I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 975: It is indeed a rare genius!

The man in black went back to a carriage, and he knelt on one knee in front of the carriage: "Young Master, what you want me to do, I have done it!"

"Well, that city lord's mansion, before the arrival of the new city lord, it will be temporarily given to Qin Mo to live!" A voice came from inside, and this voice turned out to be a female voice.

"Yes, Young Master, but next, it will be the days of the Spring and Autumn Conference. If Qin Mo attends..."

"If he fails to pass the Spring and Autumn Conference, then he is not qualified to be my friend. If I help him, he is already here!"


The man in black did not speak any more.

"Han Du, you are not dead, but it is hard for us to hide it!" Only Yin Zhi said.

"How did I hide it from you? I don't know that Master Qin Mo turned out to be a martial artist with both pill and medicine. Although we all know that there are many similarities between the pill and the medical path, but the profound knowledge in it can be It's not so easy to master. This master Qin Mo is so young, but he is already a six-star alchemy master. In the future, I will only blame it for being stronger!" Han Du sighed.

"You are right, Master Qin Mo is indeed a rare genius!" They said with a sigh.

After everyone left, Han Du went back to his mansion. After making everyone back, only to see that there was a secret door in Han Du's room. Behind the secret door was a basement.

Down the stairs, only to see that there was a dungeon here, and two white-haired old men were being imprisoned here.

"Han Du, what are you doing? Don't you want to kill us? In that case, why don't you do it?" the two said.

"Two people, this time I came here, but to tell you a good news, in our Spring and Autumn City, this time there is a genius, he is a real genius!" I only heard Han Du sneer.


"Yes, genius, although he is only sixteen years old, he is also a Six-Star Physician and Alchemist at the same time!"

"how is this possible?"

The faces of the two elders were incredulous.

"This time, I will definitely be able to become a Seven-Star Alchemist, as long as he is brought here too!" Han Du said with gloomy eyes.

No one knew Han Du's thoughts, and Qin Mo naturally did not know, because Qin Mo was already heading to that Qiucheng City Lord's Mansion at this time!

Qin Mo was relieved after checking the three of Fei'er along the way.

Lei Rui of the City Lord's Mansion in Qiucheng seemed to have known that Qin Mo would be here, and prepared food and drinks for Qin Mo!

Qin Mo also knew that this time, it seemed that he had to make this friend with Lei Rui, but for Qin Mo, it wouldn't hurt, wouldn't it?

"Guest, His Royal Highness Qin Mo, really a distinguished guest, come, please sit down!" Lei Rui said with a smile on his face.

Seeing Lei Rui's look like a smiling tiger, Qin Mo really wanted to take off his shoes and throw it on his face, but Qin Mo felt that he had a lot of it, so this idea was just thinking about it!

After all, everyone is a friend, can't you bully others too much, and Lei Rui has helped him, let alone so!

Qin Mo thought so, he already sat down.

However, Qin Mo's first words caused Lei Rui's mouth to twitch: "Let's go, Lei Rui City Lord, is it a Hongmen Banquet or a talk about benefits?"

"His Royal Highness Qin Mo is joking, I just want to make friends with Your Highness, and I don't have any other thoughts!" He only heard Lei Rui's expression, and he said immediately.

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