I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 972: What is the ultimate experience

"Women's and women's heads?" The hairdresser felt a gust of wind blowing down his spine into his brain. He looked to the side, and there was a woman's bleeding head beside him.

She opened her eyes, her red lips opened and closed, and she seemed to be laughing!


The barber sat on the dummy customer, the chair slid, and he bumped into the table.

The installed equipment seemed to be touched, the projection on the mirror disappeared, and the hairdresser did not know whether it was painful or scared, and even fainted.

"The psychological quality really needs to be improved. The virtual future paradise relies too much on technology and completely ignores the training of employees. These employees should have been in charge of other entertainment facilities and were temporarily transferred."

Haunted house actors are not whoever wants to be. There is a big difference between veterans and newcomers, such as the ability to deal with emergencies.

Chen Ge walked out of the male bathhouse. There were two roads outside, one leading to the entrance of the female bathhouse and the other leading to the gate of the bathhouse.

"Shoes printed on the ground are running towards the gate of the bathhouse, and there are also running towards the female bathhouse. Are these two smart people? Will they play tricks?"

Looking closely, Chen Ge saw some problems through the orientation of the shoe prints: "They first went to the gate of the bathhouse, it seemed that they could not run there, and then they turned into the female bathhouse."

"If the youngest boy is a cheater and he holds the keys to all the scenes, why would he not be able to get out?" Chen Ge remembered what the police said before, the hotel scene is a buffer zone, pass the hotel and pass another scene You can leave the haunted house.

"The police were talking about medium difficulty at the time. I am now challenging more than forty hell-level scenes, which means that the original way out is likely to be impossible!" Chen Ge now has too little information, he does not I know how the central computer controls the operation, and I don't know if the fusion of more than forty scenes will cause the central computer to freeze.

"It would be great if I couldn't go out." Chen Ge carried the chainsaw into the women's bathhouse. Water and blood stains remained on the ground, and he could clearly see the shoe prints of the glasses man and another boy: "They will hide Where are you going? "

This bathhouse is very broken, each shower is blocked by a partition, forming a small compartment.

Trying to push open the door of a cubicle, Chen Ge saw that the smudged wall was covered with malicious language in blood.

He had no interest in these and opened all the compartment doors around him. When he walked to the middle of the bathhouse, he suddenly heard the sound of water, and it seemed that someone was taking a bath.

It didn't take long for the sound of the water to flow, and a woman's voice was heard again in the single room surrounded by partitions in the corner.

"anyone there?"

The woman's voice was very nice, with a trace of pity and fear in her tact, and a fascinating back will emerge from her mind just by listening to the voice.

Dragging the chainsaw, Chen Ge opened the door of a compartment without seeing the figure of the glasses man and the other boy.

"can you help me?"

Several compartments were opened in a row, and only four compartments were left open, one of which was the one where the woman was.

"If the glasses man has been here, they will definitely tell someone else about the madness. The hairdresser and the woman in the compartment have long escaped, and they will definitely not stay here stupidly." Chen Ge is ready to leave, but he changes his mind One thought: "The evil of human nature cannot be underestimated. In case the two **** deliberately hide from their colleagues, they want to use their colleagues to delay me."

For security reasons, Chen Ge still walked to the side of the cubicle.

Hearing the footsteps approaching, the woman's voice appeared again.

"Can you lend me some shampoo, I seem to have forgotten to bring it."

The woman's voice was weak and pitiful, making it difficult to refuse.

"Borrowing something?" Chen Ge thought of a strange talk about the bathhouse. A woman was killed in the bathhouse and her body was crippled. Later, when the bathhouse was about to close at night, she could always hear the voice of a woman borrowing something. At first, I borrowed shampoo and towels, and then I borrowed her lost body.

"My hair is dirty, I have been washing it for a long time, and I can't clean it at all." The door of the compartment was pushed open, a white and slender arm stretched out of the compartment, and her finger lightly rested on the door panel. Slowly sliding down, Bai Nen's fingers rubbed against the rough wooden board: "My clothes are all outside. I can't get them by myself now, can you help me?"

"Of course I can help you, but I don't think your hair can be cleaned. It's better if I borrow your head. It's one step and I don't have to worry about it in the future."

Chen Ge threw the headless female ghost's head from above the compartment when the other party retracted his arm, and then stood back against the compartment door.

A scream sounded, and the door behind shook violently, but Chen Ge was thinking about another thing: "The glasses of men's shoes appeared in the bathhouse, then walked through the aisle between the male bathhouse and the female bathhouse, and finally disappeared in the female bathhouse. Here, the way out must be here. They did not notify other colleagues. They may have run away too hurriedly, too late to remind, or they may have been intentional. "

Meticulous thinking, five senses, sharp physical ability far beyond ordinary people, has a near-genius insight into various details, precisely because of these advantages, so the murderous man played by Chen Ge can bring an indescribable suffocation to the "tourist".

"You can't escape."

In the cubicle, Chen Ge opened the door and hugged the head of the headless female ghost, glancing at the haunted house actress with several prosthetic limbs.

"Although I was blocked during the live broadcast, I was blocked and banned, but the reason for being blocked every time has nothing to do with pornography.

Chen Ge came to the compartment where the men's shoes on the glasses disappeared. The shower fell to the ground. If the curses were written on the wooden wall with blood words, there were a few words that were deepened in color and all related to the human body.

Knocked on the wooden wall board behind the compartment, Chen Ge found that the blood-deepened wooden board could be moved. The wooden wall in the compartment was joined together, and there was still a gap in the middle, just like the wooden wall of the house same.

"The clue to solve the puzzle should be in the scene." Chen Ge narrowed his eyes and looked around. There was an answer in his mind: "There is no monitoring installed here."


The big saw smashed through the wall panel, Chen Ge held the head of the headless female ghost and looked back at the dark hospital corridor.

"A new scene?"

He looked over a ward, and finally stared at the spectacled man and the youngest boy on the other side of the promenade who seemed to be preparing to call.

"found it!"

Although Chen Ge is thoughtful, has five senses, and has a near-genius insight into various details, he is a person who hates trouble.

The big saw roared, Chen Ge rushed towards it at full speed!

As soon as I heard the noise, the glasses guy and the other boy felt wrong. When they turned around, they met Chen Ge.

The sense of despair and powerlessness can only be felt when you are there, and the two almost started crying and continued to run forward.

The young boys had the keys, and they were forced to flee to new scenes one after another.

Under the leadership of the two, Chen Ge has experienced several scenes such as the midnight operating room, ward zero, burial, and death library.

Until entering a scene called the old house, Chen Ge did not continue to press the two tourists who were about to collapse, but carefully looked at the scene.

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