I have a cos system

Chapter 293: Pay attention to physical safety when entering the spiritual realm


The TV series progressed to a funny plot, and Lin Mengfu habitually went to see Qiao Ji.

Because she recommended Qiao Ji to watch this drama, she was very concerned about Qiao Ji's reaction.

But this time when I looked over, I found Qiao Ji with a laptop on his lap. He was relaxing on the sofa, tilting his head and closing his eyes, as if he was asleep.

"Qiao Ji?"

She shouted softly, fearing that the sound would be too loud and would wake him up suddenly. It was best to wake up naturally.

But Qiao Ji didn't respond.

She got closer, and she couldn't help but shrink back with her telepathy, not wanting to get close to Qiao Ji.

She said softly, "Qiao Ji, if you are sleepy, go back to your room and sleep."

But Qiao Ji still didn't respond.

You can't just fall asleep like this. Did you stay up all night playing games last night?

She pushed Qiao Ji's shoulder gently, trying to wake him up and go back to his room to sleep.

But when his hand touched it, it felt very strange. Qiao Ji's body was like a stone with body temperature, completely lacking the soft touch of normal human skin.

Bang hard.

Why does Qiao Ji's body feel so strange?

With this push, Qiao Ji's body slowly fell to the other side. Although it felt hard, it felt soft when he fell. It was really a strange thing.


Seeing that Qiao Ji seemed to be about to fall, Lin Mengfu quickly reached out to hold his neck.

But at this time, the laptop placed on Qiao Ji's lap also tilted and fell directly to the ground. If the ultra-thin and light notebook fell to the ground, the ninth floor would be broken.

So she jumped forward in excitement to grab the notebook, but unfortunately her hand was still a little short and she couldn't catch it.

But the laptop was suspended in the air, only four or five centimeters above the ground.

It's the power of thought.

She was so close to Qiao Ji that she almost forgot that she had telepathy.

Because Qiao Ji's aura was like a furnace, usually when Qiao Ji was relatively close, her telepathy would be contracted within her body and unwilling to come out.

In her desperation just now, she had forgotten about it, but her mental power spurted out from her fingers, turned into an invisible hand, and grabbed the notebook.

Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't drop it on the ground. Qiao Ji had been writing the text document on materials science for so long, and it looked very hard, so I couldn't drop it.

"I want to ask, why are you lying on top of me?"

Qiao Ji opened his eyes and saw a scene that was difficult to understand.

Lin Mengfu's whole body was pressed against him, and he seemed to be lying down.

Why am I lying down?

Why is she pressing me down?

At this moment, many strange plots emerged in Qiao Ji's mind.

It's not that he's dirty, it's that this posture itself is very problematic and makes people have strange associations.

It seems that when entering the spiritual realm in the future, you must find a safe place, otherwise you will be easily poked.

Fortunately I woke up quickly this time.

Lin Mengfu realized later that her pounce to save the notebook seemed to have caused her movements to be a little inelegant, as if she was trying to strangle Qiao Ji to death.

"Then that notebook fell, I wanted to catch it, and then when I got excited..." Lin Mengfu jumped up excitedly, and quickly shrank to the other side of the sofa, her ears turned red.

So that’s it, phew——

Qiao Ji also breathed a sigh of relief.

If there is a girl of fifteen or sixteen who likes him and lives under the same roof, it will be difficult to deal with.

A few years older would be fine.


Lin Mengfu just got excited, and her telekinesis was like a broken string. She burst out with a force and threw the laptop she had caught flying out and smashed it against the wall. The screen and keyboard flew away and turned into a big and small piece of paper. Several pieces smaller.

Lin Mengfu:......

Qiao Ji:......

The two of them stared at each other, and then Lin Mengfu quickly lowered her head and apologized, "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, just buy another one."

"But the one you wrote all night is gone, isn't it?" Lin Mengfu watched Qiao Ji write it, so she felt very sorry.

This is equivalent to burning the work done by others.

"I have saved it, the server has a backup, and if I drop it like this, I can't drop the hard drive."

Qiao Ji waved his hand and summoned the remains of the notebook with his telekinesis, then took out a part inside and showed it to Lin Mengfu, "Look, the hard drive that stores the data is still good, and there are no major problems with other parts. The main reason is that the screen is broken. , just change it."


She didn't know much about computers, but as Qiao Ji said, the main reason was that the screen was obviously broken, while other parts seemed to have minor problems.

"Go to bed early and don't watch TV for too long. I'm going back to my room first."

Qiao Ji took the broken notebook into the room, closed the door, and disappeared from home.

Lin Mengfu was left alone, huddled on the sofa with her legs in her arms and her face buried in her knees. After a while, she continued to be attracted by the plot of the TV series and raised her head to continue watching.

At an altitude of four thousand meters, Qiao Ji used his clairvoyance to detect the place mentioned by the Death Priest.

It was a very remote place, a small town on the Mediterranean Sea. Qiao Ji confirmed it with his clairvoyance. It seemed that there were people who were worshiping death, and there were no ordinary people there.

Because everyone carries the aura of death, which has eroded their skin and is transforming them into another species.

There were more than two hundred people with fully automatic weapons, but this was not a threat to Qiao Ji.

The key point is that he saw a man dressed in blood. The man wearing blood was a bald man with a hooked nose and sunken eyes. His gray-green eyes were somewhat flattering and he was talking to a person in front of him.

The man was wearing a cloak with green patterns on a black background. His height was very eye-catching. Qiao Ji estimated that he was about 2.6 meters tall. The face under the cloak was a skull with a long snout and outturned fangs. , should not be a human skull.

Black mist lingered around the cloaked skeleton. It was the black mist that appeared in Philadelphia last time. It seemed that this was the so-called messenger from the underworld.

Qiao Ji opened the portal and entered the training ground.

"How's the Titan Bomb assembly going?"

"427 units have been assembled, leaving 2,573 units to be assembled." BT replied.

This efficiency is a bit slow, but considering that I only have more than a hundred shadow soldiers, everyone has to assemble, weld parts, conduct debugging and inspection, etc., which is really a bit busy.

If you have a chance to harvest souls, recharge the Black Shadow Soldier more.

As the saying goes, if there are ten thousand people, there will be no boundaries.

First set a small goal and increase the number of shadow soldiers to 10,000.

"Pause the assembly. These bombs are enough. Move them to the open space over there for my convenience. In addition, prepare for the production of the Soul-Eating Blood Clothes."

You can stop assembling the Titan Bomb. If you are going to the underworld next, be prepared to make the Soul-Eating Blood Clothes. After all, there are many souls there.

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