I have a cos system

Chapter 287 Get up and work


In Qiao Ji's eyes, the empty warehouse had already been planned with tools, just waiting to be placed in them.

The first is the virtual projection equipment, covering the entire warehouse, and coupled with BT's smart core, it is equivalent to having a good testing ground, which can accurately scan the mecha parts that will be modified here in the future.

In addition, Qiao Ji removed the holographic projection device from the body of the Titan arm, but the entire Titan arm is also a good thing. It is very flexible, which means it only has one less finger than a human. It does not work as a mechanical arm to assist. Any questions.

The warehouse must not only be equipped with holographic projection equipment, but also several mechanical arms must be dismantled and installed here for future use in assembling new mechas.

"BT, if you don't respond, come and help me."


Install holographic projection equipment and robotic arms, but these things cannot be used immediately after installation. The wiring must be re-planned and the power supply must be arranged.

There are many ways to provide power. After all, these are not combat parts, and the energy consumption is not that terrible, so a Titan battery is enough to last a long time.

In addition to the Titan battery, the Ark reactor used in Iron Man's series of armors is also a good energy source. It is a perfect black technology and is much smaller than the Titan battery.

The nano-armor at the back is also good, its portability is taken to the extreme, and it only needs a small container to carry it.

But the stingy Qiao Ji doesn't want to spend his soul to unlock those for the time being. After all, he still lacks souls and will buy them again when he makes money.

For power supply, it is better to use Titan batteries. Although it is larger than the Ark reactor, it is only used in the warehouse, so there is no need to consider the issue of miniaturization.

"There are Titan batteries for power, but what about the cables?"

Qiao Ji looked around, well, it seemed like there wasn't one, and the lines that could be removed from the vehicle and ship to refresh didn't meet the usage requirements.

It seems like I have to go out to get some French fries... ah no, I want to get some cables back, and also get some other tools along the way.

"It's early morning in China, so we can only go abroad. BT, I need cables, welding equipment, cutting equipment, and I also need to make some containers for Titan battery bombs to place Titan batteries. Help me contact some people who are still working. company, sent to my glasses.”

Although the functions of Tony Stark's nanoglasses are not as good as the Pilot helmet, they are still pretty good, simple and portable.

"Copy that, Pilot."

"OK, let me take a look. Contact this engineering plastics manufacturing company first. Do you have a model of the Titan bomb?"

"We have already done."

BT projects a box similar to a rectangular parallelepiped. The projection screen is split. There are cylindrical battery compartments inside the box, which are used to place Titan batteries. There are grids in the middle, but there are holes for connecting lines.

The upper level is where parts such as supercapacitors and intelligent cores disassembled from the Titan collective are placed.

Using the intelligence core of a Pioneer-class Titan to control the detonation of a bomb is a real overkill.

"Send them the shell plan and ask them if they can make it."

It's just making a shell for a Titan bomb. It doesn't have any technical content. Qiao Ji believes that many factories can do it. That is to say, it is night in China, otherwise he doesn't need to travel so far.

"Has been sent."

"The money in my account is not suitable for doing this kind of thing. It requires cash transaction, and I can't show my face."

Qiao Ji thought about it, "It seems like my messenger who rewards good and punishes evil is going to get up and work overtime."

Tools are just for use.

The mobile phones of Jin Laobiao and Wu Xinfeng who were sleeping suddenly vibrated, and Wu Xinfeng opened his eyes instantly in the dark night.

Next door to him, several men were resting, with firearms and ammunition boxes beside them.

Outside the room, there were heavily armed people standing guard. This was a small camp that had been set up to look decent.

Wu Xinfeng had already recruited some initial manpower, and was kind enough to 'borrow' some weapons and equipment.

"Master Priest."

"You may have to call me president in two days."

Qiao Ji's words did not surprise Wu Xinfeng, because this was a situation he had predicted. Black Emperor Jack Cooper, from his title, it can be seen that this man is ambitious, so how could he not regard the Ancient Appreciation Society What about the power under his command?

It sounds like his contacts with other factions of the Ancient Appreciation Association have yielded results, and it seems that he is about to gather the strength of the Ancient Appreciation Association again. This news needs to be sent back as soon as possible.

"Yes, President."

"If any of you are free, help me buy something."

Wu Xinfeng glanced at Jin Laobiao next to him. This guy didn't have any sense of crisis like licking blood with the tip of a knife, and was still sleeping soundly.

Relying on God's blessings and having the ability to read memories, he can get away with anywhere. This kind of person is simply awesome.

"I'm free."

"Bring money, ask for dollar bills."

"Master Priest, how much do you want?"

"Take as much as you can. I'll come find you in five minutes."


After Qiao Ji hung up the phone, Wu Xinfeng quickly slapped Jin Laobiao twice.

"Ah? Ah? Who hit me? Xiaofeng, why did you hit me?" Jin Laobiao woke up with a look of horror on his face, covering his cheek.

"No, I just woke you up gently. The officiant needs money to buy something. All he wants is a beautiful knife. We have five minutes to prepare."

Jin Laobiao felt a little hurt when he heard this, "Then did he say how much he wanted?"

Money, it's all money, wasn't it agreed to be given to me?

But he didn't dare to say this. Although it was given to him, would he dare not give it to someone who wanted to use it?

"As much as you want."


This can cost your life.

"Stop talking nonsense and go get your money."

Jin Laobiao was very reluctant. After all, this was what he liked. Who doesn't love money?

But the BOSS had spoken, and he had to take it. After all, he knew who gave him the wealth and power he had now.

He quickly took out all the dollar bills and put them in a snakeskin bag.

Bang bang bang

"Boss, is something going on?" the newly recruited mercenary asked outside.

This is a man with oil paint on his face and sharp eyes.

Wu Xinfeng opened the door and gave him a look, "It's okay, continue to stand guard. I'm going out for a while."


Of course, the mercenaries outside are not randomly found.

Although Jin Laobiao also recommended some people, can he compare with the people Wu Xinfeng found?

Some of the people he found were professionally trained and completely his own people.

Although it is very risky to put people inside like this, it is also a good opportunity. After passing this village, there will be no such store.

And this was also the decision made by the superiors after he passed on the news, and these additional people were sent to him to listen to his command. After all, he is now a very high-level undercover agent.

I kind of want to kill Jin Laobiao, because only in this way can the jealousy of the ability to read memories be given to myself. In that case, it can barely be considered a perfect match.

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