I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1053: Me in the dark (four thousand)

It's dark, you can't see anything, the world behind this door seems to have no light.

Chen Ge stood on the spot and slowly crouched down. He grabbed his backpack and listened with ears.

Breathing sounds, heartbeats, and clock ticking.

"It seems to be in a room."

Ying Tong is blind. His world is shrouded in darkness. He can't see anything, but others in his world can see him. This is also the most dangerous place in this world.

Unzipped the backpack, Chen Ge felt the broken ballpoint pen, he put the pen into the jacket pocket, and then took out the comic book and placed it closely.

In this completely dark world behind the door, in the event of a fall or other accident, the backpack is likely to fall.

He couldn't put everything in his backpack, it was too dangerous.

"Broken skull hammer, high heels, and Zhang Ya's storybook are all in the bag. If the other party finds that there is nothing in the bag, they will definitely doubt."

I can't see anything, I don't know where I am, I don't know who the enemy is, and I don't even know how I look at this time. This is the most weird door among all the doors that Chen Ge has entered.

Tried to call the employee's name in the bottom of his heart. Chen Ge still didn't get any response after waiting for a long time.

"The world behind the door is more exaggerated than seeing the world, can I hold on until the employees wake up?"

Is used to the light, and Chen Ge is very uneasy after losing his vision. This is also a normal phenomenon.

Adjusted his breath, Chen Ge stood up again.

He has entered the world behind this door for almost ten minutes, and he stayed in place for ten minutes.

"My body is still the same, and my clothes and appearance feel the same."

Nose twitching, Chen Ge smelled a faint smell of disinfectant and blood, and a strange smell on the cat.

He touched behind him with the smell of disinfectant water, and the cold touch came from his fingertips: "The **** iron door is behind me. My top priority now is to determine my position and find a safe place to hide , Waiting for employees to break free. "

It is very difficult to find a safe place in this situation. After all, he cannot see anything.

"Black iron gates usually appear in the more important places in the memory of the pushers, and such places are often more dangerous. They are frequent places for fetuses and various negative memories."

Almost fifteen minutes after entering the world behind the door, Chen Ge finally took his first step.

Carried a backpack, Chen Ge held the wall with one hand, and waved the other hand in front of him.

After spending his initial restlessness, he slowly calmed down.

"Yin Tong didn't see through the darkness, but neither the ghost ears nor the spirit smell were affected. I can use my hearing and smell far beyond ordinary people to make judgments."

Can't see the enemy's position, or even don't know the appearance of the enemy, this is what Chen Ge is most worried about.


As soon as he stepped out of the second step, Chen Ge bumped into something, and his knee was sore. He grinned and refrained from making any sound, but crouched down again.

The first time he made a sound, it is likely to attract the attention of some ghosts. For safety reasons, he can only stop again.

There is no abnormal noise, and the smell of the air has not changed. It seems that he is alone in this room.

"Move as lightly as possible."

Chen Ge reached out and touched what he just encountered. It was a low bedside table: "This height is very similar to the cabinet in Ying Tong's room. I am in his room now?"

Opened the drawer, and Chen Ge felt a photo frame: "Ying Tong also held a photo frame while she was asleep in bed."

The next discovery made Chen Ge even more certain that he was in Ying Tong's room.

He successively found the radio in the house, touching the doll with extremely uncoordinated body, and a music box, these are the things he had seen in Ying Tong's room.

'S fingertips moved on the desk, and Chen Ge found something strange to the touch next to the music box.

"Keys? Seems like a blind mobile phone?" The keys on this mobile phone are particularly large, and the numbers on each key are raised upwards, which can be easily distinguished by touch alone.

"Would you like to bring this phone with you?"

This phone is probably something that should be used by Yingtong. Taking it away may have a way to contact Yingtong, and there may be a lot of prompts, but at the same time, taking this mobile phone also bears a lot of risk.

Because Chen Ge does not know when this phone will ring, in case he is avoiding any ghosts, the phone will definitely reveal his position if it suddenly rings.

"Can't take it, the clue is not important, the important thing is to live to the end."

This mobile phone Chen Ge doesn't want to take with him, the risk is too great.

