I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1853: Isn't that the Cthulhu Stone?

The face of the evil dragon supreme turned pale, and at this time, Qin Mo's knife had already been cut down.

This evil dragon supreme whole dragon clan was cut in half.

The existence of a dragon emperor was cut in half by Qin Mo?

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, but Qin Mo had already taken out a gem from the right eye of the Evil Dragon Supreme.

Upon seeing this treasure chest, the expressions of the evil dragon emperor and other dragon emperor-level existences changed at the same time.

"Isn't that the stone of the evil god?"

"Unexpectedly, it stole this evil **** stone!"

"Absolutely not let him take away our Evil God Stone!"


These Evil Dragon Supremes shot at the same time, and they didn't want the treasure of their clan to be taken away by humans.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the evil dragon soul treasure chest!"

"The evil dragon soul treasure chest can **** away evil power from the evil dragon family and collect evil dragon value. The evil dragon value can get different values ​​of evil dragon value according to the level of the target! The first level evil dragon can provide 1 evil dragon value... …The sixth-level evil dragon can get 100,000 evil dragons, and the seventh-level evil dragon can get 1 million evil dragons!"

As long as you kill the evil dragon, you can collect the evil dragon value!

Qin Mo's eyes fell on the evil dragons in front of him. These evil dragons seemed to have become a large number of evil dragons.

"Whoever of you wants this gem, come and **** it!" Qin Mo said calmly, "but your strength is too weak. For those evil dragons below level 7 monsters, this young master will let you both hands and feet. Can easily kill you!"

"He wants to lie to us!"

"You want to deceive us even with such a trick?"

"Stupid, he thought we would believe it!"


The evil dragon tribe said immediately.

One of the dragon king-level evil dragons has already rushed towards Qin Mo: "In this case, let me see if you are really so powerful!"

Qin Mo opened his mouth and a voice rang.

"Boom!" The whole body of the evil dragon exploded in an instant.

"Hey, reptiles like you, where is this young master's opponent?" Qin Mo sighed, his face showing disdain.

"This...what's going on? What happened just now?"

"What did he just do? There was a strange noise."

"He doesn't know any sorcery? How can it be!"


The evil dragon people obviously couldn't believe it.

However, the Dragon Clan members wanted to sigh to Qin Mo now.

Nima, when is the time, are you still acting here?

Did you not see us? We are dying, won't you come to save me?

Obviously you can kill them easily, but you have to kill them one by one. You did it on purpose, right? The Dragon King is about to lose too much blood and die!

"Ding...spit bad value+"

"Ding...spit bad value+"


Of the dragons who survived here, but there is still a part, Qin Mo collected nearly one million worth of vomiting at once, this time, it seems that it is not wronged!

Qin Mo looked a little puzzled. He looked at these dragons. Why did these dragons vomit?

Qin Mo understood when they saw their eyes with resentful women, it turned out that they felt that they were too slow to take action!

There are tens of thousands of these evil dragons in front of them. If they were killed by ordinary methods, it is estimated that these dragons have lost too much blood. Qin Mo hasn't killed them all yet. It's strange that these dragons don't vomit.

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