I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1691: From the fire fairy pupil!

"Get my body? Can't you make it clear?" Qin Mo felt a bit of cold.

"No matter what you say today, I won't let you go, do it!" The evil ancestor said, and the huge pangolin immediately rushed towards Qin Mo.

"Yes, master!" He only heard the pangolin finished speaking, and immediately rushed to Qin Mo. The pangolin dived directly underground, Qin Mo immediately flew up, and the pangolin had already arrived in front of Qin Mo.



Qin Mo directly used the sound of hum. Under the two sound waves, the pangolin was immediately bounced away, but it directly shrank into a ball, hit the ground, and then rushed towards Qin Mo again.

What a tough defense!

Qin Mo's expression changed, and the Xuanxian Iron Profound Sword in his hand slashed down the pangolin. With a single sword, the pangolin's outer armor could be cut apart, but Qin Mo himself was knocked out.

What a terrible defense! Qin Mo frowned, and the pangolin had already pounced on him again. This monster beast was not only amazing in defense, but also very domineering. After all, Qin Mo was not a real martial ancestor-level powerhouse. The confrontation still suffered a lot.

Sword Dao could no longer injure this kind of monster, and the sound of Huo Ha was not yet proficient, and Qin Mo's eyes appeared two groups of flames.

From the fire fairy pupil!

Two flames hit the pangolin, only to see the pangolin flying out immediately, a burst of scorched black on its back, but it did not suffer too much damage.

"You have a lot of magical powers, now I have seen two!" The evil ancestor's eyes were filled with excitement and ecstasy. "It seems that the old man really picked up a treasure today, and I have already seized it. After giving up four times, you will be my last body!"

"As long as I can get your body, I will definitely be able to cultivate to the Holy Realm! What secrets are there in you, I really want to know!"

In the eyes of the evil ancestor now, I am afraid that Qin Mo is no longer a person, but an object!

The power of Lihuo Immortal Eye can injure the pangolin monster, but Qin Mo uses it once and consumes a lot of soul power, which is not conducive to his fight, and this trick cannot kill it!

It's because Qin Mo's strength is not enough!

Even if it is the Gate of Devouring, it is estimated that this pangolin cannot be killed. It seems that there is only one last resort!

"Since you want to see my methods, then I will let you see clearly!" Qin Mo flipped his hand and said calmly.

"Do you have any other means? Okay, you will let me see it!" The evil ancestor said again.

"If I used this trick, you probably won't have a chance to fight back!" Qin Mo said.

"It's a big tone, my evil ancestor, will you be afraid of your methods? What a joke!" The evil ancestor said contemptuously.

Indeed, with the strength of the evil ancestor, there is no need to be afraid of Qin Mo. Although he doesn't know why he can't hurt Qin Mo, it is impossible for Qin Mo to deal with him.

"In this case, I have to let her come out, Xiaoqian!" Qin Mo held a magic card in his hand, and he said immediately.

The magic card in Qin Mo's hand disappeared, but Qin Mo did not see anyone in front of him. He immediately looked around and still did not find Nie Xiaoqian.

No way? Drop the chain now?

"Qin Mo, what is the means you said? I didn't see anything..." The evil ancestor looked behind Qin Mo as if he had seen a ghost.

"My son, are you looking for Xiaoqian?" A pleasant voice rang, and after hearing it, it would make people feel numb.

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