I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1863: Reptiles are reptiles

Seeing this, the Evil Dragon Emperor laughed loudly: "Reptiles are reptiles. You useless waste can only become our food!"

Naturally, Qin Mo could see that these dragons were afraid, but what about this? He is the Chinese Dragon God here!

On the head of the fire-breathing dragon emperor, Qin Mo suddenly took out a giant drum, only to see that Qin Mo was already holding the drum hammer in his hand and rang the giant drum: "Boom!"

Only a huge sound appeared, and this huge drum rang.

This sound, like the sound of nature, echoed around, and all the dragons who heard the drums of Qin Mo immediately calmed down. Their original sense of fear disappeared miraculously, and not only that, but peace in their hearts.

Originally in the eyes of these dragons, the evil dragons were very scary and hideous, but now, in their eyes, these evil dragons have completely changed. They are not terrifying at all, just like ordinary dragons. What's so scary?

Tang Qing's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it, what's going on? Qin Mo's drums can actually affect people's spirit, which is too exaggerated!

Moyue’s eyes flickered. Although she knew Qin Mo very well, Moyue now discovered that there are still many secrets in Qin Mo’s body that she does not know, but she knows this giant drum. This is the giant drum that once beat her.

The fire-breathing dragon emperor also felt a war intent emerging from his heart. This feeling made the fire-breathing dragon emperor quite agitated. As expected, he was really powerful!

And Qin Mo's drums rang again, and this time, Qin Mo has already sang: "Don't wait for a moment, the young man's head is white, empty and sad..."

"Boom boom boom..."

The drums rang again, and the surrounding dragons only felt a sensation from the bottom of their hearts, and this feeling made them feel that their bodies were warm, there was a sense of fighting and courage, and they began to germinate.

On the surface of these dragons, a white light appeared, and they could clearly feel that their strength was improving!

What a magical drum sound, what a magical sound!

The fear of the dragons became firm at this moment.

"We have the protection of Lord Huaxia Dragon God, what are we still afraid of? Let's go!"

"Yes, behind us is Lord Dragon God, what's to be afraid of? Let's go together!"

"Today is our day of revenge, everyone, what are you waiting for?"


The dragons seemed to get excited. They roared and rushed forward. Those evil dragons had never thought that they would become so vigorous when they saw the dragons who were very afraid and timid. When these dragons rushed over, they were crazy attack.

The destructive power of the dragons is actually quite terrifying!

However, because of the threat of the evil dragon clan before, the dragons here feel quite jealous. This affects their strength. When these dragons fought against the evil dragon clan before, they could not even exert 80% of their strength. come out.

But now it’s different. Qin Mo’s drums, together with his voice, and the assistance of the Heavenly Court War Drum, allow the dragons to perform supernormally. The strength of these dragons reaches 120%, and Qin Mo’s drums The sound seemed to turn into a shield, and at the same time strengthened their attacks.

In this way, the strength of each dragon race can be increased to more than ten times the original!

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