I have a space station

#570 - Chapter 570 Mercury is Destroyed

The escalation of the conflict lay in the fact that, when the Peace Treaty was signed, some contradictory clauses were added to reconcile the interests of all parties.

The first was the stipulation that the division of power over resource stars would be based on the demarcation lines agreed upon in the treaty. This clause was intended to clarify ownership and avoid conflict.

The second was that, in the event of force majeure, interested member states could submit an application to the United Nations requesting additional compensation. This clause was unanimously approved because everyone wanted to maximize their own interests as much as possible.

The United States of America is precisely relying on this agreement to demand that the United Nations re-divide Venus's resources.

But we and the Ba Country would naturally not agree to this proposal, because the result of the re-division would cause huge losses to the interests of our two countries.

The United States of America would naturally not let the matter rest. They have massively increased their troops in Venus's orbit, trying to provoke a war.

For security reasons, our two countries naturally have to strengthen our defenses. This has led to a tense situation on Venus, with war on the verge of breaking out.

But no one noticed that the crisis had already arrived.

By the time we discovered the Sirius warships, they had already entered Mercury's restricted zone.

But it was all too late.

Long San was somewhat sorrowful at this moment, his eyes full of melancholy.

They didn't give us any chance to react, and immediately launched an attack on Mercury.

Their warships completely surrounded Mercury, and the beams fired from the high-powered ion cannons erupted in unison, instantly shattering Mercury.

At this moment, the two of them were standing in space, and before them was the battle scene reconstructed by the supercomputer center.

The pale blue beams released by the ion cannons surged out from all directions, and Mercury quickly turned from blue to red.

Red cracks constantly expanded and widened on the surface of the planet.

The high-speed particle stream contained in the ion cannons could penetrate the surface of the planet and reach the core.

Mercury's core was destroyed, and a huge amount of energy was released, shattering the entire planet.

We didn't have time to react at all. No one escaped from here. Everyone died in this attack.

I was here at the time, and I died just like everyone else.

Dongfang Chen's eyes widened.

Don't be surprised. The me you see now is not the me from back then, but merely synthesized from data.

At that time, the total population residing on Mercury exceeded 30 billion, all of whom perished in this attack.

After discovering that Mercury was under attack, the countries didn't have time to fuss over the trivial matters on Venus. All the warships docked at the Venus and Mars bases took off and headed towards Mercury.

At the same time, the surviving senior generals of the three countries quickly reached an agreement to form a joint command center for coordinated operations.

After destroying Mercury, the Sirius warships prepared to advance towards Mars. At that time, human warships were not much behind Sirius, and their numbers were twice as large.

However, fighting in haste and with the other side holding the initiative, humanity suffered considerable losses.

Humanity ultimately won this battle, and the Sirius warships were completely annihilated.

However, human warships also lost more than 90% of their forces in the battle.

Dongfang Chen looked around and saw that the space in front of him was full of warship debris, a scene of utter devastation.

Mercury was completely destroyed, with a portion falling towards the sun and the rest scattered here, forming an asteroid belt.

Mengka also said that after Mercury was shattered, a portion of the debris was swallowed by the sun, but the largest piece formed the current Mercury.

The war ended, but no one felt happy.

The survivors of the three countries were mainly military forces, with the rest being workers and scientists living on Venus and Mars.

The common problem everyone faced next was the reconstruction of their homeland.

In light of the lesson of Mercury's destruction, everyone unanimously agreed to use Venus in near-solar orbit as the new survival star, and Mars on the outside as the military star. At the same time, early warning observation stations would be built on Jupiter's and Saturn's satellites to protect the human homeland.

During the negotiations, our Dragon Country proposed using Blue Star as the new survival star, without making too many adjustments to the functions of Venus and Mars. It was just that this proposal was not approved by the other two countries.

For the United States of America, their interests on Venus had suffered huge losses, and it would be very unfavorable for them if they were not reshuffled.

For the Ba Country, their research teams were all concentrated on Mercury, which meant that they no longer had the ability to transform Blue Star. Therefore, if Blue Star were to be designated as the survival star, it would mean that they would have no place to live.

In addition, Blue Star at that time only had the most primitive single-celled organisms, and the oxygen content in the air was not high. Transforming it into a survival star would require a long time and massive resource investment.

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