carefully, the principal felt relieved a lot, and secretly said: It seems that it is going more smoothly than imagined.

So he continued: “First of all, it is science. The scope of science courses offered by our college is not very large, but they are all scientifically formulated for the foundation of engineering and alchemy of the college, including the scope of federal advanced mathematics and applied mathematics, federal information and computing science. , Federal Source Physics, Universe Applied Physics, Federal Source Chemistry, Universe Applied Chemistry, Universe Biological Science, Universe Biotechnology, Universe Astronomy, Universe Basic Geology, Universe Star Atlas, Universe Resources Environment and Management, Universe Xinghai Science, Xinghai technology, universe theory and applied mechanics, optics, basic energetics, basic material physics, basic material chemistry, universe ecology, statistics, etc…”

“Science is an auxiliary subject in our school. It is set up in response to your choice of engineering or alchemy. For example, if you want to learn the space technology of our Department of Change, you have to learn Federal Source Physics and Universe. Applying physics, basic energetics and advanced mathematics, the reason is that you need to understand the basic exercises of space and physics and the basic exercises of space and energy changes, and then you must be proficient in advanced mathematics through precise calculations of the structure of the alchemy array. , These are the foundations of an alchemist. In contrast, if you want to be a mechanical alchemist or a biological alchemist, it is the same. You will be equipped with the corresponding science, and the instructor will judge you according to your learning ability Is it suitable to be an alchemist.”

“Does an alchemist mean a magician?” Someone asked the key question below.

The principal smiled. Many people also liked to ask this question when they went to the indigenous planet.

“When you can’t understand the principle, these things are indeed magic for many people…”

“Then…Can we all become such magicians?” someone asked nervously.

“Your qualifications are not bad, and the possibility is still great…” the principal said with a smile.

On the side, Angel frowned when she heard the words. She found that the principal seemed to want to lead the students to the alchemy direction. This made her slightly wary. The general direction of the civilization of the first city has not yet been determined. The alchemist must be better than traditional mechanics. It’s more attractive, if a large number of the Mayin clan were taken by the other party to learn some messy things, it would be bad.

But she was not good to immediately object, because she didn’t understand a lot of things, so she thought about it and asked a question she was concerned about.

“I have a question that I have been puzzled by. I hope that the principal can help me answer it.”

“Please say…” the principal responded gently.

Angel: “There are two main directions of civilization in our first city, one is pure mechanical civilization and the other is alchemical mechanical civilization. What is the difference between these two?”

“This question…” The principal smiled slightly: “If you say that the difference is big, it is also big, but in general, the difference is not that big…”


Principal: “Alchemy is a kind of science, but it is more dependent on Mental Energy than traditional science. Taking mechanical alchemy as an example, a mechanical alchemist relies more on the alchemy array to make mechanical products at the early stage. To do, the complex alchemy array replaces the traditional system operation with various formulas of energy structure and material changes. This requires higher personal ability, because many complex techniques require you to have a huge Mental Energy to operate, which is equivalent to Evolve the own brain to a level that is stronger than intelligence, and use human evolution to ascension technological capabilities.”

“However, traditional mechanical disciplines usually rely more on equipment due to their limited personal abilities. This kind of civilization will appear more in populations with insufficient Xiantians. Such ethnic groups have insufficient Xiantians. If they want to develop technology, they will use equipment to replace their own deficiencies. Computer technology and artificial intelligence were born from this civilization, in order to replace the human brain to calculate the complex structure, and then use technology to evolve the human body after the ascension of technology.”

Angel’s heart jumped when he heard the words, and the other party’s words were basically a bit firmer. These guys are definitely not D-ball people!

But she had anticipated this for a long time, and she was not very surprised. Instead, she was more concerned about the theory of the other party, so she asked curiously: “So traditional science and arcane science will eventually lead to the same goal by different means?”

“In theory…” The principal smiled and shook his head: “But in fact there is still a big difference…”

“How to say?”

Principal: “Let’s take mechanical civilization as an example. Generally speaking, traditional mechanical systems are faster in the establishment of civilizations. According to big data statistics, most mechanical civilizations will be able to develop out of the universe within a few hundred years. However, the alchemical civilization often takes tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.”

“Why is this?” Angel asked quickly.

“Because the alchemy civilization is difficult to coordinate…” the principal shook his head and said: “Alchemy formations are generally not shared. In the arcane civilization, the stronger the stronger the weaker the weaker. You will see that the top mathematicians can Make a very powerful arcane machine by itself, but a low-level arcanist can’t do it or can’t do it. If you want to achieve the same level, you have to Ascension to that level. For example, ordinary people go from an apprentice to that world. Arcane instructor needs three hundred years, so it means that you have to study for so long if you want to achieve his level, but traditional mechanics is different.”

“Traditional mechanical civilization can rely on the predecessors to design and produce industrial software, and the latecomers can rely on this software platform to do higher-level things, without even learning the underlying knowledge, as long as they can apply, it is the so-called platform sharing. With the platform, the younger generation can save a lot of unnecessary study time by using this platform, and can carry out a more detailed division of labor. They don’t need to understand everything, so the traditional civilization will be more demanding than the arcane civilization that requires higher qualifications. Efficiency, faster development…”

“So that’s it!!” Angel’s eyes lit up, and he secretly said: If this is the case…

As soon as the principal saw the other person’s expression, he immediately understood what the other person was thinking. Of course, he would not allow Anger to lead such a well-qualified student to the traditional path. He came here mainly to pretend to be in front of other tutors. Promote them to change the department of college.

So he hurriedly said: “But traditional civilization also has its drawbacks…”

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