I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 949: The group building activities of the red clothes club

The sky was white with fish belly, and the horizon in the distance ushered in the first beam of sunlight.

"It's finally dawn."

Holding the white cat, Chen Ge entered the corridor again. There was no one in the empty corridor, and it looked very scary.

"I dare not imagine that I was able to walk up blindfolded last night."

With a few words of emotion, Chen Ge entered the corridor and left the Jiangyuan Community by elevator.

At the same time, he also received a message that the task of the black phone was completed.

"Lucky ghost ghost caregiver! Congratulations on completing your daily tasks at the nightmare level neighbor, and gaining a new talent ability-Spirit Sniff!"

"Yin Tong allows you to see the colors of dreams, ghost ears allows you to hear the sounds of memory, Ling sniffs allows you to smell the emotions, Xi Rong allows you to dress up withered souls, and live dolls allow you to make Yin The body of God, you are still the last ability, speed up to unlock the task, I hope you can know the answer before death. "

Completing the daily tasks of the nightmare level, the black phone has given Chen Ge an ability to see the name and smell.

Chen Ge touched his nose and didn't find any difference between them, but the ability to distinguish the smell was stronger.

"Do different emotions give off different smells?" Chen Ge smelled the white cat and was pushed away by the white cat. He didn't care, put away the black phone, and then took out his phone.

"Hello? Is it the Dongjiao Police Station? I want to call the police. There is a murder in the Jiangyuan District."

"Yes, it should be a female corpse. The place where the corpse is hidden may be the freezer. I suggest you check the tenants who have never lived but still consume a lot of electricity every month."

"How do I know? I want to say that the female corpse told me personally, you certainly don't believe it."


Taxi back to the New Century Paradise, Chen Ge did not sleep all night, but there was no sleepiness.

He looked at the time and began to prepare.

"My haunted house must be running normally, employees can't take away too much, and I need to leave a few old employees to maintain order."

Pushing open the door to the underground, Chen Ge carried a backpack into it: "In addition to Lao Bai in red clothes, other 'people' must be taken away, otherwise, if something goes wrong, the remaining ghosts can't deal with it . "

With the help of the mobile phone ghost, Chen Ge put the red high-heeled shoes and the repeater into the backpack, and then let the stench and headless female ghost enter Yan Danian's comic book.

"The headless female ghost has made great progress, but she is too honest, maybe Zhang Ya frightened her that time. This is not okay, and she will have to learn to be flexible in the future."

"The personality of the red clothing has great problems. It is precisely this opportunity that everyone will relax together. I hope that through this activity, they can help them to establish the correct team concept, so that I can also leave them in the haunted house in the future Now. "

When turning the comic book to check the candidates, Chen Ge's eyes lit up, and he saw a figure that was almost forgotten-Qiu Mei.

Before entering the psychic ghost school, Chen Ge accepted the task of a screening room for the dead. He met Chang Gu in that scene, and he also knew the existence of Li Guiqiumei while watching the movie.

This half-length red dress was considered a victim of Chang Wenyu's plan. After suffering the disaster, she was dug out of her left eye. What's more, she didn't know the truth until now.

"When Chang Gu wakes up, I will take Qiu Mei to talk to him."

Qiu Mei is only a half-length red dress, but her ability is very special. After she was attached to the movie shot by Chang Gu, she showed her strength comparable to that of red dress.

"Forget it, bring her together too. Her abilities in the virtual future park should be useful."

Chen Ge handed over the management power to Dr. Wei, and left the old town to ensure that there would be no problems before stepping out of the underground scene.

Put the backpack in the employee lounge, Chen Ge lay in bed for a while, and waited for the employees to come over and briefly explained them.

"I went to Virtual Future Park today to study and study. You stay here to take care of your house. If there is no accident, I should be able to come back at noon."

Applying makeup to all employees, Chen Ge just walked out of the haunted house, and he was stopped by Director Luo.

"Chen Ge! Don't rush past!"

"what happened?"

"I have received news here that the virtual future park is ready to make a dark trick. In addition, they are not a traditional haunted house in the traditional sense, but also incorporate a lot of new technologies, you must be careful." Luo Dong is still very worried: "Otherwise I ’m going to ask some people to go with you, and I ’m not at ease when you are alone. ”

"It's okay, I also made a lot of preparations, and now that the paradise is short of staff, I don't have to disturb everyone's arrangements because of me." Chen Ge shook his backpack: "I'm gone."

After dealing with everything, Chen Ge took a taxi to the virtual suburbs in the eastern suburbs, and he had just walked around Huancheng Road in the western suburbs to the eastern suburbs last night. He already had a familiar feeling.

The virtual future park is built in the most prosperous place in the eastern suburbs, next to two large rivers, and across the river is Xinhai City. Once the Hengjiang Bridge is built, the location of the virtual future park will become a golden location in the middle of the two cities.

"They would rather choose a place."

The location of the virtual future paradise is not as good as the new century paradise, but this situation may be reversed in the future.

The pupils narrowed, and Chen Ge's vision appeared the outline of a virtual future paradise, like a futuristic city with a very artistic sense.

Far away, he heard the sound waves from the paradise, and it can be seen that the virtual future paradise is very popular.

"Virtual Future Park is very powerful, it is really difficult to resist the pressure they bring."

Really arrived in the virtual future paradise, Chen Ge knows how powerful his opponent is: "No wonder they did not take New Century Paradise into their eyes."

The parking lot is full, there are people everywhere, and there are many tour groups taking tourists from outside to play here. The virtual future park has a set of its own system, and their customer base is not limited to Hanjiang and surrounding cities ~ www .readwn.com ~ came alone at the gate of the paradise, Chen Ge is not as public as Liu Jian, but sometimes people just want to be low-key and can't be low-key, he takes his ID card to buy tickets at the self-service ticket machine. Automatically, everyone is waiting in line.

But when he pressed the ID card on the machine, the normal machine suddenly turned on a red light, and then three paradise staff ran to him at the same time.

"machine malfunction?"

"What do you mean? Caught a fugitive?"

Chen Ge was also inexplicable. The three people came directly to surround Chen Ge, and one of them had a professional smirk on his face: "Mr. Chen Ge, you have made us wait so hard. The reincarnation theme scene has been prepared. Alright, you just follow us directly. "

"Okay." Chen Ge just didn't want to buy a ticket. After reading the ticket information, he realized that the fare of the virtual future park is almost 1.5 times that of the new century park.

From the staff channel into the virtual future park, unique theme venues appearing in front of them, they together form this virtual future city.

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