I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1314: Roaring dog, it's up to you!

Everyone's eyes widened, and they couldn't accept this scene.

One claw of this black leopard was very powerful, but now it was easily caught by the snarling dog.

"You..." a voice came from the black leopard's mouth.

"From now on, I will be your king!" The Sky Dog slapped it out. The black-striped leopard wanted to resist, but it couldn't. It was blown out.

The Sky Dog's body shook, and it appeared on the black leopard's back, and another paw was slapped down. Only the black leopard was shot down from the sky to the wasteland in the distance. The Sky Dog said: "Now, You are my prey!"

The snarling dog had already pounced on the black leopard.

Then the black leopard seemed to make a strange noise, and Moyue's face became weird. What happened to this black dog? How could it be so strong, and... what is it doing to the black leopard?

Qin Mo naturally knew what the Sky-Snarling Dog was going to do, but with the principle of never being soft to the enemy, Qin Mo didn't intend to save the black leopard, and fell into the hands of the Sky-Snarling Dog and wanted to save it. Unless it's the powerhouse at the top of Emperor Wu.

At this time, the people present seemed to understand, knowing that the snarling dog threw down the black leopard, their expressions became very strange, they had never seen such a monster!

"Moyue, is it just this monster beast that you rely on? If that's the case, it will disappoint me too much!" Qin Mo said with his hands on his back, his head up, his face showing disdain, "I'm not afraid to tell you , This young master has 108 powerhouses, all of whom are powerful, and the Sky Dog is just one of them!"


Hearing Qin Mo's words, Moyue's heart trembled, right? If this is the case, how strong is Qin Mo?

Moyue didn't know this, she couldn't even think of it, but from the way it looks now, Qin Mo is indeed very powerful. How did this man receive so many powerful people?

But Moyue quickly realized that all this was just what Qin Mo said, so why did she believe it?

Qin Mo was able to flick her up?

Even if it is the righteous alliance and the demon alliance, there are probably not so many strong people. You must know that a monster of the snarling dog level, even if it is placed in the two great intelligences, is a very scary existence, how could there be so much?

Moyue's mental power was strong, and he reacted quickly, but the others were not so fast anymore. When they heard Qin Mo's flicker, they immediately believed.

"How is it possible? Like that black dog, there are still 107?"

"If so, isn't his power alone than our two major leagues?"

"Really? How can I feel that what he said is true?"


Everyone was full of shock.

"Ding... pretend to be worth +"

"Ding...shock value+"

This time, it was very successful to pretend to be forced. Of course, Qin Mo pretended to be forced by the momentum of the Roaring Sky Dog, and immediately increased his pretending value again.

But at this time Moyue didn't give up, she said: "Do you think you can defeat the black leopard? Even if you call the dragon people today, you will still lose today!"

"I'm very curious, what kind of trump card do you have? Do you think you can find it beautiful? Tell you, there is no beauty alone, it must be showy!" Qin Mo glanced over the figure of Moyue. He said, "You should change your black robe to a three-point style. If you look good, this Dragon God will show you a clear path!"

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