The more you try, the more you will be able to conquer a spirit beast.

It seems that there are many limitations to taming a spirit beast.

The probability of taming an adult spirit beast is not high, and after one taming, the spirit beast's head will explode instantly because it cannot withstand the impact of the master-servant blood seal.

Lin Chen thought about it for a while, and then stopped looking.

After failing to tame the spirit beast, Xin Ling no longer hesitated. He flipped his left hand, took out a long sword, and separated the materials on its body.

The eyeballs of the fire-eyed ape can be used to refine a low-level magic weapon, which has the effect of seeing through hallucinations.

After the fur is processed, it can be used to make low-level spirit talismans, and the blood and flesh can also be sold to the market to make spirit food or feed spirit beasts.

After the four of them were busy, they divided the spoils according to the previous discussion.

Lin Chen also got some fur and flesh of the fire-eyed ape, and then they took a short rest.

Xin Qiu Shui was studying the map in her hand.

The news of the purple sun grass was revealed to her by others. The news was true, but the other party said that there were many first-level monsters where it appeared.

This made her spend some money to get the news.

Lin Chen sat cross-legged under a giant tree, and it took only a few breaths to recover completely.

With their strength, killing those fire-eyed apes did not consume much.

He raised his right hand slightly, carefully calculating the result of this time, and suddenly his eyes flashed a few times, and his face changed.

It seemed to be a bad omen.

He calculated again with some worry, and the result was still the same, but he didn't know where the risk came from.

The deduction technique used by Lin Chen is a kind of technique recorded in the Taoist Canon, called the Three Yuan Nine Palaces Fate Method, which is divided into four good and four bad, and can know the fortune of people, the good and bad of things, and so on.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and swept his eyes across the faces of Xin Qiu Shui, Xin Ling, and Lei Chuan one by one.

The more relevant the results of the Three Yuan Nine Palaces Fate Method are to oneself, the greater the error, and the more vague the results are.

After pondering for a while, Lin Chen's eyes moved, stretched out his hand and waved to the ground, and a stone "whoosh" flew into his palm.

He used his right hand to mediate the creation and pointed it upwards. The stone trembled slightly and suddenly split into four pieces. After a flash of white light, the stone turned into four copper coins.

Lin Chen held the four copper coins, put his hands together, and then shook them gently a few times and threw them to the ground.

He fiddled with his right hand for a few times, and after taking a closer look, he frowned and looked at Lei Chuan with a strange expression.

After thinking, he began to calculate the fortune of Xin Qiu Shui and Xin Ling.

Xin Qiu Shui noticed Lin Chen's actions, walked over with some surprise, and asked.

"Junior Brother Lin, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I recently found some jade slips about fortune-telling in the Sutra Library, and just tried it."

Hearing this, Xin Ling also came over curiously and asked in confusion.

"Junior Brother Lin, are you still practicing such strange and unorthodox skills?"

Lin Chen smiled lightly and said casually.

"Please be at ease. I have just learned it for a short time. It is not a strange skill."

Hearing this, Xin Qiu Shui and her brother were stunned, and then laughed.

"Did Junior Brother Lin figure out anything?"

Lin Chen's eyes turned, revealing a bit of wisdom. He turned his head to look at Lei Chuan, who was sitting cross-legged in front of him, and after a moment of silence, he explained with a serious face.

"I figured out that Senior Brother Lei had dark clouds covering the sky, a bloody disaster looming, and blood lingering around him. I'm afraid it's not good."

"You and I, the three of us, should be fine if we are careful."

"As for the target of this time, the purple sun grass, it's going well."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and the four copper coins on the ground trembled slightly, and "whoosh" flew back into the storage bag.

Xin Qiu Shui saw that Lin Chen really spoke seriously, and was stunned for a moment, and then continued.

"The four of us are going to look for the purple sun grass together. The road is dangerous, there are many monsters, and blood disasters are inevitable."

"But we must be more careful in the future. The area where the purple sun grass is located is very close to the inner perimeter of the secret realm. We may encounter monsters in the foundation-building period."


Five days later.

An unknown valley, the ground is full of half-human-high weeds, and there are a few sparsely growing yellow spiritual trees. There is a dark cave entrance inside, about two meters in radius.

Outside the valley is a pile of black and gray stones, and behind the pile of stones are four cultivators, who are Lin Chen and his party.

Xin Qiu Shui raised his head and looked carefully.

He looked at the front for a few times, looked at the map again, and said solemnly.

"We're here, it's that cave~"

Lin Chen heard it and said in a low voice.

"It doesn't look special. How can there be spiritual things like Ziyang grass growing inside?"

The four people did not rush in recklessly, but carefully observed the surroundings. Although there is a time limit to stay in this spiritual secret realm, they must not put themselves in danger because of carelessness.

The secret cave mentioned in this news is inconspicuous from the outside, and even the spiritual energy is not very abundant. It is estimated that there is only one first-level middle-grade spiritual vein.

There are hundreds or thousands of such caves in the secret realm, which is not surprising at all.

I really don't know how that person found this place at the beginning.

Xin Qiu Shui raised his hand and signaled Lin Chen and others to disperse and explore the surroundings.

After the four people looked at each other, they dispersed to the surroundings.

After half a cup of tea, Lin Chen and the others turned back and shook their heads, indicating that there were no powerful monsters around.

Xin Qiu Shui was relieved and waved his hand.

The four walked into the valley and came to the entrance of the cave in a few breaths. It was pitch black inside and it was impossible to see what was inside.

However, they smelled some fishy smells unique to monsters.

The entrance of the cave was naturally formed, surrounded by light green rocks.

The four looked at each other, patted their bodies, and added a spiritual power shield, and then walked carefully inside.

"Be careful, don't be careless."

Xin Qiu Shui held a white crystal in his hand and walked in front, Lei Chuan and Xin Ling walked half a step behind him on both sides, and Lin Chen walked at the end, responsible for the safety of the back.

With the soft white light emitted by the crystal, everyone could barely see the scene in the cave.

The cave was very spacious. After walking hundreds of steps, they still hadn't reached the end.

However, Lin Chen noticed some dried blood on the stone wall, which was the trace left after the body was dragged.

After seeing this, the few people became more careful. After walking a dozen feet, a corner appeared in front of them.

And from the other side of the corner, some soft purple light was faintly revealed.

The four people looked at each other and their faces were happy. The purple sun grass was emitting purple light.

Xin Qiu Shui held up the protective shield, turned her head and slowly explored the corner. The scene in front of her made her happy at first, but then she secretly groaned.

Lin Chen and the other two didn't know what to do, so they also walked over and looked inside.

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