
A roar came from the Merry above the sea.

In the sky, a few passing seagulls were startled and flapped their wings and flew away.

On the deck.

Everyone gathered together.

Looking at the newspaper on the ground.

"How... How could it be... Is Ace going to die?"

Luffy covered his head in disbelief.

"Ace? Is he Luffy's brother?"

Chopper said.

Nami nodded cautiously.

Then looked at Luffy.

The others also looked at Luffy cautiously at this time.

My brother is going to be executed.

This is a big event.

What will Luffy do at this time?


On the side.

Luo Feng was also thinking.

He frowned slightly, feeling a little depressed.

The Battle of the Top...

I didn't expect that he came to this world and did so many things, but the butterfly effect caused by it didn't prevent the Battle of the Top from happening!

"Could it be that... this world has its own will, and will correct the world line by itself, and the bigger the event, the more difficult it is to prevent it from happening?"

Luo Feng thought to himself.

He put his fingers on his chin and rubbed it gently.

This is his habitual action when thinking.

The Battle of the Top.

It is something Luo Feng absolutely does not want to see.

He does not care about the life and death of the pirates or the navy.

Rather, he does not want these two forces to fight and consume in vain.

Because his enemy, Luo Feng, is not the pirates or the navy.

But the Celestial Dragons, the Five Elders, and Im!

This is what can threaten his existence!

And the pirate Whitebeard and the power of the navy are actually the military forces that can balance the Celestial Dragons!

In Luo Feng's view.

They are his chess pieces!

As long as they are used properly, these two chess pieces can become sharp blades that pierce the Celestial Dragons!

In fact, he has already started to lay out.

The smile of the sword is his handiwork.

However, his layout has just begun and has not yet achieved much results.

Aokiji is his chess piece that has penetrated into the navy, and he can gradually shake the power of the navy in the future.

Hawkeye and Fujitora represent pirates and bounty hunters respectively.


The contact with Dragon has made the Revolutionary Army a potential force that he can use.

"Tsk... I don't have time to develop now."

Luo Feng touched his nose.

He stood up, took a glass of wheat juice from the table, and drank it in small sips.

At the same time, he continued to think.

He hated the war at the top for two reasons.

Just now, he only thought of the first one, that is, he didn't want the chess piece to be consumed.

Now, there is a second reason.

Luo Feng looked at the sea with deep eyes. The waves in it were rolling. It seemed magnificent, but in fact it was made up of drops of sea water.

He thought to himself:

"In the Battle of the Top, it seems like a grand scene, but in fact, the real masters didn't die much!"

"On the pirate side, only a few people such as Whitebeard and Ace died."

"And on the navy side, the three admirals didn't die, and even the vice admiral was only injured..."

Thinking of this, his eyes were dim.

"In the Battle of the Top, the real casualties were all ordinary people!"

"Ordinary pirates and ordinary navy soldiers!"

As a young man from Blue Star, born under the red flag, raised in the spring breeze, and received nine years of compulsory education.

In Luo Feng's view, the so-called Battle of the Top is nothing more than a war in which gods fight and mortals suffer.

The real masters didn't die.

Only the people below died.

Is this fair?

This is unfair!

Now, Luo Feng is here, traveling through time.

Naturally, he can't tolerate this happening.

"Humph, what masters, all of them, die for me!"

Thinking of this,

Luo Feng has made up his mind.

It's time to activate the organization Dao Jian Xiao.

Let the world know the power of Luo Feng.

At this time, he looked at Luffy and others.

He said:

"We will go to the top battlefield!"

"The navy and the four emperors want to fight."

"They... have asked me Luo Feng!"




This morning, newspapers flew all over the world.

The world that had just settled down was shaken again!

However, people's focus was not on Ace who had just been captured.

Because the newspaper did not say Ace's true identity, people thought that it was just an ordinary pirate.

What people care about is Luo Feng's brand new wanted order!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! This pirate named Luo Feng is going to the sky. In a short time, his bounty has risen again!""Yes, and it increased by 1 billion at one time. Is it okay to directly increase it to 3 billion?"

"3 billion Baileys! This terrifying bounty has reached the level of the Four Emperors, right? Could it be that there will be five sea emperors on this sea?"

Originally, Luo Feng's bounty of 2 billion.

It has attracted the attention of some big shots.

But, to be honest.

It just attracted attention.

However, 3 billion.

It is different!

You know, the higher the bounty amount, the harder it is to increase.

The bounties of the Four Emperors have increased by hundreds of hundreds.

3 billion, it can be said that it is completely on par with the Four Emperors!

Sabaody Archipelago.

Pluto Rayleigh is holding a newspaper in his hand and reading it, with a meaningful expression on his face.

Twin Gorge.

Colex is also reading the newspaper. When he saw Luo Feng's wanted order, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

East China Sea.

In the places where the Straw Hat Pirates passed, everyone who knew Luo Feng saw this wanted poster.

Their expressions instantly became extremely exciting.

"Hey? This is Luo Feng!"

"It's already 3 billion!"

"It was 2 billion some time ago!"

"It's really shocking, it's increased so fast, he should be a big shot in the Grand Line now, right?"

"I didn't expect that the unknown person at the beginning has reached such a height now, time flies so fast..."

At this moment, in the four seas, on the islands of the Grand Line.

Everyone is discussing the name Luo Feng crazily.

In the tavern, the gangsters and pirates who are getting drunk, even if they have never seen Luo Feng, but under their boasting, they seem to be close friends with Luo Feng.

In the alley, the bounty hunter in a cloak stared at the photo of Luo Feng on the wanted poster with fiery eyes, especially looking at the astronomical bounty amount, his Adam's apple rolled.

In the village, the villagers were talking about the "big pirate" who had just appeared recently in fear, fearing that the other party would suddenly appear in front of them.

In all naval bases, the navy held an emergency meeting and began to discuss Luo Feng, thinking about what to do if the other party launched a sneak attack on the base, and what to do if Luo Feng suddenly appeared in the territory under their jurisdiction one day.

In the prison, the prisoners who were locked up and had no chance to see the light of day and could only rely on newspapers to learn about the outside world were all shocked when they saw Luo Feng's wanted order. Could it be that another emperor was born on the sea?

On this day, Luo Feng's name.

Resounded throughout the sea!

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