I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 938: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Viscous blood dripped from the roof, and the entire corridor was painted red.

The air is a little humid, and every time I breathe, I feel the whole lung seems to be soaked in blood.

Liu He stopped, and the intense color shock made him self-doubt once. When he wanted to turn around, a huge force hit his back.

Legs were soft, Liu Jian fell to the ground, he looked back behind him.

The macho and Ali ran out of the tunnel. Unexpectedly, Liu He would suddenly stop. They had no time to release their force, so they directly hit Liu He.

The three of them rolled into a ball and watched the ghost doll and the black dog enter the secret passage.

The terrifying face slowly approached, and pale arms followed, and when they came to Liu carrying him, scenes that made everyone unexpected appeared.

Those horrible ghosts did not move on. They stopped in the secret road, with fear and uneasiness, and closed the broken iron gate.

The chain was tangling, and the rusty iron door seemed to be locked.

"This ... we are also saved."

The three tourists are lying on the ground with complex expressions. They only dare to look at each other's faces, and even dare not move their eyes casually.

"Export?" Ali whispered, but this question is destined to have no answer.

"Maybe it's an exit, although it doesn't look like it, maybe the haunted house wants to give us an egg when he leaves?" The macho's voice was bitter, he slowly climbed from the ground, his heart pounding.

"You have some truth." Liu Jian also climbed up, his body trembling slightly, everything around him was too shocking for him.

This is a world of blood, the ground is covered with blood, the walls are covered with blood, and the ceiling is overhead with thick blood flowing.

"Crazy, it's crazy." Liu Jian stuttered a little. He thought that behind the door was hope, but in fact the scene he saw had nothing to do with the word hope. This kind of psychological difference almost made people collapse.

The three tourists came up with countless reasons to comfort themselves, but all the reasons appeared pale and powerless in the face of this blood-red reality.

"We ..." Liu Jian hadn't finished speaking, and footsteps suddenly heard in the distant corridor.

'S voice is very crisp, like high heels stepping on ceramic tiles.

"It is not convenient to wear high heels, will the staff come to pick us up and leave?"

"Don't care what it is, just hide it first." Ali pushed open the door of a classroom next to him. Before he entered, he took a breath.

The classroom was full of students, and all the students were still wearing weird school uniforms. That kind of school uniform made Ali feel very uncomfortable, but also familiar: "The boy I saw in a trance seems to be wearing this school uniform, he It seems to be called Lin Sisi? "

The wooden box was always held in his arms. Because he was too nervous, Ali forgot to put down the wooden box containing the oil painting.

The sound of footsteps was approaching, and the only place in the corridor where you could hide was the classrooms on both sides. But no matter which door was opened, it was full of students.

"Go ahead, these students seem to be dummies."

Seemed to answer Liu Jian. When he finished this sentence, the heads of all the students in the classroom turned a little bit, and all his eyes looked at him.


After only a few tenths of a second, there were students standing up in the classroom one after another. They did not seem to be accustomed to their new bodies. They left their seats very stiffly and rushed to Liu Jian!

"Run! Run! Go out!"

The body almost formed a conditioned reflex, Liu Jian and they pushed each other out of the classroom, and by this time the strange footsteps had come to them.

A pair of blood-red high-heeled shoes was placed in the center of the corridor, and it was about to merge with this blood-red promenade.

"How come the shoes come by yourself?"

Blood dripped from the top of the head, Liu Jian looked up, a woman with bandages, her upper body close to the ceiling, she seemed to be made of blood.

Screams came from Liu Jian's mouth, he didn't know that he could make such a sharp voice.

The body was dragged, and Ali and the fierce man dragged Liu Jian. The three of them ran towards the other side of the corridor. At this moment, a familiar scream came from the other side of the corridor.

"White don't regret it?"

'S only intellect reminded Ali of the name. He looked towards the corridor. There were two embarrassed figures at a bifurcation.

One of them is the unappreciative and somewhat clean-skinned white unrepentant. At this time, he lost a shoe, his coat was open, and his glasses were gone.

"not regret!"

Was far apart, Liu Jian shouted.

Although he complained that Bai did not regret before, but at this moment, he felt so kind after seeing Bai did not regret.

"Don't come!" Bai unscreamed loudly, he was barefoot and still running fast.

After a moment, Liu Jian saw another person with Bai Wuzhen, who was also a tourist. He had met him when he first entered the haunted house and had been wearing very thick clothes. He seemed to be sick, pale, and gasping continuously. .

"Don't come here! Run!" Bai did not regret desperately making gestures. When the two sides met at the fork, they only saw what was behind each other.

Behind Liu He is a pair of high-heeled shoes that move on his own, as well as weird women clinging to the roof and a large group of students with only one expression on their faces.

Bai Wuzhen and the tourist followed a deformed boy with a normal head but a stomach dozens of times larger than an adult. The child was holding a puppet with broken legs, covered in blood and smelling a pungent odor. !

There is no escape!

One side is horrible, the other side is even more terrifying!

"Enter the house!" Liu He screamed.

"No! Entering the house is death!" Bai Buzhen stopped and looked around. He finally gritted his teeth and said, "Run to my side!"

Liu carried a group behind him, and there was only one behind him. After weighing it, Bai did not regret to make the most correct choice.

"Rush together!"

All the negative emotions in my heart were released, and Bai did not regret that when the deformed boy chased over, he suddenly slammed into the tourists wearing thick clothes around him!

He personally pushed the strange tourist to the deformed monster!

"You!" When the tourist was about to fall, his arm was caught by the deformed monster.

"It's now! Run!"

The deformed monster held the puppet ’s leg in one hand and caught the strange tourist in the other, and he could n’t make it now.

Was reminded by Bai Wuzhen that several people had passed by the deformed boy, and at this time they suddenly heard a scream of heartbreak!

When they turned around, they saw a **** broken hand torn off by the deformed boy, and that hand traversed a track in the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ fell in front of several people.

Blood is still flowing, and the fingertip of the broken hand is still shaking!

"Ah!" Ali and the macho sat on the ground at once, they didn't expect such a thing to happen.

The screaming continued, and the deformed boy's body blocked the sight of Liu Jian and Bai Unrepented, and they could only see the bright red blood continuously flowing from the strange tourist.

It was a real life, and the tourist stood with them for a second.

All this is true! All fears become reality at this moment! It's like a nightmare waking up and discovering that the murderer is standing by the bed with a sharp knife!

Ali and the macho collapsed, and the two screamed uncontrollably.

Bai didn't regret sitting on the ground, he looked at the blood flowing from the tourists, the strength in his body was drained a little, the world in front of him began to rotate, as if the night came, everything turned black and red.

Eyes closed, he fell backwards, until the last moment of coma, he continued to repeat the word "impossible" in his mouth.

Among the few people, only Liu Jian was still crawling on the ground. He got into the classroom next door, but when he wanted to close the door, a **** broken hand was stuck at the door.

Then, more and more hands grabbed the door panel.

"Don't come! Don't come!"

Liu He looked up, and one face after another appeared on the glass window outside the classroom. They all stuck to the window and looked inside.

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