I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1262: Do not want to come?

They were sent here, but this time they have gained a lot. The primordial stone here is very pure. After they get it, their cultivation speed has been greatly improved.

Now as long as they don't let Qin Mo restrain them, they will be able to live smartly.

But when they thought this way, Qin Mo said again: "However, although they are expelled from us, I must give them a chance, so if they are willing to come here before sunset tomorrow, they will kneel until tomorrow. At sunrise, I will give them a chance to come back again!"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone's faces showed disdain, Qin Mo wouldn't be crazy, right? He still wants people to come back? Unless those people are stupid!

After Qin Mo finished speaking, he let the people around him disband. At this time, Qin Mo had appeared in the village of the Eight Desolation Palace with the roaring dog and the two martial emperors of Qilin Sect.

"Who are you?" a person headed by the Eight Desolation Palace said immediately.

In this village, there are people from the Eight Desolation Hall. They stay here and do not listen to Qin Mo's call because they disdain to become Qin Mo's subordinates.

What is that Qin Mo? Want to order them too? joke!

But when they thought this way, this group of people arrived. There were not many people in this group, but the two people at the head were strong in the Martial Emperor realm.

This made the Eight Desolation Palace feel terrified. The Eight Desolation Palace is not weak, but when he comes here, there is only one Wudi strong.

"This young master is Qin Mo under the command of Seven. Today is here to attack the Eight Desolation Palace. Because the Eight Desolation Palace betrays the Qingyun Branch, the Eight Desolation Palace must disappear!" Qin Mo said lightly.

"What are you talking about? Qin Mo, don't go too far. Do you think you can cover the sky with one hand and do whatever you want with one hand?" The Wudi strongman in the Eight Desolation Palace immediately shouted.

When Qin Mo heard him, he nodded immediately and said of course: "You are right, you have the strength, and you can really do whatever you want!"

Qin Mo never thought that he was a kind person. As long as he could help his purpose, he would not blink his eyes even if this village was destroyed. Since the people here are all from the Eight Desolation Palace, Qin Mo No more worry.

The Eight Desolation Palace and Chunqiu Sect were originally dead enemies, even if this Eight Desolation Palace village was destroyed, Qin Mo did not feel the slightest guilt.

But this news spread back all at once. The powerful people who had originally appeared in the Commanding Mansion only felt a chill behind them. How long did Qin Mo disperse before the Eight Desolation Palace was completely eradicated?

I heard that none of the powerful people in the Eight Desolation Palace can escape alive. Does Qin Mo want to get rid of all those who can't come here to listen to his orders?

"Ding...shock value +100!"


how is this possible? There are six forces, even if one is destroyed, there will be five!

An hour later, news came back that the village where Li Xuanzong was located had been completely wiped out.

Two hours later, another sect was destroyed.

Those sect powerhouses in the commanding mansion found that the remaining three sects had already sent people over.

"The village chief of my Huoyuan sect wants to come and see Master Commander!"

"I, the village chief of Yueming Palace, came to see Master Commander!"

"I engraved the head of the Lingmen village, and I also want to see the leader!"

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