I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1387: Evidence, not needed!

The sword in Qin Mo's hand has been replaced with a profound immortal iron heavy sword. With the power of this sword, Qin Mo is not afraid that Ge Shu will not come out.

Ge Shu was too tolerant. Qin Mo scolded him like this, but he didn't even mean to come out.

On the contrary, the disciples of Ge Shu have all been knocked to the ground now, and they have no strength to fight Fan Fei!

When other Qingyuntang disciples saw this scene, they secretly said in their hearts that Ge Shu was too much. They watched their disciples come to die, but they didn't come out yet. Would such a person deserve to be a master?

Qin Mo held the Xuanxian Iron Heavy Sword in his hand, with a sneer on his face, and slashed his sword to the huge tower in front of him.

In the next instant, the huge tower of more than ten feet was cut open by Qin Mo from the middle, split into two halves, and fell to both sides.

Many Qingyuntang disciples showed shocked expressions, this tower was divided into two halves by Qin Mo? is this real?

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that Qin Mo did it alone, because it was so shocking!

It is said that this tower is made of special materials. Even the fifth level of Emperor Wu realm cannot be easily destroyed. But now, Qin Mo has destroyed it with a single sword. This does not mean that Qin Mo's strength is Above the fifth floor of Emperor Wu Realm?

"Ding...shock value+"


"Ding... pretend to be worth +"


Inside the huge tower that collapsed, a figure flew out, and only a voice came from: "Qin Mo, you are too much!"

This person is Ge Shu. It seems that what Qin Mo did has finally made him unable to help coming out!

Qin Mo's gaze fell on Ge Shu, only to see the current Ge Shu's face full of anger, he stared at Qin Mo and said, "Qin Mo, why did you break into my book mountain and hurt my disciple?"

"Why do I want to break into your book mountain, don't you have any numbers in your heart?" Qin Mo replied with a sneer.

Ge Shu was frightened and angry. His eyes flickered and said: "I don't know what you are talking about!"

Others didn't understand why Qin Mo did this, why he rushed to the mountain of books, and there seemed to be some serious hatred with Ge Shu.

Hasn't Di Sheng already taken care of the previous matter? It stands to reason that now Qin Mo and Ge Shu should have no grievances!

But now Qin Mo is coming to trouble Ge Shu again. Could it be that what happened?

"Since you want me to speak out, I will tell you, Ge Shu, you hook up with the Demon League and want to murder me!" Qin Mo said coldly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How do I hook up the Demon League? What evidence do you have!" Ge Shu heard it and retorted loudly.

When everyone heard it, they were shocked, there is still such a thing? If this is true, Ge Shu is really **** it!

"The people of the Demon League lie in ambush in Xueyue City, slaughtering tens of millions of civilians to kill me!" Qin Mo said again.

"You nonsense, what evidence do you have? I am here to cultivate, and I have never colluded with the people of the demon league!" Ge Shu's face flushed, as if he had been insulted by heaven.

After those Qingyuntang disciples heard this, they were even more surprised. With Qin Mo's life, they disdain to lie, and it is impossible to use such things to make jokes. That is not to say that all the residents of Xueyue City were dead. The hands of the Momeng?

If this is the case, it would be too terrifying. The Demon League has no humanity. Everyone is impressed by this kind of thing. The killing of the entire city and the sacrifice of the martial soul is not unheard of. I did not expect it to be now. appearing again!

There are indeed many people in the Demon League, and the methods are cruel, but doing such a thing is indeed daunting.

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