Chen Ge put the photo frame and mobile phone back in place and continued to explore in the house.

Nightstand, wardrobe, bed ...

The placement of furniture in the room is exactly the same as the room of Ying Tong in Chen Ge's memory, but unfortunately Ying Tong is not in the bedroom.

"Where can a blind child go?"

Chen Ge tried to use his previous experience to infer: "In the world behind Ying Tong's door, there is his own home, which means that something very painful has happened in this old house."

"Ying Tong's brother is not normal, it is a deep hidden metamorphosis, this painful memory may come from the minister."

"Two of their brothers were once adopted by relatives. According to the minister, relatives are very bad to them, so relatives should also have a bad image in the world behind this door."

Chen Ge was thinking, and the blind cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

'S harsh voice broke into the brain and instantly broke the quietness of the cabin.

"Oops!" At that moment Chen Ge even wanted to take out the skull-crushing hammer and smashed the phone directly. He desperately wanted to leave, but felt that it was too dangerous to go out like this.

The phone rang seven or eight times, and finally stopped, Chen Ge was relieved.

"I can't see anything, and I don't know how to set the vibration mode for this blind mobile phone."

No further clues were found in Ying Tong's bedroom. Chen Ge took out the skull crusher and slowly opened the bedroom door.

The cold wind blew across his cheeks, Chen Ge shivered, and it was still dark outside the bedroom.

"I hope that the world behind this door is not too big, otherwise I might be lost here, and I ca n’t even find the way back."

Just just left a small square of a few square meters, Chen Ge spent almost half an hour, he now has no idea at all.

"Now in front of me should be Ying Tong's living room."

"Ying Hitomi is not in his bedroom. As an older brother, Yingchen should not be worried about letting Ying Tong run around alone. He has a great chance to be with Ying Tong."

For Chen Ge, the best result now is that Ying Tong and Ying Chen are not at home, allowing him plenty of time to find a place to hide.

The layout of the house of the courtier appeared in his mind. Chen Ge moved carefully against the wall. He walked slowly and his body kept adapting.

Darkness symbolizes the unknown and danger, and will amplify the fear in people's hearts. Chen Ge holds the broken skull hammer tightly and moves his body a little bit.

Finger touched a door handle again, Chen Ge twisted the handle, and the door was opened directly.

"The room next to Ying Tong was used by the courtiers to put cats. When I let Lao Zhou go in for a look, he still saw two dying stray cats inside."

The odor in the air was aggravated, and a faint smell ran across the tip of his nose. Chen Ge was about to walk into the room. He suddenly felt something rubbing his leg.

"Is it a cat? Or a human?" Chen Ge froze, and there were other "things" in this room. The probability is that the cat is, but the possibility of being "human" cannot be ruled out.

He was focused, he didn't hear any abnormal noise in his ear, and he seemed to be an empty room in front of him.

Continue to move forward, it seems that something has been stepped under the left foot of the shoe, Chen Ge squatted down, and touched a lot of blocky "hairs" with his fingertips.

"It's very soft, it's sticky with something, it's a little moist, like meat, meat wrapped in hair."

Pinched twice, Chen Ge's goose bumps rose up, if you can see what he is holding in his hand, that's okay, the problem is that he can't see anything, and his eyes are dark.

"Is this thing on the floor of the whole room?"

Chen Ge let go of his hand, he wanted to enter the house to take a look, but psychologically there was some resistance.

After losing sight, people will become fragile and worried, and the uneasy feeling will take root in the heart and gradually crawl all over the body like poisonous grass.

"Ying Hitomi and Yingchen may not be at home. This is a great opportunity not to be missed."

After a moment of hesitation, Chen Ge entered the room.

Feeling very uncomfortable under my feet, as if I was stepping on a muddy ground.

The **** smell and smell can be smelled in the air. Chen Ge was worried that he would stay for a long time. He would also be contaminated with this smell on his body, so he was ready to leave after the screening failed.

Walked to the door of the room, Chen Ge did not go out directly.

"If the floor of this room is full of blood and hair, my soles must be stained with blood at this time, and running around in my shoes will leave blood stains, is this not telling others where I went."

