I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 576: I need a ghost who can dive

During the period of obtaining the black mobile phone, Chen Ge also mastered many abilities not related to opening a haunted house, such as tracking and anti-reconnaissance.

He was holding a fishing rod, keeping a distance from the fishing man, and trailing behind him.

The fishing man was frightened and trot all the way, and Chen Ge was not found.

There are several low-rise houses not far from the reservoir, which look very dilapidated.

The sneaky male ghost sneaked up next to a private house, took out the key, saw no one on the left and right, and flashed in.

"Running very quickly." Chen Ge waited for the man to enter the room before passing. He lay on the door and looked inside. The house was much larger than he had imagined, and he had a courtyard inside.

"Knock on the door to go in the name of returning the fishing rod, or just turn in?" Chen Ge thought suddenly, there was a noise in the house.

His pupils slowly narrowed, and he continued to look inside along the door.

The fisherman knelt in front of his refrigerator, pressed his hands to the ground, and kept shouting in his mouth, seemingly asking for forgiveness.

"What stimulation did he get in the reservoir? Why did he cry at the refrigerator? Is the victim hidden in the refrigerator?"

What happened next indirectly proved Chen Ge's guess.

The fisherman kowtowed to the refrigerator, confessing, and his face was blurred by dust and tears.

It took about ten minutes for the fishing man to calm down. He wiped his face with his sleeve and found a shovel from the back room.

"What is he going to do?"

Chen Ge saw clearly outside the door. The fishing man couldn't take care of the rest and gasped out a big pit in the small courtyard.

"Digging? Hidden corpses?"

The incident was guessed by Chen Ge once again. The fisherman opened the refrigerator door and took out several large black bags from the inside.

His arms were trembling and he threw a few more heads at the black plastic bag before throwing them into the dirt pit.

"I don't fish anymore. I will burn paper money for you every year in the future, and I will burn you as much as I want."

With strange words in his mouth, the man picked up the shovel and prepared to fill the dug out.

Chen Ge felt that he could not wait any longer, but if he could, he would have to dig out the hole filled by the man himself.

"Anyone?" Chen Ge tapped on the door of the private room. He suddenly shouted so loudly that the fisherman fell directly into the pit he dug out, and the cold sweat on his face came out.

"I'm the one who fished with you just next to the reservoir. You forgot to take the fishing rod. The administrator asked me to send it to you." Chen Ge stared at the other person in the door: "Brother, you How is your body recovering? Do I need to help you fight 120? "

Hearing Chen Ge about to hit 120, the man could n’t sit still and stumbled up: “No need, just throw the fishing rod at the door, I ’ll wait to get it myself?”

"Brother, the sound of listening to you is not right! Is there something wrong with you?"

"It's okay! I'm okay! You put the fishing rod down and go!" The angling man sweated anxiously, and he shouted, pushing the soil beside him into the pit frantically.

"I can't go, you're in a very bad situation now! You open the door and let me see, if you are really okay, I will leave immediately." Chen Ge just stayed outside the door, and the fishing man's heart burst out. .

How could you meet such a person?

He hurriedly covered the black bag with dirt, and then panted open the door with a slit: "I'm fine, give me the fishing rod."

"But you look so bad."

"Give me the fishing rod! Give me!" The fishing man was almost driven crazy and yelled, perhaps too excited. When his body was shaking, the fish in his pocket drifted out.

The specially-made night light floated to the ground. Chen Ge had not tightened it before, and the little finger fell out.

The Angler responded faster than Chen Ge, blocking Chen Ge's sight directly with his body.

"what is that?"

"Did you see? Ham sausage, this is my exclusive bait." The fisherman reloaded the fish float, he suddenly calmed down, changed the grumpyness just now, and smiled at Chen Ge.

It's just that this reluctant smile, coupled with his pair of dead fish eyes, will make people feel uncomfortable.

"My fishing rod is also specially made and very expensive. Thank you for bringing it back to me, or sit in the house." The man adjusted his breath, and his tone sounded strange.

"Okay." Chen Ge was honest and honest, without any intention, he quietly pressed the switch of the repeater in the backpack and entered the private house.

The big pit in the yard has not been filled, and yellow mud is scattered everywhere.

"I'm going to get some vegetables like this, I just turned the ground over again." The man suddenly became enthusiastic: "Come into the house and sit down. I caught a few river fish in the morning. It will just let you taste mine craft."

Chen Ge walked in front unpreparedly. When he entered the house, the man behind him quietly locked the door and then raised the shovel in his hand.

The smile on his face disappeared. The fisherman's eyes were full of resentment and hatred. He stared at the back of Chen Ge, looking for opportunities to prepare to attack Chen Ge from behind.

But before he could find a chance, the man in front of him suddenly took off his backpack, and then without any warning, he hit the backpack on his face without any reason.

It was too sudden, which was completely different from his previous plan.

The bridge of his nose was hit by a package, and the man's vision was blocked. Before he could relax, there was a sharp pain in his stomach, as if he was kicked hard.

The body hit the door and the shovel fell to the side. When he didn't know what happened, the pain came from all over the body.

Someone was beating him, and the idea flashed in his head. He felt inexplicable, and even had some grievances.

