I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 985: Well, in that case, I will listen to you!

This feeling made Hu Yan very headache and depressed, but there was nothing he could do. After all, what Qin Mo said was not wrong at all. He did have such a duty, but why did he feel so upset?

"Ding, collected 50 resentment points from Huyan!"

Qin Mo was a little surprised. After all, there was no resentment in the Seven-Love Treasure Box, but since it was the Seven-Love Treasure Box, it might generate various other emotions and then collect it.

This gave Qin Mo another way to collect seven emotions.

"Han Feng, this is not the place where you should go wild, do you understand?" He only heard Hu Yan say immediately.

As soon as Hu Yan said these words, even Han Feng couldn't make a move. After all, this is indeed not Han Wuguo, so he could not ignore the rules of Spring and Autumn City.

"If you dare to kill him, I won't make you feel better!" Han Feng pointed to Qin Mo and said.

"Well, in this case, I'll listen to you!" Qin Mo smiled. He raised the sword in his hand and drew it across Han En's neck.

At this moment, everyone's complexion changed drastically, Qin Mo really dared to do it, and he still killed Han En in front of Han Feng!

unacceptable! Too arrogant! too terrifying!

When Han Feng did this, it was as if he slapped Han Feng in front of him.

The faces of other people present also showed shock.

"...Shock value +10!"

"...Shock value +10!"


This time, the Seven Love Box has really passed 10,000 points, and today this platinum box is stable!

But at this time, Han Feng's eyes were full of blood. He stared at Qin Mo and said, "You dare to kill him? I will definitely not let you go, I will definitely not!"

"Ding, collected 1000 hatred points from Han Feng!"

It seems that Han Feng really hates himself, but in this case, that would be great! Hate me more!

"Okay, I'll wait!" Qin Mo raised his head and raised his chest. "What about killing your brother? If you refuse, come hit me!"

"..." Everyone's expressions were a little weird, Qin Mo did it on purpose, right?

It must be intentional! Everyone looked at the humble expression on Qin Mo's face, and immediately replaced the doubt with an exclamation mark. After all, Qin Mo was indeed so shameless. This person was not intentional, who would believe it?

"What's your name?" I only heard Han Feng say.

"Me? My name is Li Bai!" Qin Mo said lightly.

"Li Bai? I will remember you, Da Qin State, Li Bai!" Han Feng said coldly.

"No, this young master usually doesn't leave a name for good deeds!" Qin Mo replied, and walked forward. Xuewu and Feier immediately followed Qin Mo and did this to Qin Mo. They are not surprised, but this time he offended, but Han Wuguo, a subordinate of Han Wuguo, doesn't know how many small affiliated kingdoms like Daqin Kingdom!

"Great Qin Kingdom, Li Bai!" Han Feng gritted his teeth and looked at Qin Mo's back.

"His Royal Highness Han Feng, I'm afraid he is not called this name!" The person next to him said.

"It's okay. Everyone in the Great Qin Kingdom must die. It is passed down. All people from the affiliated kingdoms of our Han Wu Kingdom or other kingdoms, as long as they encounter people in the Great Qin Kingdom, they will be killed immediately. Just kill one person. He will be rewarded with a hundred fourth-order yuan stones!" Han Feng said with cold eyes.

100 Tier 4 Essence Stones are huge wealth for many kingdoms. Now you can get 100 yuan if you kill a person from the Great Qin Kingdom. Then, this wanted order will go out. I'm afraid that's not the case. It's easy!

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