I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1047: The distance between life and death (4,600)

"Are you all right?" Chen Ge helped Du Ming to open the lid of the water bottle: "Do you want to drink some water?"

Du Ming lay on the table, buried his face in the textbook, and covered his stomach with his hands.

"I didn't mean it, I didn't expect it to be like this."

"What the **** did you do?" Chen Ge was not angry. He looked at Du Ming with more sympathy.

Du Ming didn't speak anymore, but just shook his head slightly. His mental state was very poor, and he seemed to reach the limit like Chen Ge.


After the fourth class, Chen Ge came to the roof of the teaching building when no one was there, and Zhang Ya was standing beside the railing.

He silently walked to Zhang Ya's side, the two looked at the whole Liwan Town together.

The teaching building is considered a relatively tall building in the town. This moment reminds Chen Ge of Liwan Town behind Xiaobumen.

At that time, Zhang Ya agreed to his request, and has been inseparable since then.

The cold wind fell on the face with raindrops on the face. Zhang Ya put her hair ruffled by the wind behind her ears. She suddenly said, "The teacher may be away in a while."

"Is it because of me?" Chen Ge had already guessed the ending. He practiced this scene in his mind countless times in the morning, but when Zhang Ya really said it, he couldn't say anything good.

"It has nothing to do with you." Zhang Ya shook his head: "The reason lies with me. I always thought I had walked out of the past and could start a new life with a smile, but this is just to deceive myself. Busy, hard work, all Everything is an excuse to escape. In fact, after so many years, I still feel trapped in that dark dance room. "

Standing beside Zhang Ya, Chen Ge grasped the fence tightly. He could understand Zhang Ya because he was the only person in the world who knew Zhang Ya's past.

No matter the reality or the world behind the door, Zhang Ya only told him the secret.

"The ones who made mistakes are those who made rumors. Give me some time. I will check everything and let everyone know the truth." Chen Ge always wanted to do this, even in the world behind the door, even if everything is his own Memory, he still wanted to help Zhang Ya and give the nightmare a new ending.

"What is the truth is not important, what matters is you. I'm afraid that what happened to me once happened to you again." Zhang Ya cared about Chen Ge very much, and when the whole town was rumored by various rumors, Chen Song still stands with her, trusting her unconditionally, this feeling has never been.

Even if there is a big difference in age, but one thing is undeniable, she does feel something different in this man.

"I can leave, I can escape, and you can't." Zhang Ya stood in front of Chen Ge, her face was very close to Chen Ge: "Your father is still in hospital, you still have a younger sister to take care of, these Responsibility will rest on you, and you must not be affected by my affairs. "

"I probably already know who the rumors are, we can ..."

"Chen Ge." Zhang Ya raised his arm and stretched his slender fingers towards the cloudy sky: "Leaving does not mean that he will never meet again."

Zhang Ya seems to have made up his mind to stay strong and still be talked about in the back.

Actually, Chen Ge also knew that Zhang Ya could not make this decision very easily. She must have been thinking for a long time.

The wringing of the hand holding the railing showed a bleeding line under Chen Ge's eyes, and he took a deep breath: "Sometimes, I feel that the world is bad, it will always hold those gentle people to bully. "

"The world is good or bad, but if there are more gentle people, the world will become gentle." Zhang Ya reached out and helped Chen Ge sort out the wind-blown hair, her cold fingertips stayed on Chen Ge's face: "You have to be a gentle person in the future, go back, you have to cook for your family, don't spend too much time with me."

Withdrew his arm, Zhang Ya silently looked at the campus that he was just familiar with, not knowing what he was thinking.

Stood beside Zhang Ya, Chen Ge looked at Zhang Ya's back, raised his hands, and then put it down again.

He left the rooftop and went to the hospital. After delivering his meal to his father, he sold another meal on the roadside and prepared to bring it to Luo Ruoyu.

Back to the community where he lives, Chen Ge stopped at the door of his house. As long as he heard his footsteps, Luo Ruoyu would come over and open the door, but today Luo Ruoyu did not appear.

"Nothing will happen?"

Chen Ge shouted Luo Ruoyu's name loudly, he faintly heard the cry from the house.

"What if rain?"

Opened the door of the house, Chen Ge smelled a pungent smell of gas, he ignored the rules, and rushed into the house directly.

The floor of the kitchen is full of water stains, and you can still see the debris of the thermos pot.

He hurried into the kitchen and saw Luo Ruoyu curled up in the corner of the kitchen, covering his ears with both hands, and in front of him was a broken thermos.

Her clothes were wet, her neck, arms and fingers were all burned, and tears hung on her face.

