"Tsk, tsk, worthy of being Vice Admiral Garp!"

When dealing with Long, Allen had time to give Garp a thumbs-up and smile, the same as the blue beast in Konoha Village in another world, which made the other party's heart swell.

But before he could say anything, his arm was grabbed by Sengoku.

Coming to the execution platform, with Sengoku here, Garp was not so easily disturbed by Allen.

Sabo lowered his head and was handcuffed silently by two soldiers behind him.

He was not panicked at all. After all, he was not a fruit ability user. The punch that Garp had just hit seemed to cause great damage, but it was not that strong. At least he felt that his body had recovered almost completely.

Now he was also on the execution platform, so close to Ace. If he found an opportunity, he could even save Ace directly, and then today's goal would be successfully completed!

"Sengoku, I'll stay here and watch these... two prisoners."

Gritting his teeth and forcing himself not to look at Allen, Garp sat cross-legged on the execution platform, with Ace and Sabo on his left and right.

Rayleigh, who was still kneeling on the side, glanced over here, instinctively feeling that the old man Garp didn't seem to take him seriously!

Although Garp and Rayleigh had dealt with each other a lot when they were chasing the Roger Pirates, he was in no mood to deal with Rayleigh in this scene.

Sengoku looked Garp up and down on the side, and didn't say anything, just nodded silently.

However, looking at his expressionless face, Sengoku was actually not very sure in his heart. No one knew what this old guy was thinking in his heart, so he could only take one step at a time.

In this situation, the two grandsons were all kneeling on the execution platform. As long as he didn't run to the other side, he would be loyal to the navy. If he asked Garp to take action again, Sengoku felt that it would be too much, and he might even force him to rebel directly.

"Chief, it doesn't matter if I'm sent to the execution platform by Instructor Allen. For the sake of our cause, you must cooperate with him to deal a heavy blow to the Navy today!"

Sabo, who was still kneeling on the execution platform, suddenly shouted, allowing the whole audience and even the whole world to hear his voice through Den Den Mushi. Everyone turned their eyes to Allen, and Ryuya stepped back and distanced himself from him.

The first and second leaders of the Revolutionary Army cooperated very well. Since Allen was on the opposite side of them, there was no psychological burden for both of them to trick him.

"Interesting, I'll use you to trick Garp, and you trick me, it's a reciprocity, interesting!"

Alan sneered and gave Sabo on the execution platform a thumbs up, but it made the other party feel as if he had suddenly been electrified, his whole body was numb, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Turning his head to look at Luffy, our protagonist was still dealing with Aokiji, one of the three admirals, with the help of Ivankov, Crocodile and Jinbei.

With their fighting power, and having just escaped from Impel Down, they were able to fight Aokiji for so long. The latter must have almost drained all the water from the Inland Sea of ​​Marinford!

On the other side of Allen, Enelu was still fighting with Kaji. The former had some swelling and wounds on his body, and the latter was also black and charred. They were equally matched.

Suddenly, Allen appeared in the battlefield between the two. Kaji had just fought with Enelu and noticed Allen in front of him.

"Go to hell!"

"Kaji, don't!"

He slashed back the captain of the Fifth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, "Flower Sword" Vista, and Gion, who had been secretly watching Allen's movements, hurriedly spoke to stop him.

In her opinion, Allen was still a trustworthy person. At least he had always kept his promise to her and did not take the initiative to attack the navy.

Vice Admiral Garp and Kaji, who had attacked first before, were another matter.

But now Kaji took the initiative to attack Allen, which was more or less a bit tactless.

For some reason, Gion even had a little dissatisfaction with Kaji at this time.

But what she didn't know was that when her voice came, Kaji's eyes became more murderous, and the strength of this punch reached the extreme.

"Damn bastard, give Gion back to me!"

With an angry shout, Kaji's punch rushed straight to Allen's head with a sound of breaking through the air, but the latter slightly sideways dodged it.

Since Allen appeared, he has always been fighting fist to fist, taking the path of one force defeating ten skills.

So Kaji didn't leave any spare strength for this attack, just wanting to give Allen a heavy blow. Now that the opponent has dodged, it is difficult for him to immediately regain his balance.

After sideways, Allen has quickly switched to the human-beast form and rushed towardsKaji came forward.

Under the robe, ice crystals covered the hand knife, and with the two-color domineering wrapped around it, it was even more powerful than the supreme sword.

Kaji, who was old, clearly felt a hint of danger, and a huge panic rose in his heart.

Allen's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his hand was a knife, with the tip of the hand knife pointing directly at Kaji's heart.


Even though Kaji had instinctively used the armed color domineering, even though he was the ability user of the Earth-Earth Fruit, his defense was quite good.

This hand knife still successfully broke his chest and penetrated his heart.

The movements of the two people suddenly stopped, and a large amount of blood gushed out of Kaji's chest, and was frozen by the cold air while flowing through Allen's palm, and fell to the ground with a clang.

"No... isn't it?"

The navy soldiers who were still around stared blankly at Kaji with Allen's palm still stuck in his chest, and some couldn't believe their eyes.

"Is that Vice Admiral Kake?"


Alan would not be like Akainu, who would just pierce through the chest and then withdraw. The two-color domineering aura on his hand dissipated, and the entangled lightning plus Akainu's intentional control directly shattered Kake's heart to death. The latter's face was still a little ferocious, and he fell softly into Akainu's hand.

"Damn it, Kake!"

Kizaru and Akainu, who were originally sitting under the execution platform, changed their faces instantly, and the former immediately turned into a beam of light and rushed towards Alan.

But his body had just solidified, and Akainu had already thrown away Kake's body, and the latter lay stiffly on the ground with a big hole in his chest.

At this point, when the Red Hair Pirates had not yet appeared, the dead senior officer of the Navy appeared.

Admiral candidate——Chaton Kake!

"I'm sorry, he was the first to attack me, I just fought back, are you going to attack me too?"

Alan shrugged indifferently and looked at Admiral Kizaru.

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