"Stop it! Don't fight! My day!" The head was covered with both hands. The shovel hadn't known where it was thrown. He twisted on the ground, but the other party didn't seem to stop.

After being beaten for a few minutes, the pain in the body weakened until the other person felt tired.

The nose and face were swollen, and the fisherman was lying in the corner of the living room. He looked at Chen Ge with fear, "You are sick! Why hit me?"

"Because you want to kill me." Chen Ge picked up the shovel on the ground and sat on the sofa.

"Which eye do you see that I want to kill you ?!"

"I see from your eyes that you have this attempt." Chen Ge lazy talked to the Diaoyu man: "Here I will ask you a few questions and answer honestly."

"Are you coming with me just to ask a few questions?"

"First, what did you see in the reservoir just now?" Chen Ge came to the point and he didn't want to delay time.

The man hesitated and said, "There is no fish king in the water. I saw people."


"Well, there are limbs and hair." The fear in the man's eyes almost overflowed: "More than one, when I threw the bait into the water, there were many similar things floating underwater."

"There are a lot of them." Chen Ge nodded. "The second question, I already know what your bait is. Tell me why you chose to use it as bait. How do you know they like this kind of bait."

"I don't know what you are talking about." The Diaoyu still refused.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to answer this question. The police will be more detailed than I asked. The third question, have you ever been to Liwan Town, and have you ever taken the last bus on the 104th road?" Water ghosts are all kinds of ghosts. Chen Ge wants to determine whether the fishing man catches water ghosts for his own preference or for another purpose.

"Liwan Town?" The man's expression was dazed, not like a disguise. He should have nothing to do with the dark hands behind the eastern suburbs.

After asking a few more questions, Chen Ge directly called the police: "You can tell the police the rest."

Twenty minutes later, the Dongcheng police station that received the report rushed to the scene.

"You also go back with us."

"No need to be so troublesome, I suggest you learn more from the Xicheng Police Station, everything is simple, we still have many opportunities to meet in the future."

Simply recorded a transcript, from the police mouth, Chen Ge also knows the process of the fishing men commit crimes.

The corpse in his yard came from the Mingyang community. This person has a somewhat abnormal personality. On the way home some time ago, he clashed with a tramp.

Wounded and hurt the opponent, the tramp threatened to retaliate, so that he would not be able to settle down in the future.

After many conflicts, the Diaoyu followed the tramp to determine the other's residence, and then came to the abandoned Mingyang community to kill the other.

When he was thrown at night, the man found a shadow over one meter long in the reservoir, which was the first time he knew there was a "fish king" in Donggang Reservoir.

After leaving the fishing man's house, Chen Ge already knew what he wanted to know, and he took a taxi back to the New Century Paradise.

"The girl mission on the black phone is still not triggered, but it is certain that she is connected with the water ghost, and her sister is probably one of the" fish king "in the reservoir."

This two-star trial mission is more difficult than Chen Ge imagined. The water ghost is hidden in the reservoir. If one is careless, he may be dragged down, which is completely different from the land.

"I don't know if Xu Yin's strength in the water will be affected." Chen Ge came to the park's water project with his bag on his back and pressed the repeater switch.

A faint **** smell mixed in the night breeze, Xu Yin in red appeared beside Chen Ge.

"Have you not found your heart yet?" Chen Ge can always see a trace of melancholy on Xu Yin's face. Sometimes he doesn't understand what Xu Yin is after. What he can do is just hope that Xu Yin can be happy.

After driving Xu Yin into the pool and submerging his body in the water, Chen Ge found that the connection between him and Xu Yin weakened somewhat, and it seemed that the other party's perception was also affected to some extent.

"This is the case with just a pool. If you want to jump into the reservoir, I'm afraid it will be more troublesome. Xu Yin stays beside me and can't go around. I still need a ghost who can dive into the water."

Entering the haunted house, Chen Ge took out the comic book and thought about the ghosts he could use now.

Yan Danian, Stinky Boy, Bai Qiulin ... After the ghosts were eliminated, Chen Ge suddenly thought of a ghost with little sense of presence.

He rushed into the scene of the underground coffin village with his bag ~ www.readwn.com ~ and pushed open the door of an old house.

Two locust trees were slanted in the house, and a large water tank was placed beside one of them.

"There is also a ghost living in the water in my haunted house!" Chen Ge walked to the water tank and saw a ball floating on the water tank. When Chen Ge approached, the ball slowly sank into the water tank and the water surface There was only a string of bubbles on it.

This ghost was brought by Chen Ge from the living coffin village. It seems to be called the ghost of the tank. He has been hiding in the water tank. It usually brings many surprises to the tourists.

"The haunted house is not thin, and it is time for you to contribute to the haunted house today."

Chen Ge and Xu Yin stood on both sides of the water tank. They looked at the ghost shrunk at the bottom of the tank, holding their knees and constantly vomiting bubbles, shaking their heads gently.

"You have to face a fierce water ghost, so this is not enough." Chen Ge asked Xu Yin to remove the tank ghost from the water, and summoned other ghosts to let them give emergency training to the tank ghost.

"I don't want you to be able to compete with one hundred, but at least you have to run fast, and after exploring it, you can bring the news to me."

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