"Who made you fire!" Chen Ge will kick away the broken thermos, he has never been so angry like now.

Hearing Chen Ge's yelling, Luo Ruoyu was crying even more. Her red arms were lying in front of her face, and her tears could not stop flowing down.

Turn off the gas, Chen Ge didn't think much, picked up Luo Ruoyu and ran out.

Walked out of the room and the new day started, but Chen Ge didn't care about it at all. He took Luo Ruoyu and took a taxi to the hospital.

The burn area is not large, mainly concentrated on the arm. The doctor applied ointment to Luo Ruoyu, but the little girl was still in shock and seemed to be terrified.

"It's not a big deal, but your family must pay attention. Children with intellectual disabilities should not stay alone at home, it's too dangerous." The doctor left, leaving Chen Ge and Luo Ruoyu in the ward.

The ointment was applied to the wound, it was very painful at first, and it gradually produced a feeling of coldness.

Luo Ruoyu put her arms on both sides of the body, she dared not go to see Chen Ge, lowered her head, and cried very little.

Standed in the ward for a while, Chen Ge put down his backpack, sat by the bed, and gently hugged Luo Ruoyu: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have noisy you."

The girl in her arms was shaking. She seemed to have been aggrieved, and she cried loudly on Chen Ge's shoulder.

"I know you want to help, you don't want to drag down others, and you know you are working very hard, I understand." Chen Ge slowly hugged Luo Ruoyu: "We are each other's most important family."

In the world behind the door, Luo Ruoyu represents his family, but also those haunted house employees who had nowhere to go, and those who had been hiding in the depths of despair and were "picked up" by Chen Ge.

No matter what happens, Chen Ge will be at the forefront, training to overcome physical defects, late night companionship, and never stingy encouragement.

Chen Ge didn't ask for anything in return. He did it just because he regarded them as a family member.

Luo Ruoyu fell asleep after crying, but even when she fell asleep, her hand still grasped Chen Geyi's corner.

Covering Luo Ruoyu's quilt on the hospital bed, Chen Ge quietly left the ward. There were more and more bloodshot eyes, and there was some change in the comic book in his backpack.

"The disaster is pressing step by step, and the dream weaved with my memory, let me end now."

Because I returned home in the middle, this is already a new day.

When Chen Ge came to school, half of the first class was done.

He returned to his seat and found that Du Ming, who was never late, did not come to class today.

When the first quarter was about to end, the teacher ran over and asked Chen Ge specifically, do you know why Du Ming did n’t come?

As an excellent student, Du Ming would miss classes, which Chen Ge did not expect.

After the second class in the morning, just over ten minutes later, a woman's slightly harsh voice came from the corridor: "What do you want to do if you don't want to go to school? What else can you do? Give me back immediately!"

The woman seems to be scolding someone, but she can't hear the voice of the man she was scolding. This is only a unilateral blame.

The voice slowly approached the classroom, and then the front door of the classroom was opened. A woman appeared at the door. She was angry, and her expression was a bit scary: "Can't you come?"

She dragged behind her fiercely, and Du Ming was pulled into the classroom by her.

This little fat man was very haggard. He lowered his head and dared not see anyone.

"Hurry in!" After the woman said this, she owed to the teacher who was in class, and her voice became a lot softer: "This child has fallen asleep and is afraid of being punished.

"It's okay, Du Ming, come back to your place." The teacher in class seemed a little afraid of the woman.

"That's the trouble teacher." The woman's face changed and changed, showing a fake smile, and then hurriedly left.

After she left, the students in the class began to talk.

"That's Du Ming's mother? So harsh, no wonder Du Ming studied so well."

"I thought his mother would be as fat as him."

"It looks a bit familiar, right! Isn't she the parent who ran into the teacher's office last time?"

"I remembered it too. It was so powerful that Director Shi was afraid to speak."

"It's terrifying to think about being disciplined by such a mother. Du Ming doesn't like talking. His bad personality may be related to his family."

The voice of the argument came into Du Ming's ears. He buried his head lower and dared not look at anyone. He seemed afraid of seeing everyone staring at himself when he looked up.

"Don't worry, this group of guys will talk behind your back. If you really stand in front of them, they wouldn't even dare to put one." Unlike other students who whispered, Chen Ge was very loud, including the teacher I heard it all.

Maybe this sentence worked, or maybe everyone did n’t expect Chen Ge to say such a thing. In short, the classroom became quiet.

Started normal classes again, Chen Ge didn't ask Du Ming why he was late today. After he spoke to Du Ming, he stopped paying attention to Du Ming. Instead, Du Ming looked at Chen Ge intentionally or unintentionally, and seemed to want to say something to Chen Ge, but he did not have the courage to speak.

