I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1041: What's in your bag

As long as Yu Jian can be found, all the puzzles behind this door can be solved. What's more important is that Yu Jian has taken the initiative to accept the fetus. He and the fetus share a body for a long time. There are many people.

At the moment when he entered the school, Chen Ge began to use the Yin pupil. He remembered all the students' faces in his mind and never let anyone go.

The school bell rang, and Chen Ge reluctantly entered the classroom.

"I heard you didn't go home that day? Yeah? Run away from home?" The round-faced fat man Du Ming handed over a note. Chen Ge just glanced at it and rolled the note into a ball. He grew so big I haven't got the habit of passing notes to classmates.

The little fat man stretched his fist towards Chen Ge, but Chen Ge ignored him directly and looked down at the timetable posted on the table.

"The third lesson is English. Do I have to stay in the classroom for the first two lessons? This is a waste of time."

Chen Ge first listed a plan of action for himself. After repeatedly thinking about all the details and loopholes to ensure that there would be no mistakes, he glanced at the clock on the wall.

"How come ten minutes have passed?"

The world behind the door is woven based on memory. Chen Ge seriously doubts that such a situation occurs because he was always not good at listening to the class before, and he always looks forward to the class, so he often feels like living like a year.

Karma, now this feeling becomes reality in the world behind the door.

"Does the time pass quickly as long as there is only one lesson?"

Lifting his backpack, Chen Ge was thinking about whether he would anger the teacher by going out directly.

"There is no need to be in a stalemate with the school. I will find a reason to ask for leave next time."

In the math class, Chen Ge placed an English textbook on the table. He had already prepared for the third class in advance.

"Hey." Du Ming came to the game again with a note: "What club are you going to report? We have no friends. We just reported to the same club, and we usually have a companion in our activities, so we won't be completely isolated."


"I saw some seniors sending advertisements when school was over yesterday, and some clubs ran to each class to promote people."

Chen Ge They went to private high schools, and some systems were not the same as public high schools.

"Can the propaganda club go to every class?" The little fat man didn't realize that what he said casually gave Chen Ge an idea: "I can go to every class and check it out under the banner of club propaganda."

"How about Go? You can sit in a daze without exercise. Isn't it perfect?" Du Ming and Chen Ge are not on the same channel at all, and the two chatted like this.

Finally, Chen Ge rushed out of the classroom with a backpack.

"Time can't be wasted after class. Like people who don't have many friends, they shouldn't run around. They might stay in the classroom."

Running through the first and second floors, when he was about to go to the third floor, the school bell rang.

Chen Ge did not care, and continued to look for the figure of Yu Jian.

The students were no longer visible in the hallway. Chen Ge, like the instructor, carried the bag and used the yin pupil to "float" from the windows of various classes.

"Stop! Which class are you from?"

When Chen Ge walked to the fourth floor, he was stopped by a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man seems to be Guan Fengji's teacher, who had appeared with Zhang Ya before.

"I use the toilet."

"Going to the toilet with a schoolbag? Are you absent from school again?" The middle-aged man put a face on his face: "Wait, what is in your schoolbag? How come there is a horn? You open it and let me see!"

It ’s okay to be late for Chen Ge, but it ’s really unclear if the backpack is opened.

Women's high-heeled shoes are okay to say that although blood on them is expensive and **** at a glance, normal people should still be able to accept it.

How to explain the broken skull hammer? Self-defense? hobby? There are problems with it.

"What do you froze? Open to show me!" The middle-aged man felt that Chen Ge had a ghost in his heart and wanted to **** Chen Ge's backpack. Chen Ge stared at the middle-aged man's sparse forehead, considering whether to give him A hammer.

Fighting with a variety of fierce gangsters many times, Chen Ge himself has some unique insights into techniques such as hiding corpses and throwing corpses.

"With this hammer going down, the campus youth inspirational drama will become a thriller suspense banned film."

Although it is the world behind the door, Chen Ge still has his own rules. He didn't do it, but ran away with his legs.

Chen Ge, who chased the red clothes behind the door, was chased everywhere by an old man named Xie Ding.

"Can't do it, Yu Jian and Ming Fei may be looking forward to me. They want to drag me into the abyss step by step."

The more I think about it, the more likely it is that Chen Ge runs very fast, and the middle-aged teacher is also very healthy.

As I looked at the road, there was a familiar voice in the corridor.

"Chen Ge? Director Shi?" Zhang Ya in a suit and skirt stood at the door of the office, her eyes filled with surprise: "What are you doing?"

"Teacher Zhang! Hurry! Stop him for me! It's so ridiculous!" The middle-aged man gasped for breath. He clutched his waist and didn't feel much when he ran. After stopping, his lungs hurt.

"He wants to see my bag." Chen Ge took the advantage of hiding behind Zhang Ya: "I was just going to the toilet, he had to stop me."

The middle-aged man also heard Chen Ge's voice: "Come to school to learn! Is there something in your bag that has nothing to do with learning? Give it to me!"

No one on both sides made any concession ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhang Ya stood in the middle, too, showing her face: "You don't want to quarrel first, Director Shi, you are quiet, although Chen Ge is naughty, it is definitely not a bad boy."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Chen Ge: "Go back to the classroom first and take a good class."

Zhang Ya is obviously helping Chen Ge. Director Shi looked a little angry: "Don't go first! What is in your bag? Why do I run so fast when I say I want to see it!"

Nor can it be said that Director Shi is wrong. He is just more stern, and he may want to be responsible to other students.

The atmosphere was solemn, and Zhang Ya didn't know what to say. She whispered to Chen Ge: "You secretly told the teacher, do you have anything bad in your bag?"

"Teacher Zhang! Don't talk nonsense with him! According to my years of teaching experience, this kid's bag definitely contains smoke. You can search for it and you will be able to find it!" Director Shi was very annoyed and his thin hair stood upright. .

"I don't have a cigarette! I don't smoke!" Chen Ge's voice felt aggrieved.

"Then why don't you let us see?" Director Shi came to this side, and Zhang Ya also looked at Chen Ge.

"Okay, I'll let you see, let you see!" Chen Ge said after she unzipped the backpack and pulled out the pair of red high-heeled shoes in her arms: "When my mother left me, this was left to me The last thought, I just want to take her by my side! "

With his head down, Chen Ge held the shoes tightly, and his voice was trembling: "I know it's weird to put such a pair of shoes in my schoolbag, and I'm afraid of being treated as a monster, but I just want to be with her all the time. Is it wrong! "

With tears sliding down her cheeks, Chen Ge tucked her red high-heeled shoes into her backpack, turned her head around, and walked away.

Both Zhang Ya and Director Shi stand on the same spot, and their expressions are complicated, and no one catches up.

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