I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1734: The power of a sword

With this sword, Qin Mo didn't know how many demon guards were killed.

This sword's might, even Ma Ye and Si Ye's face changed a bit.

Of those demon guards, only two escaped this sword aura, and all the others were buried here.

"Okay, Dugu seeks defeat, how dare you kill our Demon League Guard? You are betraying our Demon League!" Ma Ye pointed at Qin Mo and said angrily.

"When are you able to represent the Demon League?" Qin Mo said with disdain when he heard these words.

Indeed, the matter of conviction is not something Maye can do, especially to convict Qin Mo, who is the identity of Qin Mo, but the disciple of the evil ancestor, who can convict him? Even if he really wanted to convict him, only the leader of the Demon League, or Saint Aunt, the Great Demon Sky and the deputy leader Mo Yuan could have it.

Although his horse industry is the leader here, he does not have such qualifications.

But Ma Ye is really angry now, he said angrily: "No matter what, I will catch you first, and then convict you!"

Ma Ye has already thought about it, no matter whether Qin Mo is guilty or not, first interrupt Qin Mo's limbs and then abolish his cultivation base. For nothing else, Qin Mo dares to look down on him so much!

Ma Ye is a person who values ​​his own face. Now Qin Mo not only underestimates him, but also dares to lose his face. How can he accept it?

It turned out that he came here just to act on behalf of the Fourth Master. After all, the concubine of the Fourth Master had a grudge with Qin Mo. After knowing Qin Mo's identity, Ma Ye had actually thought about it and let it go.

But then I thought that I had promised Si Ye, if I repented about it, wouldn’t I lose face?

What about the disciple of the evil ancestor? Now he was just taking Qin Mo into custody, at best it was a lesson, nothing at all!

And Ma Ye would not have thought that Qin Mo's strength was far beyond his imagination.

Ma Ye made the shot himself, and a black giant appeared behind him, directly fusing with Ma Ye. Ma Ye turned into this horse-shaped monster, with a long hiss in his mouth and his eyes staring at Qin. desert.

"So you are a beast!" Qin Mo sneered.

"Looking for death!" Ma Ye was very angry when he heard that, a black flame sprayed towards Qin Mo.

In Qin Mo's eyes, two golden flames spurted out, and the two flames fought against each other. The horse industry's black flame was completely defeated. Qin Mo's Lihuo Immortal Eye was a kind of magical power, how could it be this kind of demon? Can the flame of the beast be compared?

Ma Ye immediately retracted the flames and rushed towards Qin Mo. The horseshoe tried to step on Qin Mo into meat sauce.

The horse industry's body has become this black giant horse, which is as large as several tens of feet. This horse's hoof is not something ordinary people can bear.

But Qin Mo's mouth suddenly opened.



The two voices sounded, only to see these two sound waves that looked like ripples, they suddenly shook the giant horse.

Among the shocked eyes of everyone, only the giant horse was seen, which was completely shattered at this time.

The eyes of the Fourth Master were filled with incredible colors. This was Mingyan Moma, even a seventh-level monster. In front of Qin Mo, he couldn't resist one after another?

Mo Yeji's beautiful eyes were wide, and he looked at Qin Mo in surprise. It can be seen that Qin Mo's strength far exceeds this horse industry. Otherwise, he would not be defeated so easily, this young man. , It was really amazing, even more amazing than she had imagined!

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