I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1009: New employee reservation

The apartment building where Wu Jinpeng lived was very broken, at least 30 years ago.

The family of three was crowded in a 20-square-meter hut, the toilet was next to the kitchen, and the middle of the room was separated by a curtain.

"It's a little crowded, don't mind. I was going to change a big house next month." Wu Jinpeng just opened the door, and a big yellow dog ran over with a tail, which was very kind to Wu Jinpeng and Wu Sheng Intimate, but saw Chen Ge twitched his teeth.

"Don't mind, Rhubarb is a stray dog, driven by many people, so it is not so enthusiastic about strangers, but after mixing, you will find that Rhubarb is a very docile dog." Wu Jinpeng scratched the hair on the head of Rhubarb. , Invited Chen Ge into the house.

There are no floor tiles on the concrete floor, and many things are piled up, but the tidy up is organized. Although it is crowded, it does not give people a messy feeling.

"Xiaokun, here you are, go and pour two cups of tea!" Wu Jinpeng shouted into the room. After a while, the curtain was pulled away, and a young man who looked silly and stupid carried an electric fan from the cloth. Walk out behind the curtain.


"Got it, you first pour tea for the guests, I'll fix the fan." Wu Jinpeng wanted to take the fan from the young man's arms, but the young man hid aside, holding the broken fan.


"Stinky boy, I will buy you a new fan when the salary is paid." Wu Jinpeng was a little embarrassed when he looked at Chen Ge: "This younger brother, I had an accident when I was a kid, and my head was hurt. You look at him very stubbornly. Very clever, my elementary school student had a very good grade in the elementary school, so he never fell out of the top ten of the grade. "

The son can't speak, his personality is lonely, his brother's head has been hurt, and he is stupid, and his life is difficult for Wu Jinpeng, but Wu Jinpeng is still proud of his family.

Chen Ge appreciates people like this: "Peng Ge, I ordered some wine on the way. We will have a chat while eating. I have a lot of questions to ask you."

"Look at you, you must come to my house to invite you!"

"I'm here to trouble you, I must ask you for this meal."

Takeaway was delivered quickly. In addition to meals, Chen Ge also ordered a few bottles of wine.

The family sat on the cushion in the middle of the house. Although they were simple, they were extremely warm.

The brothers of Wu Sheng and Wu Jinpeng seem to have n’t eaten so many dishes in a long time, and the two gobbled.

Watching them eat so happy, Wu Jinpeng's eyes softened a lot. He picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip.

"Brother Peng, is the picture on the cupboard a photo of your family?" Chen Ge pointed to the photo frame on the closet. There was a group photo of three people. Wu Jinpeng was standing in the center when he was young, his brother on the left, and his right. Is a pregnant woman.

"Well, that woman is Wu Sheng's mother. After giving birth to Wu Sheng, she left, but she is really a good woman, blaming me for not being able to keep her." Wu Jinpeng smiled and drank another glass of wine: "Brother, you have spent a lot of money today. If you want to ask anything, just ask, brother, I know everything, what is this idiom for?"

"Brother Peng, you are so brave, then I will not hide it." Chen Ge and Wu Jinpeng touched another glass, and he lowered his voice: "Actually, the child of my relative's family is not the same as the average child, he has some comparisons. Special symptoms, I have held these words in my heart for a long time, and I don't know what to say. "

"You say slowly, let's not worry."

"You might not believe it." Chen Ge leaned over to Wu Jinpeng: "Once I slept late, I accidentally saw a door standing beside the child's bed."

When saying this sentence, Chen Ge's eyes have been fixed on Wu Jinpeng.

He clearly saw that after Wu Jinpeng listened to him, the whole person was stunned.

"I was terrified at that time, how could there be a door in the house without any reason?" Chen Ge frowned, seeming to be still afraid of thinking now: "I want to go, but I won't wake up when I'm near the child The door disappeared when he woke up. At first I thought it was my hallucination, but the door appeared again the next night! "

"Have you ever entered that door?" Wu Jinpeng's subconscious inquiry made Chen Ge reassure that the other party absolutely knew the existence of the door.

Normally, when people hear such a weird thing, they will first question the authenticity. Even if you do n’t question, the question you ask should be related to the door. You will not directly ask if you have entered that door.

Wu Jinpeng asked so, indicating that he not only knew the existence of the door, but even possibly entered the door.

The two men held glasses for a while and stared at each other for a while. Chen Ge took a sip of wine to surprise himself, then shook his head: "I haven't been in."

"That's good." Wu Jinpeng was relieved. He picked up the glass, but before he could touch the wine with his lips, he heard Chen Ge's voice.

"How about you?"

The arm holding the wine glass stiffened in the air. After a while, Wu Jinpeng reacted. He got up and closed the door and window.

"Boy, come here and say." Wu Jinpeng beckoned to Chen Ge. They opened the curtain and came to the other side of the room, where a single bed was placed, and there was a mat on the floor: "Normally Wu Sheng sleeps on the bed , My brother Wu Kun and I slept in the living room with a curtain in the middle. "

"Probably since the last few days, Wu Sheng always turned over at night, it seems that he couldn't sleep well at all. I didn't care about it at first, but once at 12 o'clock in the evening, Wu Sheng started to turn over again, and I just I glanced over there and found a black shadow behind the curtain! "

Wu Jinpeng waved his hands, and his emotions were very excited: "It's the same as that performed on TV ~ www.readwn.com ~ I walked quietly, and after opening the curtain, Wu Sheng looked at me with open eyes."

"I squatted for several days in a row, and finally saw the true face of the dark shadow of Lushan. As you said, it is a door, a door standing in the dark."

"As long as the light is turned on, or Wu Sheng wakes up, the door will disappear."

"Whoever has such a door at home will definitely be scared. I was prepared the day before yesterday and wanted to enter the door, but I ca n’t open the door, which is very annoying!"

Wu Jinpeng sat on the bed: "I didn't dare to tell anyone about this, I'm afraid they think I'm not normal."

"You can't push it alone, or will we two try it together tonight?" Chen Ge's frowned eyebrows slowly spread out: "This happens to my family too. How about the two of us helping each other and holding a group to keep warm?"

"It may be possible, but I'm afraid that you will be affected by danger."

"It's okay, we two take care of each other, it's better than facing danger alone."

"Brother, you're such a great person, you don't know what to say."

"It should be." The door is very dangerous. Chen Ge promised to be with Wu Jinpeng, but at the moment of entering the door, he would stop Wu Jinpeng and go in alone.

"Let's eat and drink, let's do it at night."

Solved one thing very smoothly. Chen Ge now appreciates Wu Jinpeng more and more. He is even considering that if the other party really has difficulties, he can come to work in his haunted house in the future.

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