I have a cos system

Chapter 465 Time stops, one strike kills a thousand blows


After waiting for a while, these undead overlords restrained each other, and no one took the lead.

Seeing that no one was coming, Qiao Ji adjusted the brim of his hat with his hand, "It seems that no one is coming, let's get started."

Smash Varudo!

Time stops and resumes.

In reality, many undead overlords disintegrated and exploded one after another before they understood what was happening. Their ordinary bodies were shattered, and their bodies transformed by divine power were flying.

In an instant, everyone suffered multiple attacks, and they did not see how the attacks were issued, and they fell on them in an instant.

Qiao Ji is already armed with an archangel, and the angelic civilization has also fought against the undead, and its weapons are very lethal to the undead.

With Qiao Ji's strong mental power, he can even sleep and then move again during the time pause. It is completely unlike Jotaro, who only pauses for a brief five seconds.

Five seconds is too short.

Use the archangel's sword of judgment to wave dozens of sword lights in front of each undead overlord, and then restore the flow of time.

Each of them received dozens of blows in an instant, with no time to react or resist.

[Sublimated soul +1]

[Sublimated soul +1]

[Sublimated soul +1]

System prompts appear one after another.

This time, they couldn't even self-destruct like the Crystal Overlord with the Hades Scepter. The blade of the power of Holy Light cut off their consciousness and cut off their connection with other powers.

In the pause of time, just like a cook trying to untie a cow, Qiao Ji can slowly calculate the trajectory of each sword light to see how the target can be perfectly solved.

Qiao Ji waved over those divine power crystals and used the death scepter in his hand to put them on one by one.

Without the master's divine power crystal, it is a great tonic for the death scepter. As it has roughly the same type of power, it eats it very happily, dissipating some of the remaining spiritual thoughts in it, and turning them all into the purest divine power of death.

The death scepter is indeed extraordinary, and the Ancient Appreciation Association simply paired it randomly and gave it to an ordinary officiant to use.

Unlike other heaven-level weapons, it is actually a special artifact that represents the power of death. It has the purest power of death and can transform other divine powers into the power of death.

But how can Qiao Ji, a living person, use those powers of death?

Psychic power

mental differentiation ability

At the beginning, what several archangels wanted was to use Qiao Ji's superpower to share a body, then spiritualize and separate. Thanks to their ideas, Qiao Ji also had a way.

Pure spiritualization is an existence like a ghost, with no entity, only a spiritual body.

The spiritualized body holds the death scepter and is receiving the surging divine power. The black mist in the entire underworld is boiling, welcoming the birth of new gods.

But, it's not enough.

He also needs more nutrients.

What about the other undead overlords? Where have they been hidden?

His clone traveled unscrupulously through the underworld. After holding the death scepter and ascending to the gods, the space in the underworld became like a part of him, which could be torn apart and shuttled at will. He was looking for the nutrients he needed here.

Qiao Ji's true body returned to Earth.

After returning to the earth, he can also feel his clone, and the feeling returned by the clone is that he can connect the two worlds at any time and travel back and forth. He no longer needs a special portal. He controls part of the power of the underworld, and the darkness of the entire world. Even the mist must obey his orders.

He has already begun to study the various magical uses of black mist.

The angel civilization also has information about fighting the undead. The information about the undead's use of black mist can be used as a reference for the clones.

Qiao Ji himself found all the samples of time-based superpowers - but in fact there were only a few, mainly because there were too few branches of the time-based system. Before him, there were no superpowers in the recorded history of mankind. The time-based time-pause ability has appeared.

The former Arrogant Priest had the power of time acceleration, which allowed him to speed up the flow of time in order to gain stronger mobility. Even those with earth-level powers could not do anything to defeat him.

The time-traveling power is a non-combat power. It is mostly used to solve mysteries. It has also been used in archaeology. It can recreate scenes from the past. Many time-traveling power users have gathered together to restore the scene when the original sin demon was sleeping. .

The many technologies I saw during that process were treasures, and this major project was very rewarding.

It is a pity that Qiao Ji appeared later, which led to the explosion of technology. Looking back in time, the benefits of this large project have shrunk in disguise.

The time overlapping wave ability can create an unstable area of ​​​​time flow, making it difficult to synchronize hands and feet, making the body uncoordinated, and even causing explosions due to uneven energy density. It is an auxiliary combat type of ability.

The reverse-time tracking ability allows an object to reproduce its previous trajectory, but it does not go back in time. It has miraculous effects when used in combat, but not much.

All the time-based abilities in the ability library, Qiao Ji, were implanted into himself.

These weak abilities grow very quickly with the support of strong spiritual power and sufficient spiritual material cultivation.

There is no spiritual material born on this side of the earth. There are other spiritual realms and they exist in the environment.

This also leads to the fact that the strength of superpowers on this side of the earth increases very slowly, and the lower limit is seriously lower than that of other spiritual realms.

Qiao Ji has quite a lot of spiritual material stored. By crushing a handful of spiritual material currency made by the undead, his superpowers can grow rapidly.

At this time, he started time stop again, as if invisible hands were inserted into the rotating gear of time, stopping it, and he entered the cracks of time, observing the static side of the world.

Touching the realm of time actually caused all the time abilities that Qiao Ji had just implanted to grow rapidly. The environment where time stopped was unique to them.

The time-based abilities are transforming and sublimating, gradually surpassing the other abilities Qiao Ji had implanted before.

To be able to open up the static realm of time, this kind of power can only be achieved by system creation, forcibly embedding the power of another worldview.

Qiao Ji would not let go of such a unique opportunity. Rays of brilliance grew in his body and turned into wings of light. The power of any of the seven archangels was stronger than those of the previous undead overlords, because they were influenced by Having been guided by a true god-level being.

Use the power of angels to pave the second road to godhood.

According to their customs, this should probably be called the ‘long step to ascend to the gods’.

outside world.

An image of uncertainty between light and death is reflected in everyone's mind. A person, radiating endless light, climbs the steps to becoming a god step by step, trying to grasp the power of time.

Each picture appears once every breath.

He is declaring, declaring that he has ascended to God.

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