I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 11 One hundred dollars deposited

After forty minutes, Mu Rufeng's Blood Flower Beer only had one tail plate left.

And An Lu's instant noodles, two-fifths were left.

Moreover, as time went by, the changes in the truck would make An Lu's unloading speed slower and slower.

The total unloading time is roughly estimated to be about one hour and twenty minutes.

This means that An Lu has about forty minutes of free time.

Of course, An Lu did not dare to calculate the time so strictly, and would definitely advance it by about ten minutes.

On the other hand, Mu Rufeng's side, the unloading time of Scarlet Eyeball had only passed eighty minutes, and there were still forty minutes left.

As for Blood Flower Beer, there was no need to worry.

"Mu Rufeng, you only have forty minutes left, let's see what you are going to do." An Lu laughed sinisterly.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng was too lazy to pay attention to him. He yawned and walked directly into the truck of Blood Flower Beer.

But after Mu Rufeng stacked the remaining Blood Flower Beer, the truck actually began to vibrate violently.

The next moment, a black mist emerged and eventually turned into a pale man.

"How can you unload the goods so quickly? Are there three of you unloading the goods?" The driver shouted.

"Driver, why are you shouting so loudly? I am the only one unloading the goods. This is the last board. Can you please make way?"

Mu Rufeng, who originally wanted to sleep here, saw the driver appear, and suddenly had an idea and spoke immediately.

"One person? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. I am delivering blood flower beer, which is easy to break. It is absolutely impossible to do it so quickly."

"How did you do it?" The driver stared at Mu Rufeng.

"I am strong and unload the goods quickly. What's the problem? But driver, I remember that if the unloading time is less than one hour, something bad will happen, right?"

"This driver, you don't want this to happen, right?" Mu Rufeng smiled and stretched out his hand, rubbing his thumb and index finger together slightly.

The driver originally wanted to scare Mu Rufeng, but was confused by Mu Rufeng's action.

The driver's eyes fell on the work permit hanging on Mu Rufeng's chest.

"Nonsense, you are a new loader, stay here, I will..."

The driver was interrupted by Mu Rufeng before he finished speaking: "Sorry, driver, please make way, I want to go out."

Mu Rufeng said, picked up the goods with a forklift, and then dragged them outside.

"Wait, wait, I'll give it to you." The driver panicked and stopped him without thinking too much.

Then he took out a five-dollar bill from his body.

"This is soul coin, the universal currency of the copy world. This is a good thing, I give it to you." The driver handed five dollars to Mu Rufeng and said proudly.


Mu Rufeng didn't even say anything, he just pulled the goods forward.

"Wait, do you think it's too little? Ten yuan, I'll give you ten yuan."

"Twenty yuan, I'll give you twenty yuan, twenty yuan is a lot."

Mu Rufeng stopped in front of the rear of the car, turned his head, looked at the driver, and slowly said: "The last driver gave me a hundred yuan, are you sending away a beggar?"

The driver's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

"One hundred, one hundred, I'll give you a hundred yuan." The driver immediately took out a bloody hundred-yuan bill.

"Please, you must unload the goods later." The driver said with great heartache.

"Well, this is not bad, okay, I'll sleep here." Mu Rufeng smiled and took the hundred-yuan bill and put it away.

"Thank you, thank you!" The driver was grateful when he saw Mu Rufeng agreed.

But he did not leave, as if he was afraid that Mu Rufeng would let him down, so he stood directly at the rear of the car, perfectly blocking Mu Rufeng's way.

Mu Rufeng didn't care either.

He set several alarms on his phone, at 30, 31, and 32 minutes.

Three alarms can ensure that Mu Rufeng wakes up.

He really needs to take a nap.

Although he feels that he is quite energetic, he has been busy all day and suddenly came to this strange world and unloaded two trucks of goods.

The zombie template made him feel not tired, but it did not prevent him from wanting to take a break.

He remembered that the time here is opposite to that in the real world.

It should be 8:50 in the evening in the real world, but here it is 8:50 in the daytime.

This means that there are still nine hours before get off work ends, so it is right to take a break now.

Mu Rufeng lay on the ten pieces of goods. Logically, he should feel nauseous, but he seemed to feel nothing. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Two years of stevedore career not only made Mu Rufeng a strong body, but also gave him a magical skill of falling asleep in seconds.

Imagine, after a tiring day, you return to the dormitory and don't want to do anything. You only have one thought: sleep.

So Mu Rufeng can fall asleep on the bed, even if it is a hard wooden board or uncomfortable cargo, it doesn't make any difference.

Of course, he is not the kind of sleeper who can't be awakened even if the sky falls and the earth breaks. The alarm clock can easily wake him up.

As for whether he is worried that the driver will attack him or steal his soul coins.

Mu Rufeng is not worried, because both drivers and employees must abide by the rules.

When the loader is in the truck, the driver cannot attack him, even if it is to steal.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour has passed.

Mu Rufeng's alarm clock rang on time.

Mu Rufeng also woke up immediately, turned off the alarm clock, and turned off the other two alarm clocks that were not ringing.

Mu Rufeng then staggered to take the hand forklift.

In front, the driver was gone at some point.

Apparently, because the unloading time exceeded an hour, he returned to the cab.

Mu Rufeng dragged the forklift out of the truck.

An Lu, who was far away, saw Mu Rufeng coming out, and was surprised at first, and then sneered.

Mu Rufeng ignored An Lu and walked directly into the truck with the scarlet eyeball with the forklift.

When Mu Rufeng forked the tail and prepared to drag it out.

But he saw black smoke coming out in front again, and Chang Feng came.

"This is the delivery note, you need this to receive the goods." Chang Feng handed a white sheet to Mu Rufeng.

"Okay, thank you." Mu Rufeng took the delivery note, nodded to him, and walked out of the truck with the goods.

As soon as Mu Rufeng came out, a lot of black smoke suddenly came out of the truck.

"Boom~~!" The truck's engine made a violent roar.

After a while, the truck started and then drove away from the platform.

It was really on time. As soon as the goods were unloaded, the truck drove away.

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