I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1372: Hall Master, you are very good, I am very optimistic about you!

"Go, let's save Elder Qin Mo!" Di Sheng said.

It can be seen that Di Sheng really values ​​Qin Mo. Although he does not know who is behind Qin Mo, as long as he can fight against Qin Mo, if something happens in the future, Qin Mo will not stand by, just this. At one point, it was enough for him to sacrifice some disciples to save Qin Mo!

When Di Sheng thought so, someone came down on the Soul Eater Mountain.

"Who is that? Is there a monster coming out of it?"

"No, that one seems to be Elder Qin Mo!"

"No? They escaped safely?"


The people around immediately said that they were quite surprised about Qin Mo's appearance, but being able to escape is considered pretty good, at least it can keep the martial spirit?

When Ge Shu saw Qin Mo come out, his pupils shrank, Qin Mo actually survived? how is this possible? And looking at Qin Mo's appearance, I'm afraid that even his martial spirit has not been swallowed. What is the monster inside?

Di Sheng was very happy. Qin Mo was able to escape from the inside. It was the best for him. He immediately said, "Qin Mo, it is really great that you can come out safely. I thought you would encounter something unexpected!"

"What happened? How could it happen? I'll just go inside and have fun!" Qin Mo said calmly.

"Hehe, if that's the case, it would be really great. Elder Qin Mo is very lucky and didn't meet that monster!" Ge Shupi said with a smile.

"Monster? What kind of monster is there?" Qin Mo showed doubts on his face when he heard it.

"It's the soul-eating bat that can swallow other people's spirits inside!" Di Sheng said.

"It's really great that I didn't meet that bat!" Yu Bo also sighed. In Yu Bo's eyes, even if he or the deputy hall master encounter this bat, I am afraid that he will only be swallowed up by Wuhun A way out!

"Master, we did meet the bat you called it just now!" Only Cen Qing said.

"What?" Hearing these words, everyone present was surprised at the same time.

"Have you encountered that soul-eating bat?" Di Sheng asked quickly.

"Yes, that bat..." Cen Qinggang wanted to go on, but was interrupted by Qin Mo.

"Let me talk about this matter!" Qin Mo immediately grabbed the words.

Qin Mo is still good at telling stories. The stories that Qin Mo tells are very powerful, and more importantly, Qin Mo’s mental power is very strong. The stories he tells can make these people The mood swings are severe.

These people were frightened by the stories Qin Mo told.

"Unexpectedly, that soul-eating bat would be subdued by Elder Qin Mo! This is too powerful!"

"In our Qingyun Hall, it turns out that no one has been able to subdue it!"

"Elder Qin Mo is still so young, will he have it in the future?"


Everyone's exclamation came, and Qin Mo enjoyed the admiration of these people very much, because the pretense value at this time had also arrived.

"Hall Master, you are very good, I am very optimistic about you!" Qin Mo said deeply.

This sentence made Di Sheng a little bit dumbfounded. Does this look like what the younger generation said to the front?

But he was still following this sentence, he knew that Qin Mo had accepted his Qingyuntang friendship.

After collecting this martial arts treasure chest, Qin Mo has decided to leave here to pretend to be forced!

Although you can get a lot of pretenders by pretending to be here, there are too few people here, and Qin Mo needs to go to more people to pretend to be!

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