I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 955: Projected weakness

"Every time I woke up, it was 11:56 in the evening. When I was looking at the watch, the clock on the wall was exactly this time." Chen Ge looked at the wall again, and the time shown on the clock had become Eleven fifty-seven.

"The nightmare of constant reincarnation, which is consistent with the theme of the scene, the perfect way to clear customs should be to break the reincarnation." Chen Ge put the fruit tray on the coffee table aside and put the doll's body on the table: "This scene One change should be three minutes later, and you'd better go to find the remaining doll bodies. "

"Everyone is a team, can you speak a little more politely." One of the girls wanted to say something, but was stopped by the glasses guy.

Several people started to explore the house in groups of two and two. The hut was small, and there were only four rooms.

Centered on the living room they first entered, the bedroom on the left and the kitchen and bathroom on the right.

The tourists turned over the cabinet and looked for the body, while Chen Ge sat on the sofa and looked at the head.

"As long as you find a corpse on medium difficulty, you can clear the customs. Will the clearance conditions change in the difficulty of hell?" In various ways to kill, is he caught in a nightmare that he cannot wake up, or is it true that every time he dies?


A scream in the bedroom interrupted Chen Ge's thoughts. A moment later a female tourist ran out of the bedroom. The youngest boy followed her, carrying a bloodied axe in her left hand and three quilts in her right hand. Cut the thigh of the puppet: "I found it under the closet, and I also found this."

The boy threw a coat on the sofa: "There are also some puppet bodies stuffed in the pockets of the clothes. I suggest you all come to see it. I can't carry it alone."

Chen Ge first put all the bodies on the coffee table, and then entered the bedroom with the young boy.

The wardrobe door is open, all the clothes inside are stained with blood, and the low seat of the **** table lamp is thrown in the corner of the wardrobe.

"The axe was also found in the corner of the closet. It was a prop, and there was no attack." The young boy looked calm and was not scared.

"The body was put together with the murder weapon." Chen Ge seemed to understand what he was looking at.

In addition to the five fingers in the fruit tray of the coffee table, there is also a fruit knife, and there is also a table knife under the tray with the head of the refrigerator.

He took out all the clothes in the closet, rummaging through his pockets, and put the doll's stump inside on the table.

Other tourists looked at him. Although they knew that the dead bodies were fake, they still felt sick and uncomfortable.

The more they look at them, the more terrible Chen Ge is. This man not only does not have any fear, he even puts together the various positions of the corpse, and looks at him like he is focused on playing puzzles.

"Don't he open a haunted house? How do you understand these?"

"Maybe he was a student of forensic medical school in the past, which makes sense why those students go to visit his haunted house, should be a support for the seniors."

A relatively complete corpse gradually appeared on the coffee table. Chen Ge has two talents of living couple and mortal, and he knows the human body very well.

After rummaging through all the clothes, Chen Ge finally found what he wanted. He found a second note in the pocket of a coat-this is an inescapable nightmare! I must find a way to end it! I can't sit still any longer!

"Did you find anything?" The spectacled man just asked, and the clock on the wall suddenly rang, and arrived at midnight.

Along with the sound of cuckoo and cuckoo, the small door under the clock opened and a cuckoo appeared, with a black-red heart on its body.

"Be careful!" The youngest boy suddenly screamed. He looked at his watch and retreated into the crowd.

I don't know what the boy's occupation is, but from his reaction, it can be seen that his occupation seems to be able to predict the danger.

The crunching sound rang in the room, the sound of water flowing in the bathroom, the curtains in the living room were tilted, and besides the cry of the woman and the laugh of the little girl, a third kind of sound appeared as if In dreams, I can't hear what he's talking about, but I can tell if it's a man's voice.

"Something is coming."

The cabinet door in the bedroom made a harsh noise, and several tourists looked into the cabinet, and some clothes appeared in the closet that had been emptied by Chen Ge.

It was a blood-red coat, blood stains flowing down the clothes, and it was gently shaking in the dark cabinet.

The police and other tourists were all crowded in the middle of the living room, and the scene in front of them seemed to be absent from the script.

"Red clothing?" Chen Ge narrowed his eyes and his pupils shrank. He would now see an instinctive reaction when he saw the blood clothing.


The clothes rack in the closet fell to the ground, and the blood-red coat was still hanging in the cabinet strangely.

When everyone's attention was drawn to the red dress, the TV screen in the living room flashed and turned on.

The sudden light caused several people to look back, the TV screen kept flashing, and when the picture was switched, a black thing could be seen faintly.

The faint light above the head flashed a few times and then suddenly went out. Now they can only see the surroundings with the light from the TV screen.

"are you awake……"

"Who is speaking!"

A strange man's voice came from somewhere in the room, and several tourists all looked around.

"Bedroom! Look at the bedroom!"

The swaying red coat ran out of the closet by himself, and when everyone was attracted to the TV, the coat hung on the bedroom door.

"Don't be afraid, let's go and see together!" The policeman's voice was so tense that Chen Ge was wondering whether they were arranged by the haunted house.

He and the spectacled man approached the bedroom together. When the door was about to be approached, the half-open bedroom door was suddenly opened, and a scarred arm suddenly stretched out and dragged the red coat behind the door.

Before the police and the spectacles reacted, a hacked head protruded from behind the door. He grabbed a blood-stained axe and pointed it at the policeman's head.

The policeman was scared to the ground and shouted to dodge. The weird man rushed out of the bedroom and waved his axe at everyone in the living room. A hysterical voice was heard around him.

"Go to die! Go to die! Go to die!"

Everyone dodge around, but Chen Ge is still standing.

The waved axe passed through his body, and the weirdo rushed past him and got into the bathroom.

"They also have red clothes in their projections."

When Chen Ge saw the weirdo, he knew that the other party was just a projection. Although the blood stains on the weirdo were very realistic, the blood flowing down did not drip to the ground, and the door panel touched by the weirdo was very clean.

"The projection only appears when the light is clearly dimmed, which should be a technical limitation."

"It's too scary!" The policeman stood up with his chest covered: "We rushed to find the body and can't stay here!"

"Don't worry, I already know what happened in this room." Chen Ge picked up the head on the coffee table: "The clue is hidden on the projection just now. If you look closely, you will find that the projection The face is exactly like the face of this head. "

"What does this mean?" The police looked at Chen Ge holding the head, always feeling that the other party was very skilled in taking the head.

"The first note says that the owner of the house will be killed by people in various ways every night at twelve o'clock, pay attention to his wording here-killed, why is he sure that he is a person?" Chen Ge took out a second note: "The new note says that he is ready to resist. There is a murder weapon next to every corpse in the house ~ www.readwn.com ~ This should also be a reminder ... "

"We don't have time to listen to you, you just need to tell us what to do!" The wooden board above the door was again chopped by a kitchen knife, and the chef could come in at any time.

"The owner of the house will be killed every night, and the killer is his own. This is the cycle of his fall." Chen Ge thinks that the scene built by the virtual future park is also acceptable, but it may be because the time is too short Polished, so the details are not good enough.

"Then how do we escape? Kill the house owner again?" The glasses man was about to ask Chen Ge. A scream suddenly came from outside the door, as if it was from the chef.

"What is this ?! Open the door! Open the door! Let me in!"

The chef thumped the door suddenly with all his strength, and the door frame shook violently. Then the chef seemed to fall to the ground, and gradually there was no sound.

"What do you mean?"

Several tourists in the room looked at each other. The woman with long black hair secretly gestured to the police. The policeman shook his head gently and his face was a little ugly.

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