Chen Ge found a pair of shoe covers from his backpack. This was installed in the backpack when he went to Jiang Ming's house that night. In order not to leave fingerprints in Jiang Ming's house, he specially prepared gloves and shoe covers.

Walked to the door, Chen Ge put on the shoe cover and walked out the door.

Walking against the wall, Chen Ge touched the third door handle again. This is the room where the photographer filmed the video. He was not interested, but who knows that after opening the door, he even smelled the smell of air freshener and perfume .

"This room seems to be different from what I remember."

Reached out and touched, Chen Ge touched a mirror and touched a dressing table with lipstick and a music box-like thing on it.

"It seems to be a woman's room. Has the woman lived in the house of the minister? Is it the girlfriend of the minister? But I haven't heard Li Zheng say it?"

The memory has a deviation, and the unknown part begins to increase.

Came out of the woman's room, Chen Ge touched the fourth door handle, he pushed the door in.

The furniture layout in the house is almost the same as that of Chen Ge ’s memory in the room of the vassal. The guy is a very self-disciplined person, and everything in the house is neatly arranged.

"I have read it in several rooms, and there is nothing useful to find. It is mainly invisible. If you touch it by hand, you will definitely ignore some important things."

Such a weird door, Chen Ge also met for the first time, his previous experience did not give him much help.

"Forget it, let's go. If I meet the guy who is parasitized now, I will be killed by him." Chen Ge thought of the room next door full of hair and sticky lumps. Uncomfortable, he was about to leave, and his thigh was suddenly touched by something.


Was rubbed for the first time, Chen Ge suspected to be a cat, because the other party rubbed his calf, it was not easy for the cat to rub against the thigh, and it was more likely to be a person lying on the ground!

The room was too quiet, Chen Ge stood there for a while, and he showed no signs of lifting a broken skull hammer and smashing it behind him.

Crushed skull hammer didn't touch anything, only air behind him.

"Did it hit?"

Chen Ge didn't want to stay in this room. He was going to return the same way, but as soon as he turned around and stepped on something, he almost fell to the ground.

"Is there anything on the ground just now?"

Heartbeat began to speed up, Chen Ge reached out and touched what he stepped on.

When the fingertip touched the thing, Chen Ge's hand flinched back.

Is cold, with a little elasticity, and the surface is still a little wet. This feeling is like touching a teacher in the underground corpse.

Strongly endured discomfort, Chen Ge reached out again, he grabbed the thing and moved a little.

"This is an arm."

Fear is increasing, Chen Ge touched its five fingers, and also touched its shoulder, but did not touch its head.

This headless corpse is tied under the bed, close to the bed board, and one of its arms is bent inward ~ www.readwn.com ~ The other arm just seemed to be hit by something, so it just extended under the bed, just right Was accidentally stepped on by Chen Ge.

"There is a body hidden in his brother's room? Why is there such a scene in the world behind Ying Tong's door? Did he hear the process of the murder of the respondent?"

Chen Ge crawled out of the bed, and a terrible scene emerged in his mind.

The blind brother lived next door alone, and he could not see anything. One day he suddenly heard a strange sound and hurried out of the bedroom to ask. At this time, his brother was covered in blood, dragging his body, and standing beside him with a knife, Then he smiled and said nothing to him.

Just think about this picture, Chen Ge felt uncomfortable: "It's better to leave as soon as possible. When the waiter returns, I have no chance to run."

Exited the room, Chen Ge looked for the living room door in the dark.

He hadn't found the door yet, and the fixed phone in the living room suddenly rang.

"Who made the call?"

The ringtone of the phone made Chen Ge upset. He was worried that the ringtone would attract something bad.

"Do you want to answer?"

Different choices may produce different results. If you make a mistake, you may be killed directly. .

The phone rang twelve times and still did not hang up. Chen Ge took a deep breath and finally picked up the microphone. He held his breath and said nothing.

"Huh? It turns out that you have already returned home." There was a voice from the respondent in the microphone: "Is the football that you took away not littered? I told you many times, the cabinet on the left is filled with my stuff, The toy on the right is your toy. Why ca n’t you remember? "

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