The bell sounded after class. The third lesson was an English class. Du Ming took out the English textbook as usual, but Chen Ge was just dazed by the wall.

Chen Ge, who is most active in English classes, is uncharacteristic today, and Du Ming had a bad hunch in his heart.

The school bell rang, but no teacher came after five minutes.

Chen Ge seems to have known all this, turning his head to look out the window.

"Chen Ge ..." After a few days, Du Ming finally talked to Chen Ge again: "Is Teacher Zhang something wrong today? Usually she always comes in advance."

"Zhang Ya was dismissed by the school." Chen Ge took his gaze out of the window and glanced back at Du Ming: "She will not come to teach us again."

"Dismiss?" Du Ming stood up at once. Everyone in the classroom was studying on his own. It was very quiet. Everyone heard Du Ming's voice.

"Obviously it was my fault, but she kept apologizing all the time, and she was not forgiven in the end." Chen Ge stared at Du Ming's eyes: "I complained to her why the world always bullied those gentle People, she told me that there is no good or bad in the world. As long as there are more gentle people, the world will become gentle and will treat more gentle people. "

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Did you already know the result?" Du Ming's eyes swelled and his face turned red.

"I knew it yesterday." Chen Ge paused: "Is it helpful to tell you?"

"She just left, and you still sit here? Don't you like her? Shouldn't you stand up and do something for her?" Du Ming was excited, he grabbed Chen Ge's collar: "You Why not stop her? You ... "


Don't finish his words, his left face was hit heavily by Chen Ge's fist. Before he could react, Chen Ge was kicked again on the stomach, and the whole person fell to the ground.

"Who is the squad leader? Come out and organize everyone to study on their own." Chen Ge dragged Du Ming's collar out of the classroom with a handbag.

"Do you know who that teacher is? Do you know what that person represents to me? Do you know what she has experienced?" Chen Ge punched Du Ming with a punch: "You have everything do not know."

Pushed open the iron door on the top of the building, Chen Ge shook his hand and put Du Ming down on the ground.

"She trapped herself in that blood-red desperate world. She hasn't seen the light in a long time. She may have forgotten even her true self."

"Because of this, I want to leave her with a beautiful memory. Even if I know it is a dream, I still work hard to make it more beautiful."

Chen Ge grabbed Du Ming's shoulder and slammed him against the wall: "But you don't even give me a chance to weave a dream."

"I can't understand what you're talking about, but I know that you care about her, but haven't done anything for her! You don't love her at all! You are just lying to her and let her suffer all the pain! "Du Ming was terrible, and he waved his hands and hit Chen Ge.

"Is this love in your mind?" Chen Ge didn't fight back: "You know, love needs qualifications. A 17-year-old student, even if you look forward to it and want to be close, you must understand it. One thing, your admiration is likely to become her trouble. "

"Love can make people shine, and it can also make people fall into the abyss."

"If I were really you, I would keep the right distance until one day when I could take responsibility and be responsible for myself and her, then go to her."

Du Ming's emotions are getting more and more excited ~ www.readwn.com ~ He has completely lost control, it seems that the deepest secret in his heart has been discovered: "You are not me, you don't understand."

He struggled desperately, Chen Ge gave a heavy hand this time and kicked him to the ground.


When Du Ming fell, his mobile phone fell out and the screen shattered, and the screen background of the mobile phone could be seen through the cracked screen. Zhang Ya was seen.

This photo seems to have been taken secretly. Zhang Ya has a slight smile on his face and is talking to someone.

"Do you like her too?" Chen Ge looked at the cracked phone screen and took out the broken skull hammer from the backpack.

"Don't use the word 'Ye', you don't deserve it at all. When she was accused by everyone, where were you? When she was tortured by rumors, what did you do for her?" Du Ming wiped the blood from his face. , Climbing from the ground: "You didn't do anything. You even retreated timidly because you were a student and she was a teacher, and you didn't even have the courage to speak for her!"

Duming hysterical roaring, he seemed to scold not Chen Ge, but his own. .

"Perhaps it seems to you that the distance between teachers and students is far enough to make you desperate, but have you ever considered? There is still a distance in this world called life and death." Chen Ge saw Du Ming's mobile phone All the questions are to be understood: "You like your teacher, you can do everything you can, and spend three or five years, wait until you can take that step, and then come back to find her. But the distance between life and death , It may take a lifetime to wait. "

Picked up the mobile phone on the ground, Chen Ge looked at Zhang Ya in the background: "Love, from the moment you meet, death will not end, only when one party chooses to leave is it ended."

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