I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1292: For example, the morning dew, it’s hard to go

The situation here is already falling to one side. The Demon League’s Saint Demon Moon will not take action. This time, the Demon League will definitely lose.

Qin Mo sang again: "Singing to wine, how long is life?"

"For example, the morning dew has a lot of suffering."


Moyue's eyes lit up, and this Qin Mo was actually chanting poems again, and this time it was different from the previous one, the sound of the war drum appeared again.

Qin Mo's drums have been able to affect the entire battle. The power that this individual exerts is not what other people can imagine, and it is even greater than that of a person in the fourth level of the Emperor Martial Realm.

If this continues, the Momeng will lose!

"Your Excellency Grand Commander, Moyue also wants to see your strength, Your Excellency Grand Commander!" Only Moyue's voice was heard lightly.

As soon as this sentence came out, Qin Mo said indifferently: "You are not qualified to fight with me yet, but you can fight with my subordinates. Snarling Sky Dog, this weak warrior, will be handed over to you!"

"..." After hearing this, everyone was silent.

What is Qin Mo talking about? This Mo Yue, is a weak warrior? This is Moyue, she is the Saint Aunt of the Demon League, she also possesses the strength of the fourth layer of the Martial Emperor Realm!

This is still a weak warrior?

Even Moyue was a little angry at this time, Qin Mo dared to look down upon her so much, it was too much!

At this time, the snarling dog had already stood up, only to see it grinned, and there was a cold light in his eyes: "Your opponent is me. Only if I am scorned can you fight my Royal Highness!"

Does Roaring Dog really want to take action? Seeing the black dog in front of him, Moyue's face changed slightly, and the strength of this black dog didn't seem to be weak.

But Moyue also has her own pride, even if the Roaring Dog is not weak, she is stronger!

A round of black full moon appeared on Moyue's hand, she said lightly: "I know your strength is very strong, but I will be stronger!"

As soon as this magic moon came out, other people around could immediately feel the extraordinaryness of this Wuhun.

This martial soul can actually make other people's martial souls feel trembling, which is too shocking. There is a huge gap between the levels of martial souls, like Qin Mo's previous tenth-level martial souls. When encountering ninth-level martial souls, those ninth-level martial souls were simply impossible to resist.

These ninth-level martial souls will surrender to the tenth-level martial souls, and as soon as this magic moon comes out, Qin Mo feels that the martial souls in his body, the martial souls in Qin Mo's body, are actually jealous and afraid!

What's the matter?

Isn't this Demon Moon just as simple as an Earth Grade Martial Spirit?

Qin Mo felt quite surprised, this martial soul is too strong, it's not a prefecture-level martial soul, and if it's still so strong, then I'm afraid only a heaven-level martial soul!

This black moon turned out to be a heavenly martial soul?

Now Qin Mo can see that this martial soul is definitely a heavenly martial soul. If you encounter other people, Moyue should be able to fight against one. Unfortunately, this person in front of Moyue, It is a snarling dog.

The strength of the Roaring Sky Dog is not comparable to that of a martial emperor realm fourth layer.

The sky-snarling dog screamed up to the sky and turned into a huge black dog. It rushed towards the magic moon. The sky-snarling dog seemed to be only interested in monsters, not humans, so the sky-snarling dog rushed towards the demon. At the time of the month, but will directly pounce on it.

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