I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 953: The start is messy

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Ghosts swayed on the screen in the mini-projection hall, and the crying has been transferred from the screen to the outside of the screen, as if hidden in the crowd.

The faint lights began to flash, the seats were shaking, the ground seemed to start spinning, and a new girl's laughter appeared in the loudspeaker on the wall.

The cry of the woman, the horrible laugh of the little girl, and the staff hidden behind the seat, in the theoretically simplest scene, three "ghosts" were hidden.

"Leave it now." Chen Ge's eyes moved away from the movie poster, and he had already made himself a career plan for himself in his heart.

"No." The man who obtained the police profession once again rejected Chen Ge's proposal. He sweated on his forehead and could see that he was very scared now.

"The ghost is coming right away, do you want to stay and die?" Chen Ge was not kind. He just thought it would be more fun to take these people with the live broadcast. In addition, they can use them to explore the way and speed up the strategy.

"I, I came here once when the paradise first opened, and it was of medium difficulty." The man in a fashionable dress, regardless of other people's eyes and hints, said directly: "This projection hall is the first One level, the medium-difficulty screening room is just a place to introduce visitors to the notes and tell the background of the story. There are two startling points, one is a seat that can shake itself, and the other is a teacher who is hiding from us. '.'

"You continue to say." Chen Ge didn't look like the man's expression was lying, he also wanted to know what the man wanted to express.

"But we came in this time, not only did we have no background introduction and precautions, we didn't even have the most basic scene safety notifications, and we didn't have any tips. And the last time I came in, I didn't encounter the seven ghosts that suddenly emerged , And this cry and laughter. So I suggest that we stay here first, after we have figured it out completely, and then enter the next level. After all, the first scene is the simplest of all the scenes. "The man came in to visit, accurate He said that his role among several "tourists" should be "guides", who are familiar with the location and various arrangements of the startle points, but the situation they encountered now is completely different from the startle points he knew in advance.

"I'm not blaming him! Forty scenes are merged at once! The degree of danger is equivalent to forty times directly." A girl who looked at petite and pointed at Chen Ge said.

"I wanted to challenge myself. Is it you guys who are going to follow me?" Chen Ge didn't return. He had found his way out. Next to the screen of the projection hall were two black cloths. From the gap between the black cloths, Vaguely saw a door handle.

"Now is not the time to discuss this." The youngest boy walked between Chen Ge and other tourists: "Let's vote."

When talking with several tourists, the female white-collar worker with long black hair has quietly pulled out her mobile phone and seems to be contacting someone.

Forty scenes merged, the difficulty increased to an incredible level, and they were also afraid.

Several tourists chatted fiercely, Chen Ge simply ignored them and walked alone to the black cloth beside the screen.

"The haunted house actor who hides behind the seat wants to come over and will be blocked by the tourists first. Although the few tourists are useless, there is no problem as a human shield." Chen Ge completely ignored the projection of the dead body hanging in front of the screen , Opened the black cloth: "The door is here."

At the same time he grabbed the door handle, there was a sudden noise in the loudspeaker, the little girl's laughter became extremely sharp, and the whole scene seemed to be changing.

"Is there a second stage?" Chen Ge pressed the door handle hard. He just pulled the door open, and five pale fingers suddenly protruded from the door crack, grabbing his hand at once.

Feeling cold from the back of the hand, Chen Ge didn't wait for the owner of that hand to react, and grabbed the opponent's finger with his backhand.

"It should be a girl's hand, slender fingers ..." He didn't see much more, and the five fingers broke free from his palm, and the girl behind the door seemed to be taken aback.

Open the door completely. Outside the projection hall is a path that can only be passed by two people side by side. The two sides of the road are sealed by wooden boards, and human limbs are nailed on it, and blood is spilled.

"Not good!" The police knew something, he immediately shouted when he saw Chen Ge open the door: "Once the door to the next scene is opened, all the ghosts in this scene will riot! Leave here! The ghost is coming ! "

The seat vibrated more violently, the body of the projected corpse shaking in front of the screen, and as the crying and laughter grew louder, a girl holding a rag doll protruded her head from the corner, and the surrounding walls began to seep blood.


It seemed that something had been broken, and the haunted house actor who had been hiding behind the seat stood up slowly. He was wearing the same coat as the late teacher in the video, and his face was bloodless.

"My good kids ... you are back!"

He was talking like he was crazy and rushed hysterically to several tourists.

"Go away!"

Chen Ge walked out of the room for the first time. As soon as his front foot stepped out of the screening room, a kitchen knife that was bleeding was chopped towards his neck, as if he was about to cut off his head directly.

Five senses are far beyond ordinary people, Chen Ge stooped to escape at the first time.


Frowning his brows, he looked at Chen Ge again and found out that the knife he slashed was also a projection.

"It's very realistic."

Suddenly being slashed, anyone will be frightened, and Chen Ge also dodges subconsciously.


Chen Ge's response was calm, but the tourists behind were different. The "policeman" followed Chen Ge. When he saw the kitchen knife slashing towards himself, he almost fell.

"Police don't know if there is a kitchen knife here? No one told him this shocking point?" Forty scenes merged ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now even the staff of the haunted house can't figure out what will happen next.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! The watch reminds me that I'm perverted and murderous!" The horror was undecided. Before the police took a breath, they saw the red watch again.

This is the ability of the police. Although he can't perceive the ghosts and monsters, he can perceive perverts and murderers.

At the end of the narrow promenade there was a whistle and the sound of knives rubbing against the wall, something was approaching!

At this time, there were tourists who did not escape from the screening hall. Chen Ge recalled the encounter just now and offered to cut off.

The police took the lead and hurried forward with the tourists. Chen Ge waited until the last tourist came out, grabbed the door handle of the screening hall, and closed the door firmly.

He was about to leave, something very strange happened to him.

There was a scream in the projection hall, and the sound was from the "teacher" just now.

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